Month Day of Roma Women’s Activism: Fighting for Equality and Zero Tolerance for Discrimination

Month Day of Roma Women’s Activism: Fighting for Equality and Zero Tolerance for Discrimination

Roma women are facing obstacles on a daily basis. They are constantly being put at risk and they have an unequal position in society as their needs are not considered relevant by the authorities and are excluded from all spheres of public life.

Networking event ”Leadership is for everyone” was held in Zenica, BiH

Networking event ”Leadership is for everyone” was held in Zenica, BiH

On March 9th, a networking event was held in Zenica under the project “Leadership is for EveryOne.” The event brought together 36 young people from diverse backgrounds who were all interested in learning more about the “LEO” project.

Erasmus+, ESC and AHEAD info day

Erasmus+, ESC and AHEAD info day

On the 3rd of February, an Erasmus+ & ESC Info day was held in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. There were over 50 participants present and among them were NGO representatives, activists, youth and sports workers, as well as other interested individuals with different backgrounds.

Basic and Design: Two words describing the training course held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Basic and Design: Two words describing the training course held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

We are excited to announce that the TC “Basic UX Design” training course has come to an end. With this training course participants equip with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in today’s competitive job market.

Radionica Dragon Dreaming Method – DREAM AFTER COVID

Radionica Dragon Dreaming Method – DREAM AFTER COVID

Dragon Dreaming metoda je jedinstven pristup upravljanju projektima koji kombinuje mudrost, modernu nauku i holističke principe. Dizajniran je da osnaži zajednice, organizacije i pojedince da kreiraju održive i smislene projekte koji će koristiti svima koji su uključeni. BRAVO je ovoga puta odlučio da zajedno sa mladima u Zenici, Bosna i Hercegovina, održi radionicu Dragon Dreaming metode.

Online Workshop for “Basic Graphic Design”

Online Workshop for “Basic Graphic Design”

On February 27th under the project Sharing Design Your Job, a workshop was held on Zoom. The topic of the workshop was „basic graphic design“. Our hosts were three participants that attended the training course in Berane, Montenegro in August 2022.



Roma face the greatest discrimination in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Official estimates give a Roma population of 20,000, but other sources, including Roma associations and NGOs, estimate the number to be 30,000-50,000 or more. Most Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina are Muslim.

LEO & DREAM AFTER COVID – Radionice povodom Dana žena

LEO & DREAM AFTER COVID – Radionice povodom Dana žena

Povodom ovogodišnjeg Dana žena, BRAVO je odlučio da pripremi posebnu radionicu koja će pokriti veoma bitnu temu, temu poduzetništva. Šta je to poduzetništvo i koliko zapravo znamo o njemu? Kako kreirati ideju i istu implementirati? Radionica će pružiti odgovore na sva vaša pitanja!

<strong>EMBRACE – Embracing Diversity through Cultural Exchange</strong>

EMBRACE – Embracing Diversity through Cultural Exchange

Diversity, “the art of thinking independently together”, is the foundation of a rich, and inclusive society. It connects us, unites us, and makes us stronger. It’s the celebration of differences that make us unique, and the recognition of the value that each individual brings to the table.

Testimonials –  Training Course ‘’Art of Inclusion 2 – Sport and Outdoor Activities in Poland

Testimonials –  Training Course ‘’Art of Inclusion 2 – Sport and Outdoor Activities in Poland

The Training Course “Art of Inclusion 2 – Sport and Outdoor Activities” was the project that really exceeded all my expectations. It was a truly mesmerizing experience that gathered young people from all around Europe. The atmosphere was positive, friendly, and supportive, which made it easy for me to feel comfortable and engaged.

Basic UX Design: Understanding User Experience

Basic UX Design: Understanding User Experience

This time, BRAVO brings an opportunity to the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina to learn more about Basic UX Design. And what exactly is UX Design and what are its advantages?
User Experience (UX) design is the process of designing and creating digital products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. It is a multi-disciplinary field that includes aspects of psychology, design, technology, and human-computer interaction. UX design is not just about creating an attractive and visually appealing product, but also about ensuring that it is usable, accessible, and meets the needs and expectations of its users.

