Podcasts are everywhere these days, and they’ve quickly become a favorite way for people to learn new things, hear different opinions, or just be entertained while they go about their day. But with so many podcasts out there, how do you decide which ones are worth your time? As part of the Dempod project, which helps young people use podcasts to get involved in their communities and take part in democracy

Ministarstvo civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine, u saradnji sa Erasmus+ uredom za Bosnu i Hercegovinu i BRAVO organizacijom, organizira „Erasmus+ info dan u Bosni i Hercegovini 2024“, s ciljem promocije mogućnosti koje Erasmus+ program nudi u oblasti obrazovanja, obuke, mladih i sporta.

The project aims to promote sports and emphasize their significance in daily life, fostering social inclusion and well-being for people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It uses sports to educate children and youth, instill good values, and train sports workers and coaches.

The project “Engage, connect and empower youth for a sustainable green future” is focused on two European Youth Goals: quality learning and sustainable green Europe. It aims at implementing a creative strategy in terms of capacity building for the new generation actually facing the problems of tomorrow related to environment degradation, climate change, and sustainability issues.

Jeste li vi nevladina organizacija koja je spremna da regrutuje pametne i motivisane mlade ljude? U okviru projekta NURTURE („Nurturing the world can be a job“), sufinansiranog od strane ERASMUS-YOUTH-2023-CB programa, BRAVO poziva nevladine organizacije da postanu domaćini mladim ljudima – pripravnicima na različitim pozicijama.

Entrepreneurship isn't just about starting a business; it's a mindset that involves exploring and leveraging everything in your surroundings to create opportunities, improve conditions, and enhance well-being. By adopting an entrepreneurial approach, you can drive personal growth, contribute positively to your community, and create meaningful changes. Here’s how you can use entrepreneurial skills to transform your environment and yourself.

Personal branding is all about presenting yourself in a way that highlights your strengths, skills, and unique value. In today's digital age, it’s essential to leverage both digital and soft skills to effectively build and promote your personal brand. Here’s how you can enhance your personal brand and stand out in a competitive landscape.

Networking is a crucial skill for career development. By effectively analyzing and selecting the best resources within your community, you can build valuable connections that support your professional growth. Here’s how to create a strong network and identify resources that can help you advance in your career.

Self-assessment is a powerful tool for personal and professional development. For youngsters stepping into their careers or striving for personal success, understanding how to set and achieve goals is crucial. By learning about goals, objectives, and the process of setting them, you can lay a strong foundation for your future endeavors.

On July 18th and 19th, the BRAVO office in Sarajevo hosted a special in-person training for the NURTURE project. Participants who were eager to improve their career counseling skills and learn how to become better mentors attended this two-day workshop, which will help advance the NURTURE project's goals in the Western Balkans.

The general aim of the project is to prevent homophobic cyber-bullying among young people: a form of bullying that takes place over digital devices and platforms like mobile phones, computers, social media and tablets perpetrated against LGBTQI youth (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intrasexual).

BRAVO je donirao opremu u iznosu od preko 2000€ PK Spid koji će u naredna dva mjeseca pripremati svoj tim i druge zainteresovane pojedince iz Bosne i Hercegovine za takmičenje u plivanju sa perajama koje će biti održano 22. i 23. septembra u Bosni i Hercegovini, na kojem će učešće uzeti preko 100 plivača iz pet evropskih zemalja.

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