Poziv za ”LEO” networking event u Tuzli

Poziv za ”LEO” networking event u Tuzli

I ovog puta, BRAVO je pripremio jednu odličnu priliku za mlade. Naime, riječ je o networking eventu ”Leadership is for EveryOne” koji za cilj ima podizanje svijesti o značaju ženskog liderstva i ekonomskog osnaživanja žena.

Lokalna radionica ”Becoming Digitally Conscious” u Bihaću

Lokalna radionica ”Becoming Digitally Conscious” u Bihaću

U svrhu implementiranja priče projekta ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’, BRAVO dolazi u Bihać! Naime, lokalna radionica ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’ će se održati 29.07. u zgradi Medžlisa Islamske zajednice Bihać.

Testimonials  – Youth Exchange ”Camino Estonia” in Tallinn, Estonia

Testimonials  – Youth Exchange ”Camino Estonia” in Tallinn, Estonia

The Camino Estonia project was an unforgettable experience that opened my eyes and gave me a new perspective. I was able to learn something new and meet amazing people. Through the intercultural night, I became familiar with new traditions, cultures, various dances, and music, which greatly impacted me and developed my curiosity.

Continuing the Journey: More Volunteers Joining our Humanitarian Aid Project H.A.N.D.

Continuing the Journey: More Volunteers Joining our Humanitarian Aid Project H.A.N.D.

We already have shared the story of how our organization started its first Humanitarian Aid project, H.A.N.D., and introduced the arrival of our initial group of dedicated volunteers. We are proud to announce that the story continues to grow as we welcomed six new volunteers in the month of July.

Lokalna radionica ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’

Lokalna radionica ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’

Donosimo vam još jednu odličnu priliku! Ovaj put je riječ o lokalnoj radionici ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’ koja će se održati 24.07. u prostorijama Centra za Mlade Zenica. Sa porastom popularnosti ChatGPT-a i vještačke inteligencije, smatramo da krucijalno edukovati mlade ljude o digitalizaciji, sigurnosti na internetu i zdravim navikama korištenja digitalnih uređaja.



Two enthusiastic volunteers from Turkiye have embarked on a journey to Bosnia and Herzegovina, ready to make a difference in the lives of others. The arrival of these dedicated individuals marks yet another chapter in the long-standing exchange program between BRAVO and Turkiye, fostering cultural understanding and cooperation. Building upon the success of previous initiatives,

Testimonials – ”Project Common Bond” in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania

Testimonials – ”Project Common Bond” in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania

I wouldn’t believe it if someone told me that my life would shift 180° because of Project Common Bond. But it did and I can’t be more overwhelmed and grateful because of it. The Project Common Bond has helped me grow as a person, cope with past trauma and fears, and also break off the shackles of my comfort zone.

Breaking Barriers: The Role of Men in Promoting Constructive Gender Equality

Breaking Barriers: The Role of Men in Promoting Constructive Gender Equality

Gender equality is crucial for society, and both men and women must actively participate in its promotion. Men play a crucial role in fostering gender equality by ensuring equal opportunities, challenging stereotypes, supporting women’s rights, and being role models for future generations.

Testimonials – Training Course ”ToolBox for Communication” in Bludenz, Austria

Testimonials – Training Course ”ToolBox for Communication” in Bludenz, Austria

I learned a lot on this project, both about the topic of the project itself and about other people. I did a lot of research on where we were staying. I gathered knowledge about other cultures and different identities. I broadened my horizons and completely lost the feeling of discrimination against someone and relying on certain stereotypes.

Prva grupa volontera ESC Humanitarian Aid stigla u BiH!

Prva grupa volontera ESC Humanitarian Aid stigla u BiH!

BRAVO je prošle godine započeo još jednu divnu priču postavši prva organizacija u Bosni i Hercegovini i stota u svijetu koja je dobila certifikat humanitarne pomoći od Europske komisije. Nadovezujući se na ovaj uspjeh, BRAVO je nedavno postao dio priče projekta humanitarne pomoći pod nazivom H.A.N.D.

