Održani Erasmus+ info dani – 16.10. i 17.10.2024. godine – Sarajevo, BiH

Održani Erasmus+ info dani – 16.10. i 17.10.2024. godine – Sarajevo, BiH

U organizaciji BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities, Ministarstva civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine i Nacionalnog Erasmus+ ureda u BiH, u posljednja dva dana održana su dva Erasmus+ info dana u Sarajevu, s više od 180 učesnika koji su predstavljali različite institucije, organizacije i preduzeća.

Follow up event „Sustainable ImPACT“

Follow up event „Sustainable ImPACT“

On September 30, 2024, participants of the project “Sustainable ImPACT” organized an impactful workshop for 14 young participants at “Smajić Priroda,” a beautiful nature-surrounded location designed to foster creativity and collaboration. The workshop was aimed at young people aged 17 to 25 and focused on addressing the pressing issue of overproduction and its negative impact on the environment.

Testemonials: YE „Be Socially (Pro)Active“ – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Testemonials: YE „Be Socially (Pro)Active“ – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

„During my time on a project Be socially (PRO)active I truly had a great time full of positive experiences and memories. At first, I admit, I was a little bit hesitant, since this is my first Bravo project and I did not know what to expect. As soon as I started to meet other people, firstly my Bosnian team fellows, I encountered the most exceptional young welcoming people



From October 14th to 19th, 2024, the world will once again unite to celebrate the Erasmus+ programme during the 8th edition of Erasmus Days. This international event invites students, teachers, trainers, professionals and citizens everywhere to engage in activities that promote the Erasmus+ programme, sharing its many benefits and showcasing its impact on education, youth and personal development.

Testimonials: #MESC – Make Every Step Count in Veneto, Italy

Testimonials: #MESC – Make Every Step Count in Veneto, Italy

“My time in the Erasmus+ program “Make every step count“ in Italy was truly transformative. From savoring delicious Italian cuisine, like pizza, pasta, and cheese, to connecting with wonderful people from diverse countries. Every moment was truly enriching. I had the opportunity to learn bits of different languages and immerse myself in traditional cultural dances.”

Testimonials: Youth Street Art/Urban Art Europe & Young Voices for Europe in Graz, Austria

Testimonials: Youth Street Art/Urban Art Europe & Young Voices for Europe in Graz, Austria

“The youth exchange in Graz on the occasion of the Urban Art Festival Styria was a truly freeing experience of days filled with creativity, dance and laughter. It is really a difficult task to capture such an enriching and creatively fulfilling exchange in just a few paragraphs. Upon our arrival, we engaged in ice-breaker activities to get to know each other, followed by two full days of exploring the city of Graz.”

Testimonials: Engage, Connect and Empower Youth for a Sustainable Future in Vlorë, Albania

Testimonials: Engage, Connect and Empower Youth for a Sustainable Future in Vlorë, Albania

“I felt that I had gained a relationship with people of great trust, with people with whom I can always have a good time, talk about important topics and finally continue our story of friendship. I can say for sure that this was the best Erasmus+ program from my experience and active volunteering, and I thank all the people who made this experience possible and all those who contributed to making this the best Erasmus+ program for me so far.”



Jeste li vi nevladina organizacija koja je spremna da regrutuje pametne i motivisane mlade ljude? U okviru projekta NURTURE („Nurturing the world can be a job“), sufinansiranog od strane ERASMUS-YOUTH-2023-CB programa, BRAVO poziva nevladine organizacije da postanu domaćini mladim ljudima – pripravnicima na različitim pozicijama.

Testimonials: Shall We Dance? in Vienna, Austria

Testimonials: Shall We Dance? in Vienna, Austria

“This was my first youth exchange and it was an amazing experience indeed. I am very grateful to BRAVO for giving me such an opportunity to meet new people and embrace our cultural differences through dancing. Besides learning about cultures and dances from different countries, I have managed to meet great people and make lifelong friendships. I will remember this project for wonderful people, exquisite dances and beautiful Vienna.”

Otvoren poziv za nove članove u BRAVO-u: Zajedno stvaramo pozitivne promjene!

Otvoren poziv za nove članove u BRAVO-u: Zajedno stvaramo pozitivne promjene!

Jeste li spremni za avanturu koja će vas naučiti novim vještinama, proširiti vaše vidike i omogućiti vam da ostavite pozitivan trag u svojoj zajednici? Iskoristite priliku da radite i surađujete sa drugim mladim ljudima širom BiH ali i Evrope i svijeta što će vam sigurno biti nezaboravno iskustvo. Ako vam se ovo čini zanimljivim, imamo sjajnu priliku za vas!

EuRuKo (European Ruby Konferenz) coming to Sarajevo in September 2024!

EuRuKo (European Ruby Konferenz) coming to Sarajevo in September 2024!

