āDuring my time on a project Be socially (PRO)active I truly had a great time full of positive experiences and memories. At first, I admit, I was a little bit hesitant, since this is my first Bravo project and I did not know what to expect. As soon as I started to meet other people, firstly my Bosnian team fellows, I encountered the most exceptional young welcoming people

From October 14th to 19th, 2024, the world will once again unite to celebrate the Erasmus+ programme during the 8th edition of Erasmus Days. This international event invites students, teachers, trainers, professionals and citizens everywhere to engage in activities that promote the Erasmus+ programme, sharing its many benefits and showcasing its impact on education, youth and personal development.

“My time in the Erasmus+ program āMake every step countā in Italy was truly transformative. From savoring delicious Italian cuisine, like pizza, pasta, and cheese, to connecting with wonderful people from diverse countries. Every moment was truly enriching. I had the opportunity to learn bits of different languages and immerse myself in traditional cultural dances.”

Fresh news brought from BRAVO BiH through the BDC project:
Co-rapporteurs Brando Benifei (S&D, Italy) and DragoČ Tudorache (Renew, Romania) have the duty to answer questions from journalists on the topic of the outcome of negotiations on Artificial Intelligence Act. As a part of BDC project, BRAVO BiH gives you the freshest news on the topic of digital literacy usage of AI and other objectives project aspires to achieve.

Testimonials – Youth Exchange “Mind Craft” in BalantonszĆ”rszo, Hungary
We participated on the Mind craft project in Balatonszarszo, Hungary, from 21-29 November. We participated in various workshops with other participants from the Czech Republic, Georgia, Romania, Croatia and Italy. Through cooperation and conversations with other participants, we learned a lot about the countries and cultures from which they come, and we gained the desire to visit those countries one day.

Testimonials ā Training Course ”Through the Lens”Ā in EskiÅehir, Turkiye
āEskiÅehir was a real adventure that I did not expect. Like every Erasmus adventure, there were many lessons learnedāsome good, some badābut I loved every second of it. Thanks to BRAVO, I experienced high-level, non-formal educational training. This one was particularly specific because it changed the narrative and made me step out of my comfort zone of seriousness, allowing me to loosen up in the acting zone with the other participants.

BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Youth Exchange ”Dream After Covid” in Penagos, Cantabria, Spain
Traveling and visiting one of the most beautiful countries would have been just a dream for many people three years ago. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many challenges have arisen, and people are still facing its consequences to this day. Despite this, our participants have been able to experience a youth exchange in Penagos, Spain, which has been like a dream after COVID-19.

School of Entrepreneurship in the School of Entrepreneurship in Sarajevo
In a collaborative effort between BRAVO BiH and the Foundation of Entrepreneurs, the second School of Entrepreneurship unfolded at the High School of Business in Sarajevo on Friday December 1st, 2023. This event marked the convergence of 40 students from both the High School of Business and the High School of Economics in Sarajevo. The primary objective was to instill the entrepreneurial spirit within these young minds, offering valuable insights to foster their potential as future leaders.

Otvoren poziv za prijave za TAKMIÄENJE u “DRUÅ TVENIM IGRAMA”
BRAVO tim vas poziva na uzbudljivo takmiÄenje u druÅ”tvenim igrama koje Äe se održati u Sarajevu. Ovo je prilika da pokažete svoje veÅ”tine i osvojite glavnu nagradu od 1000 KM. Evo svih detalja koje trebate znati:

Testimonials ā Training Course ”Leadership Skills on the Spotlight” in BalatonszĆ”rszo, Hungary
āāThe training Course āLeadership skills on the spotlightā in BalatonszaĢrszo, Hungary has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I have learned so much about leadership, youth work, and non-formal education in a fun and innovative way. Every day was an opportunity to gain and master new skills, habits, and knowledge, making us so much richer in experience.

Partnerstvo za napredak i razvoj – BRAVO i ZDK
DanaÅ”nji susret izmeÄu direktora BRAVO-a, Ismaila Å ehiÄa, i gospodina Mirze MuÅ”ije, Ministra Obrazovanja, Nauke, Kulture i Sporta ZeniÄko-Dobojskog Kantona predstavlja kljuÄni korak prema ostvarivanju produktivne saradnje izmeÄu sektora obrazovanja, kulture, i sporta. Ovaj sastanak bio je fokusiran na identifikaciju zajedniÄkih interesa i potencijalnih projekata koji bi unaprijedili kvalitet života graÄana ovog kantona.