Testimonials – Job Shadowing ”Leadership is for EveryOne” in Tropea, Italy

Testimonials – Job Shadowing ”Leadership is for EveryOne” in Tropea, Italy

”I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Job Shadowing Erasmus project in Tropea, Italy, and I can confidently say that it was a mind-blowing experience. For two weeks, I was immersed in a dynamic and enriching environment that aimed to enhance women’s leadership, develop non-formal education (NFE) resources for youth workers and young people, promote men’s involvement in women’s empowerment, and strengthen the synergies between youth work and the labor market

Testimonials – Training Course ”Conflict Resolution through Storytelling“ in Valletta, Malta

Testimonials – Training Course ”Conflict Resolution through Storytelling“ in Valletta, Malta

”I had an opportunity to be a participant in the training course “Conflict resolution through Storytelling” in Malta. It was an incredible and amazing journey with other participants to speak about conflicts in the world, in ourselves, and between each other, and to try to solve them in group activities or individual work.

Basic Digital Marketing, Foligno, Italy

Basic Digital Marketing, Foligno, Italy

The project “Sharing Design Your Job” is nearing the completion of its activities, specifically in regard to the implementation of Training Courses. Twenty participants have once again gathered for the final training course of this initiative, with the main topic being Basic Digital Marketing.

Third Transnational Project Meeting- Sharing Design Your Job

Third Transnational Project Meeting- Sharing Design Your Job

We have finished another transnational project meeting of the “Sharing – Design Your Job”. From the 19th to the 21st of May, this gathering took place in Foligno, Italy, where esteemed representatives from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, Latvia, and Italy converged.

 Testimonials – LTT “NGO Operational Management System and Applications Developing”

 Testimonials – LTT “NGO Operational Management System and Applications Developing”

”Attending the LTT “NGO Operational Management System and Applications Developing” project in Istanbul, Türkiye was an unforgettable experience. The days spent there were part of the Erasmus+ project, and I am grateful for this opportunity.

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Youth Sustainability Lab” in Cuevas Bajas, Spain

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Youth Sustainability Lab” in Cuevas Bajas, Spain

”I had the incredible opportunity to be a part of the Youth Sustainability Lab project held in Cuevas Bajas, Spain, from May 3rd to May 11th. This project was specifically aimed at addressing environmental issues and promoting sustainability among young people.

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Hiking for Better Earth” in Zell am See, Austria

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Hiking for Better Earth” in Zell am See, Austria

”I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Youth Exchange “Hiking for Better Earth”. This experience has been truly transformative, both personally and in terms of my understanding of sustainable practices and the importance of preserving our natural environment

The ROMA Culture

The ROMA Culture

The Roma have a rich cultural legacy that dates back centuries. The use of symbols, which serve as major expressions of their ideas, values, and traditions, is one of the most important components of their culture. These symbols can be found in a variety of forms, such as clothes, jewelry, and tattoos, and are frequently utilized to express messages of protection

Breaking Barriers: The Power of Job Shadowing for Women in the Workplace

Breaking Barriers: The Power of Job Shadowing for Women in the Workplace

Have you ever wondered about the objectives of Job Shadowing? It’s a concept that many people are unfamiliar with, but today we’ll explore it in detail and understand its significant role in promoting female empowerment.

Digital Habits and How to Inspire Good Ones

Digital Habits and How to Inspire Good Ones

The internet has transformed the way we communicate, learn, and interact with the world. Young people today have grown up with this technology at their fingertips, and they often rely on it to stay connected and informed.

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Becoming Digitally Conscious” in Berlin, Germany

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Becoming Digitally Conscious” in Berlin, Germany

The experience of becoming digitally conscious through the youth exchange was truly beautiful. The organization of the project was executed exceptionally well, and I formed meaningful connections with every person involved. Participating in this type of project ignited a passion within me for project work, and I am eager to continue exploring similar opportunities.

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