We’re beyond thrilled to announce that EuRuKo (European Ruby Konferenz) is coming to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2024! Since 2003, EuRuKo has been the ultimate gathering for Ruby enthusiasts across Europe, and this year, we’re making history with the first-ever Ruby conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

“Shall We Dance” Youth Exchange in Vienna: A Journey of Cultural Discovery and Connection

“Shall We Dance” Youth Exchange in Vienna: A Journey of Cultural Discovery and Connection

In August 2024, the city of Vienna gathered 6 different countries and their cultures in the project "Shall We Dance." This youth exchange program brought together participants from Bosnia and

Testimonials: Dancing Our Roots in Cortes de la Frontera, Spain

Testimonials: Dancing Our Roots in Cortes de la Frontera, Spain

“Under the sunny rays of Andalusia, embraced by mountain peaks and warmth, the world was found in our small village. The wind, saturated with the scents of olives and ancient legends, carried inspiration and unspoken words. Walking through the narrow streets of the village of Cortes de la Frontera, with white houses gently blending into the blue sky, we absorbed every moment.”

Testimonials: ICE-CREAM for social entrepreneurship in Abovyan, Armenia

Testimonials: ICE-CREAM for social entrepreneurship in Abovyan, Armenia

“Every Erasmus+ project is a unique and memorable experience. Through BRAVO BiH I had the ecstatic opportunity to participate in the training course “ICE-CREAM for social entrepreneurship” in Abovyan, Armenia. Upon acknowledging my acceptance into the training course, I was filled with eager enthusiasm for its commencement; only to watch as time rapidly slipped away once the journey had begun.”

“Youth Entrepreneurial Ideas” Competition at Nomad Fest

“Youth Entrepreneurial Ideas” Competition at Nomad Fest

On Sunday, July 28, 2024, we held a competition called “Youth Entrepreneurial Ideas”. The event took place as part of the Nomad Fest on the beautiful Bjelašnica mountain. This unique festival brought together young entrepreneurs from the region and beyond, who had the opportunity to present their innovative ideas to a panel of experts and an audience. The contestants showcased exceptional creativity and enthusiasm, with teams from Bosnia and Herzegovina standing out the most, taking all three top places.

Testimonials: Media Literacy and Tackling Disinformation in Istanbul, Türkiye

Testimonials: Media Literacy and Tackling Disinformation in Istanbul, Türkiye

“I am very thankful to BRAVO for giving me an opportunity to learn about the importance of media literacy, its role and effects on society. In this project, we learned how to recognize misinformation from disinformation, fake news from truthful ones and how to find reliable sources. The knowledge I gained throughout this project will help me in the future to identify deceitful news.”

Testimonials: Eco Path in Veliki Gaj, Serbia

Testimonials: Eco Path in Veliki Gaj, Serbia

“The Youth Exchange “Eco Path” held from July 2-10 in Serbia was a completely new and wonderful experience for me. The days were filled with a lot of new knowledge, creative workshops, laughter, and reconnecting with nature. I had the opportunity to meet people from other countries, of different ages and mindsets and unite all our ideas into one unforgettable experience. I realized that every change starts with small steps and that little by little, we can make this world a more beautiful place.”

Huskies Basketball Camp otvoren uz podršku BRAVO BiH

Huskies Basketball Camp otvoren uz podršku BRAVO BiH

U nedjelju, 14. 07. 2024., uz podršku organizacije BRAVO BiH , svečano je otvoren šestodnevni ljetni kamp za članove Huskies Basketball Academy Sarajevo. Kamp se održava na predivnoj lokaciji, Sportsko-rekreativnom centru Ajdinovići, gdje će članovi svakodnevno uživati u raznovrsnim aktivnostima i sadržajima.

Testimonials: Strengthening the Digital Skills of Youth Workers in Istanbul, Türkiye

Testimonials: Strengthening the Digital Skills of Youth Workers in Istanbul, Türkiye

“The training course in Silivri was exceptional! While I did boost my digital skills, the real highlight was meeting so many wonderful people. The trainer was awesome, and his hands-on approach made the experience enjoyable and engaging. The course was super organized, and the practical sessions allowed us to bond and collaborate effectively.”

Testimonials: Generation Next in Čechtice, Czech Republic

Testimonials: Generation Next in Čechtice, Czech Republic

“From the first day l’ve encountered and got into the project and met these amazing people, I knew that these 8 days are going to be a remarkable experience. With the program and activities this project offered, we learned through practical experience. It was not only professional but also enjoyable, involving people from all over Europe with different mindsets but the same positivity.”

Testimonials: Media Literacy and Tackling Disinformation in Sarajevo, B&H

Testimonials: Media Literacy and Tackling Disinformation in Sarajevo, B&H

“My Erasmus experience in Sarajevo was nothing short of transformative. It was a privilege to showcase Sarajevo’s rich cultural tapestry and hospitality to fellow participants from around the world. Being able to share my heritage and traditions with others not only deepened my own appreciation for my culture but also fostered meaningful connections and understanding among us.”

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