BRAVO Erasmus+ i ESC Info dan, Kalesija, Bosna i Hercegovina
BRAVO organizacija, kao kontakt taÄka za Erasmus+ i ESC programe za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, ulaže velike napore ka pravilnom informisanju mladih ljudi o svim prilikama koji su nude unutar navedenih programa. Kao alatku za postizanje tog cilja, koristimo Info dane, koje BRAVO tim organizuje redovito u raznim gradovima i dijelovima Bosne i Hercegovine.

Training CourseĀ āPromoting Intercultural Dialogue Online Among Youth”
On Saturday November 25th, 2023, the virtual Training Course āPromoting Intercultural Dialogue Online Among Youth” was held in the scope of the FREE TO BE project. Youth workers from Italy, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, and Montenegro came together to improve their competences on how to promote intercultural dialogue online.

Testimonials ā Youth Exchange ”SolidEU” in Valladolid, Spain
The Youth Exchange āSolidEUā was held in Valladolid, Spain from the 20th to the 29th of October. It gathered participants from all parts of Europe and provided them with one enriching experience. Through these 9 days, they learned, laughed, and made new memories and friendships. What do our participants have to say about this experience? Continue reading to gain a deeper insight!

BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Training Course ”Through the Lens” in EskiÅehir, Turkiye
We have just added one more stamp to our passports. Currently, our participants are attending the Training Course in EskiÅehir, Turkiye. We bring you the full story, coming straight from their lens. The participants are on the journey of empowerment which is one of the main goals of this project. By attending this project, participants are learning the ways to fully express themselves creatively

Testimonials ā Youth Exchange ”Art Included” in Czech Republic
The āArt Includedā project was an unforgettable experience that opened my eyes and gave me a new perspective. I was able to meet new people and learn something new. We acquired and developed new competencies, enhanced a more inclusive society, and encouraged international and intercultural cooperation. We advanced our theatrical skills and had a final theatre performance.

Testimonials ā Model European Union Netherlands 2023
āBeing BRAVO’s representative at the Model European Union was an unforgettable experience. The occasion offered a forum for thoughtful conversation on two of the most important topics of the day: artificial intelligence legislation and CO2 emissions. The conversation about CO2 emissions was insightful and made us think about how our actions affect the environment and how urgently we need sustainable solutions.

BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Youth Exchange ”Art Included” in Czech Republic
We have just added a new chapter to our passport stories as our 6 participants are making the world wonder in the Czech Republic by attending the Youth Exchange āāArt Includedāā. The project āāArt Includedāā is all about inclusion and diversity as its main aim is to provide a quality learning opportunity for young people. By taking part in interactive sessions, participants are developing their skills and gradually improving their personal and professional lives.

Poziv na Erasmus+ radionicu u Zenici
Ukoliko si mlada osoba iz Zenice, onda te pozivamo da nam se pridružiÅ” na Erasmus+ radionici koja Äe se održati 18.11. UÄeÅ”Äem na ovoj radionici, nauÄit ÄeÅ” viÅ”e o ljudskim pravima, razliÄitim formama diskriminacije i efikasnim naÄinima promicanja jednakosti u svim aspektima naÅ”eg druÅ”tva. Nažalost, živimo u svijetu gdje je jednakost samo pojam, kako se mnogi ljudi na dnevnoj bazi sureÄu sa diskriminacijom i predrasudama.

Testimonials ā Training Course ”The Great Resignation” in Bucharest, Romania
āI had the privilege of participating in this project, and I can’t express enough how much I enjoyed every aspect of it. As someone new to this kind of experience, I was pleasantly surprised by the engaging activities and the valuable insights provided throughout the course. What makes this project truly special is its ability to make you reflect on your future and the choices you have, especially in a world where the dynamics of work are rapidly changing.

WYA Europe recently hosted an insightful event featuring two panels that delved into crucial topics surrounding humanitarian aid and international coercive policies. The ”Emerging Leaders conference” was held on the 4th of November via the Zoom platform. It represented one great opportunity for young people to upgrade their leadership skills,

Testimonials ā Training Course ”Green Europe” in Les Ulis, France
āāBeing able to take part in the Erasmus+ training course āGreen Europeā and spend 10 days in France with my peers was an experience I will foster throughout my personal and professional endeavors. Together with young people from around the world, we came up with different solutions on how to āgreenā our homes, and surroundings and how to encourage others around us to join us on the quest for a better tomorrow.

Open call for virtual conference ”Emerging Leaders”
If you want to upgrade your leadership skills, network with professionals in the field, and engage in discussions with young leaders from all parts of the world, then we urge you to register and join us at the virtual āāEmerging Leaders Conferenceāā.

CV Creation Workshop for High School Students
Join us for an exciting opportunity to empower high school students with the skills they need to shine on paper! BRAVO is thrilled to announce a CV creation workshop on Wednesday, November 8th at 18:00 at our BRAVO office in Sarajevo.