Testimonials – Training Course “From Rural to Plural” in Bran, Romania

Testimonials – Training Course “From Rural to Plural” in Bran, Romania

The ‘From Rural to Plural’ project, let me tell you, was absolutely incredible! It lit a fire inside me to keep exploring and embracing different viewpoints. And you know what? I made some lifelong friends along the way. The knowledge and skills I gained from those workshops, they’re like the building blocks of my personal and professional growth.

Open call for first BRAVO Winter Academy

Open call for first BRAVO Winter Academy

BRAVO is organizing the First Winter Academy which will be held online. The First Winter Academy presents perfect opportunity for young people to become part of a great story and the best part is that you can take part in it from the comfort of your home! The main goal of the Winter Academy is to give young people the opportunity to improve various skills and engage in intercultural dialogue.

BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Training Course ”From Rural to Plural” in Bran, Romania

BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Training Course ”From Rural to Plural” in Bran, Romania

This Erasmus+ project is all about empowering rural communities and transforming them into comprehensive, inclusive, resilient, and self-sustaining youth ecosystems. Young people are being empowered to unleash their imagination and use it for the best purpose to envision and create a better future! You are probably wondering, what do we mean by ‘’better future’’?

Testimonials – Youth Exchange “Inter Civilizational Culinary Arts From Anatolia to Europe” in Istanbul, Türkiye

Testimonials – Youth Exchange “Inter Civilizational Culinary Arts From Anatolia to Europe” in Istanbul, Türkiye

’Being part of Youth Exchange “Inter Civilizational Culinary Arts From Anatolia to Europe” was very charming. Almost the entire project felt like a part of a Masterchef TV show. In a completely intercultural environment, we had a chance to learn about traditional recipes, other cultures, and habits… and confirmed the thesis that FOOD CONNECTS PEOPLE

Contact Points for the Western Balkans Website is Here!

Contact Points for the Western Balkans Website is Here!

Euforija i očekivanje dosežu vrhunac jer je upravo lansirana nova platforma koja će preoblikovati vaše Erasmus iskustvo! Sada možete biti korak ispred zbivanja uz najnovije informacije o Erasmus projektima i događanjima na jednom mjestu.Ovdje nećete samo pronaći informacije; doživjet ćete pravu eksploziju entuzijazma prema internacionalnom iskustvu. Naša stranica je epicentar svih najnovijih update-ova o Erasmus+ programima i European Solidarity Corps projektima.

BRAVO je potpisao sporazum o suradnji sa SUMEROM

BRAVO je potpisao sporazum o suradnji sa SUMEROM

BRAVO, Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities, s ponosom objavljuje da ulazi u novu godinu s izuzetnim partnerstvom, potpisavši sporazum o suradnji sa Savezom organizacija za podršku osobama s intelektualnim teškoćama FBiH SUMERO. Ovaj sporazum predstavlja značajan korak naprijed u našoj misiji podrške i osnaživanja osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama, te potvrđuje našu posvećenost unaprjeđenju ljudskih prava i inkluzije u društvu.

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Get Digital, Get Skilled” in Istanbul, Turkiye

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Get Digital, Get Skilled” in Istanbul, Turkiye

’Participating in the Erasmus project was an enriching experience filled with vibrant energy and intellect. The opportunity allowed me to connect with a diverse group of young, brilliant minds, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and cultures. The sense of friendship and shared enthusiasm created lasting memories, making my Erasmus journey truly exceptional.

Erasmus+ Boot Camp was held in Kalesija

Erasmus+ Boot Camp was held in Kalesija

As we all know, BRAVO organization is known for its kindness and work atmosphere. Besides all exchanges across the world, we decided to make something in our beautiful Bosnia and Hercegovina. That’s when Erasmus+ Boot Camp came in. It was held from 14th to 17th December 2023 in Kalesija, BiH. Together, with the UG ‘’Može bolje’’, we wanted to expand knowledge about Erasmus+ programs to youth in our country.

School of Entrepreneurship in High School of Economics, Sarajevo

School of Entrepreneurship in High School of Economics, Sarajevo

The recently concluded School of Entrepreneurship, a collaborative effort with the Foundation of Entrepreneurs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the High School of Economics, Sarajevo, witnessed an impressive turnout, drawing more than 60 participants from various high schools and faculties. The objective of the event was to offer a comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurship,

Second Chance: A New Beginning for Young Entrepreneurs

Second Chance: A New Beginning for Young Entrepreneurs

Second Chance!” brought together a diverse group of experts in inclusive education, textile design, and entrepreneurship from across Slovenia, Sweden, Egypt, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Albania. Among them were Taka Tuka, Drivhuset, Galala University, Fashion & Design Center, BRAVO, Albanian Skills, and Albania Craftsman Education. Each entity carried its own expertise and passion, all converging for a singular purpose



Na nedavno održanoj Konferenciji Poduzetničkih Ideja u Zenici, Bosna i Hercegovina, istaknuti su inovativni timovi koji su predstavili svoje kreativne poduzetničke ideje. Ovaj inspirativni događaj okupio je talentovane pojedince iz različitih sektora, a pet timova se istaklo kao najbolji, noseći sa sobom titulu perspektivnih poduzetnika.

