‘’Attending the Erasmus+ youth exchange project “Get Digital, Get Skilled” in İstanbul, Türkiye was an amazing experience filled with cherished memories. Throughout this opportunity, I got to meet many amazing individuals, which broadened my cultural knowledge and gave me some new perspectives to look at. I loved the way the project was implemented, which took both formal presentation time and intercultural group socialization and mixed it so that every task created a new opportunity to meet someone new. The project was successful in teaching using engaging and enjoyable ways, ranging from theatre acting, songwriting, and creating presentations and webpages, to dancing “kolo” together, trying new foods, and exploring. I am deeply grateful for getting this opportunity and living some of my best memories with new friends I made.’’ – Anida Hebibović

‘’Participating in the Erasmus project was an enriching experience filled with vibrant energy and intellect. The opportunity allowed me to connect with a diverse group of young, brilliant minds, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and cultures. The sense of friendship and shared enthusiasm created lasting memories, making my Erasmus journey truly exceptional.’’ – Mirza Horić


‘’During my time on the project in Türkiye, I was truly thankful for an incredible journey that spanned 8 unforgettable days. The amazing team from various corners of Europe was not only professionally enriching but also personally uplifting my personality. I’m thrilled to have gained new friends, experiences, and knowledge. ‘’ – Mahira Beganović

‘’I will always remember this project because I met so many people who are my friends now. When you put together a good place, good energy, and humans, how could the outcome be bad? Things that I’ve learned are useful to me daily. As a student, you must have digital skills in these times. I’m patiently waiting for another opportunity in the future!’’  – Adelina Ćatić

‘’The Get Digital & Get Skilled project is a wonderful experience of meeting new people, and cultures and spreading knowledge. The lecturers had a simple and interesting lesson plan and professors also had wonderful communication with the project participants. They completed the planned days for visiting the city with an interesting tour plan, enabling us to experience the city fully.’’ – Refika Agbabić

‘’The project Get Digital & Get Skilled was an amazing experience, I am very honored to be a part of this project. Meeting new young people from different countries, and exchanging experiences and knowledge truly inspired me and the organization was excellent. I am also glad that I visited Istanbul on this occasion.’’ – Maida Prutina


‘’Participating in the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange program is an essential experience for any young person seeking opportunities to broaden their horizons and discover more about themselves and others. This program is a valuable chance for personal growth, emphasizing the importance of not only cherishing one’s own culture and traditions but also embracing and understanding foreign cultures. It fosters character development and encourages the formation of critical opinions, contributing to a more progressive future. My participation in this event went beyond the educational aspects of Digital Literacy; it was a journey of building new friendships, discovering unfamiliar customs, and realizing that, at the core, we are all humans with just slight variations in our perspectives. This experience was instrumental in shaping my worldview and instilling a sense of unity among diverse individuals.’’ – Kenan Ćosić

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