#BRAVO članica kao član žirija na projektu  ”Mladi ambasadori nauke”

#BRAVO članica kao član žirija na projektu  ”Mladi ambasadori nauke”

BRAVO s ponosom piše priče o svojim članovima koji su aktivni dio društva, te koji na najbolji mogući način predstavljaju važnost mladih u zajednici. Ovoga puta vam donosimo priču o našoj članici Lejli Smječanin. O čemu je to zapravo riječ?



”Za radionicu sam saznao od djevojke, koja je mislila da će mi ova radionica biti super pozitivno iskustvo. Inače, moj dječački san je bio da postanem uspješan modni dizajner tako da mi je ovo bila prilika da naučim nešto novo i korisno.

Erasmus+ and ESC Info Day – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Erasmus+ and ESC Info Day – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

U Tuzli je 03.02.2023. godine održan treći po redu Erasmus+ Info dan. Kao i do sada, zainteresovanost je bila velika, te smo u prostorijama Visoke škole za finansije i računovodstvo FINra, ugostili više od 50 učesnika. Prisutni su bili predstavnici nevladinih organizacija te obrazovnih ustanova, sportski radnici, volonteri te mnogi mladi ljudi zainteresovani za Erasmus+ Youth & ESC program.

FASHIORATION – Nacionalni trening za mlade dizajnere i umjetnike

FASHIORATION – Nacionalni trening za mlade dizajnere i umjetnike

Mladi dizajneri okupili su se u Sarajevu u okviru BRAVO projekta “Fashioration” na trodnevnom trening kursu koji se održao između 01.02. i 03.02.2023. kako bi dodatno razvili svoje vještine i proširili znanje o bosanskohercegovačkoj tradiciji i kulturnoj nematerijalnoj baštini.

Testimonials – Travel Around Our Mind and Soul in Gyöngyös, Hungary

Testimonials – Travel Around Our Mind and Soul in Gyöngyös, Hungary

“A few days ago I had an opportunity to be a participant in the project “Travel around our soul and mind” in Hungary. It was an incredible and amazing journey with other participants to speak about biases, prejudice, and stereotypes and to try to find them in ourselves

BRAVO recently presented Handbook for youth workers under the project BOOST

BRAVO recently presented Handbook for youth workers under the project BOOST

BRAVO recently presented Handbook for youth workers under the project BOOST. During this event, attendees had an opportunity to meet the project, its activities, and its results. So far, BRAVO alongside partners Vere Montis from Croatia, L’ORMA from Italy, and BSDA from Bulgaria created educational tools whose goal is to develop transversal skills in young people. In this article, we will present you with the BOOST e-platform.

ERASMUS+ YOUTH and ESC INFO DAY – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

ERASMUS+ YOUTH and ESC INFO DAY – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nakon uspješno implementiranog Erasmus+ Info dana u Sarajevu, BRAVO tim dolazi u Tuzlu. Ukoliko želite proširiti vaše znanje o Erasmusu i Erasmus+ programima, pridružite nam se i steknite jedno vrijedno iskustvo koje će vam značajno doprinijeti u životu.

“BOOST HANDBOOK – Dissemination Event” – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

“BOOST HANDBOOK – Dissemination Event” – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The organization BRAVO, in partnership with international organizations, is focused on developing transversal skills. In today’s increasingly complex reality, the development of basic and transversal skills is a high priority in order to meet the demands of employers and the imperatives of specific citizenship, as the European Commission noted in the “New Skills Agenda for Europe” (2016).



The Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Law on the Protection of the Rights of Members of National Minorities in 2003. The law states that BiH will protect the position, equality and rights of 17 national minorities present in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH):

Erasmus+ Youth INFO DAN, 19.01.2023 – Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

Erasmus+ Youth INFO DAN, 19.01.2023 – Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

BRAVO organizacija kao kontakt tačka za Erasmus + program je 19.01.2023. u Sarajevu organizovala drugi Erasmus + info dan s ciljem edukacije predstavnika organizacija u BiH iz različitih oblasti djelovanja o prilikama unutar Erasmus + programa kao i ostalih programa Evropske Unije te uspostavljanju međusobnog partnerstva između organizacija.

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