BRAVO u suradnji s Ministarstvom Civilnih poslova i Nacionalnom kancelarijom za Erasmus+ organizovao Erasmus+ i ESC info dan

BRAVO u suradnji s Ministarstvom Civilnih poslova i Nacionalnom kancelarijom za Erasmus+ organizovao Erasmus+ i ESC info dan

BRAVO, u suradnji s Ministarstvom Civilnih poslova i Nacionalnom kancelarijom za Erasmus+, uspješno je organizovala Erasmus+ i ESC info dan u zgradi Ministarstva Civilnih poslova. Ovaj događaj bio je posvećen promociji i edukaciji o mogućnostima koje pruža Erasmus+ program, s posebnim fokusom na mobilnost mladih i mogućnosti kroz Europske Snage Solidarnosti (ESC).

Testimonials YE “Go Healthy!” – Riga, Latvia

Testimonials YE “Go Healthy!” – Riga, Latvia

Participating in the “Go Healthy” Erasmus+ project in Riga was truly eye-opening. The project aimed to enhance mental well-being and tackle the stigma surrounding mental health issues, promoting the social inclusion of young people. Throughout the exchange, we delved into the concept of a healthy lifestyle

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Dream After Covid” in Penagos, Spain

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Dream After Covid” in Penagos, Spain

’I had an amazing time in Spain, exploring the richness of culture. I strolled through the narrow, charming streets of old towns, where every corner felt like a picturesque story. I tasted the diversity of Spanish cuisine, from delicious paella to a variety of tapas, immersing myself in traditions. I felt the warmth of the Spanish sun on the beautiful beaches of Santander, creating unforgettable moments with friends I made along the way.

Testimonials for YE “Kaleidoscope”, Sarajevo, BiH

Testimonials for YE “Kaleidoscope”, Sarajevo, BiH

This was my first Erasmus+ project and it intrigued me to go on many more and find out what they have to offer. The focus on exploring differences and similarities between our two cultures made me realize how alike we are and that we share a certain togetherness. I found it very nice that despite language barriers we as participants were able to get to know each other and become friends.

BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Training Course ”Youth Against Conflict” in Berlin, Germany

BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Training Course ”Youth Against Conflict” in Berlin, Germany

In a world where conflicts occur daily, it was never more urgent to educate young people about the importance of peaceful conflict resolution. Every day we witness numerous cases of discrimination and hate speech which lead to much bigger problems. That’s exactly where the Training Course ‘’Youth Against Conflict’’ comes as it plays an important role in educating young people on pressing societal issues.

BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Youth Exchange ”Get Digital, Get Skilled” in Istanbul, Turkiye

BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Youth Exchange ”Get Digital, Get Skilled” in Istanbul, Turkiye

What better way to ‘’Get Digital and Get Skilled’’ than through an eight-day Erasmus+ project that combines education, intercultural experiences, and technological innovation? The participants from all parts of Europe are gathered in Istanbul with one specific aim – to deepen their digital skills and establish meaningful connections with each other. The ‘’Get Digital, Get Skilled’’

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Youth for Green Future” in Balatonszárszó, Hungary

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Youth for Green Future” in Balatonszárszó, Hungary

”As this is my first Erasmus+ project ever, I will remember it as one of the best experiences and memories in my life. The project itself was teaching us many new things in a fun way- many of those being group work which helped us network and think outside of the box, which I loved. But the project was not just about the ‘green future’ as the title says, it was about connecting, making new memories, and friends, and bonding.

BRAVO dolazi u Kalesiju –  Poziv za Erasmus+ Boot Camp

BRAVO dolazi u Kalesiju –  Poziv za Erasmus+ Boot Camp

BRAVO u suradnji sa UG može bolje, organizuje Erasmus+ Boot Camp, koji će se fokusirati na prilike koje Erasmus+ pogram nudi. Predavač će biti Ismail Šehić koji će edukovati mlade ljude o načinima na koji se mogu uključiti u Erasmus+ programe i postati aktivne mlade osobe u lokalnoj zajednici. Erasmus+ Boot Camp je namijenjen mladima iz Kalesije i okolice, koji žele proširiti zanje, izaći na internacionalno tržište i kroz zajedničko druženje pokazati kreativnost i potencijal.

BRAVO BiH brings you news on Erasmus+ program

BRAVO BiH brings you news on Erasmus+ program

National Erasmus + Office in BiH has invited us to the National Erasmus+ Information Day. This Info day was made possible with the support of organized in the cooperation with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on November the 27-28th on online zoom meeting. This info day was organized with the intention of promoting Erasmus+ program and te opportunities it gives through, higher education, youth, sport, VET, etc.

Fresh news brought from BRAVO BiH through the BDC project:

Fresh news brought from BRAVO BiH through the BDC project:

Co-rapporteurs Brando Benifei (S&D, Italy) and Dragoș Tudorache (Renew, Romania) have the duty to answer questions from journalists on the topic of the outcome of negotiations on Artificial Intelligence Act. As a part of BDC project, BRAVO BiH gives you the freshest news on the topic of digital literacy usage of AI and other objectives project aspires to achieve.

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