Cooperation Sport4All Workshop

On May 30, 2023, BRAVO (Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities) marked another milestone with a successful workshop at Sportska gimnazija in Sarajevo. This event, part of the “Cooperation Sports 4 All” project, was a remarkable opportunity to engage and educate the youth of Sarajevo.

Cooperation Sport4All Workshop Read More »

Selection Results (BRAVO & Disabled Ski Club Sarajevo) for Training of Trainers “Cooperation”

This project aims to promote social inclusion through sports activities and raise awareness of the important role of sports in everyday life. It distinguishes between using sports as an educational tool for working with children and youth and as a mechanism to promote positive values and education of sports workers and coaches. The project plans to transfer knowledge from experts to professionals involved in youth and sports, and ultimately to children and young people.

Selection Results (BRAVO & Disabled Ski Club Sarajevo) for Training of Trainers “Cooperation” Read More »

Open call for 6 participants for Training of Trainers: “COOPERATION” in Kopaonik, Serbia

This project aims to promote social inclusion through sports activities and raise awareness of the important role of sports in everyday life. It distinguishes between using sports as an educational tool for working with children and youth and as a mechanism to promote positive values and education of sports workers and coaches. The project plans to transfer knowledge from experts to professionals involved in youth and sports, and ultimately to children and young people.

Open call for 6 participants for Training of Trainers: “COOPERATION” in Kopaonik, Serbia Read More »


U cilju ostvarivanja što boljih rezultata našeg projekta, veliki akcenat je stavljen na istraživanje područija sporta za djecu. Konkretno, u kojim dječijim grupama postoji diskriminacija i manjak inkluzivnosti. Sve podatke prikupljene iz Bosne i Herzegovine, Srbije, Crne Gore I Bugarske (naših partnerskih država) bit će uvršten u naučni rad. Naše istraživanje se zasniva na anketama koje će da popunajvaju treneri, nastavnici, članovi sportskih klubova


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