Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange ”The Act of Moving Froward” in Vlasotince, Serbia

Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange ”The Act of Moving Froward” in Vlasotince, Serbia

The main aim of this YE is to help youngsters to acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function effectively in a pluralistic democratic society and to interact, negotiate, and communicate with people from diverse groups, using elements from their cultural heritage as a tool.

Urgent call for 1 volunteer for short-term ESC ”Green Hearts” in Antalya, Turkiye

Urgent call for 1 volunteer for short-term ESC ”Green Hearts” in Antalya, Turkiye

Giving language courses to kids and youth
-Handcrafts including diy activities
-Green activities, planting, taking care of flowers, creating hobby garden
-Outdoor activities such as cultural and historical trips picnics, outdoor sports
-Office work and project writing /management

The Final Conference For The Project ”EU On The Move”

The Final Conference For The Project ”EU On The Move”

The project ”EU on the Move” gathered 5 European countries including BiH, Croatia, Slovenia, Turkey, and Portugal. All of the partnering countries were eager to make a change and create more opportunities that would gradually improve the quality of young people’s lives.

SONKEI – Final Conference, Sakarya, Turkiye

SONKEI – Final Conference, Sakarya, Turkiye

At 30. 11. till 3. 12. 2022. our members have participated in the final meeting of the project SONKEI – Respect in sport, respect in life in Sakarya, Turkey. The main aim of the project SONKEI was the prevention of violence in sports and intolerance through education and promotion of the values of respect, courage, gender equality, inclusion, and non-violence

#SAFESPORTEVENT – Local Testing in Bosnia and Herzegovina

#SAFESPORTEVENT – Local Testing in Bosnia and Herzegovina

As part of the SAFESPORTEVENT project, we organized a local testing in Tuzla, Sarajevo, and Mostar to evaluate the effectiveness of the safety and security protocols developed through the project. The testing involved sport managers, volunteers, and administrators who had received training and education through the project, and who were empowered to co-create and use specific protocols for safety and security at sport events.

Tool4Youth – BRAVO attended the 2nd transnational project meeting held in Warsaw, Poland

Tool4Youth – BRAVO attended the 2nd transnational project meeting held in Warsaw, Poland

Partners discussed the implementation of project activities and followed up on the results. Evaluation of the first LTT held in Turkey was concluded to be positive and in line with defined goals and expectations. Further, dates of the 2nd LTT which will be held in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been confirmed and preparatory activities and tasks have been discussed.

LEO Training for Male Champions

LEO Training for Male Champions

On the 8th of December in Sarajevo was held long-awaited training for male champions as part of the project ”Leadership is for everyone-LEO”. This training was held by Ismail Šehić, BRAVO director, and it gathered young male figures who were eager to gain knowledge and use that knowledge in good efforts.

Celebrating the Success of Our Multiplayer Event – A Digital Tribute to Traditional Sports and Games

Celebrating the Success of Our Multiplayer Event – A Digital Tribute to Traditional Sports and Games

We recently wrapped up an extraordinary Multiplayer Event as part of the significant [2020-1-TR01-KA227-YOU-098437] project, aimed at the Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of Traditional Sports and Games. This event marked a milestone in our mission to bridge the gap between our cultural heritage and the advancements of the digital era.

 Open call for 1 participant for ESC project ”Natural” in Amarante, Portugal

 Open call for 1 participant for ESC project ”Natural” in Amarante, Portugal

The project´s main themes are Human Rights (as example: Fair Trade promotion), Health and well-being (as example: healthy food and lifestyles, outdoor activities) and Environment (as example: organic farming, local products, sustainable tourism) with the aim of supporting Equação and its members and local partners.

 Open call for 1 participant for ESC project in Amarante, Portugal

 Open call for 1 participant for ESC project in Amarante, Portugal

The project “JUVENTUDE SOCIAL ” is an ESC Project with 1 Coordinating Organisation (AMC from Portugal) and 6 volunteers coming from 6 Supporting Organizations from EU Program and Partner Countries to develop activities during 6 months.

  Open call for 4 participants for Project “We Are All Humans” in Sarajevo, BiH

  Open call for 4 participants for Project “We Are All Humans” in Sarajevo, BiH

The project will gather 30 youngsters (18-24 years old) from different EU Countries (Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Portugal, and Cyprus) according to their orientation towards EU policies related to the selected themes (Euro sceptics and Euro supporters).

BRAVO team attended IUS Job Fair 2022

BRAVO team attended IUS Job Fair 2022

BRAVO team attended IUS Job Fair 2022 organized by the IUS Student and Career Centre together with 17 other companies. This Job Fair was organized with the intention to get to know the students with a wide variety of opportunities that different companies offer and how they can use them to boost their career path and further develop their skills and knowledge as well as further evolve their social network.

Erasmus+ Youth Workshop/Info Day – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Erasmus+ Youth Workshop/Info Day – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

BRAVO organizacija kao kontakt tačka za Erasmus + program u suradnji s Nacionalnim Erasmus + uredom u Bosni i Hercegovini je povodom Svjetskog dana volontera 05.12.2022. u Sarajevu organizovala Erasmus + info/workshop dan s ciljem edukacije predstavnika organizacija u BiH iz različitih oblasti djelovanja o prilikama unutar Erasmus + programa kao i ostalih programa Evropske Unije.

LEO – Local Activity/Training – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

LEO – Local Activity/Training – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Samo za vas BRAVO je pripremio još jednu u nizu odličnih lokalnih aktivnosti.
Ovaj put je riječ o lokalnoj radionici ”Liderstvo za sve” koja će se održati 10.12. u Centru za mlade, Tuzla, sa početkom u 12 sati.
Ovo je odlična prilika da se uključite u lokalnu zajednicu i postanete dio jedne odlične priče kao što je LEO projekat. Učešćem u ovoj radionici kroz interaktivne meetode, naučit ćete više o liderstvu, nejednakosti među spolovima i načinima da prebrodite prepreke koje društvo nameće.

AHEAD – Awareness Campaign – Event 6 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

AHEAD – Awareness Campaign – Event 6 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

During the AHEAD Awareness campaign #BRAVO held one local activity in the hotel premises in Sarajevo, where we gathered our international and national volunteers not only #BRAVO volunteers but other local partners as well. International students in BiH, living in Sarajevo and other volunteers were participants in the workshop held 16.11.2022. in Sarajevo.

AHEAD – Awareness Campaign – Event 4 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

AHEAD – Awareness Campaign – Event 4 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

On the 15th of November #BRAVO held 3rd workshop in Richmond Park School College, with High School students in Sarajevo as part of the Awareness campaign of the project #AHEAD. Introduction part was about presenting project’s objectives, goals and information about fighting the hate speech towards ethnic minorities, migrants, Roma community and other vulnerable groups.

Otvoren poziv za prijave za ERASMUS+ INFO/WORKSHOP DAY, Sarajevo 05.12.2022.

Otvoren poziv za prijave za ERASMUS+ INFO/WORKSHOP DAY, Sarajevo 05.12.2022.

BRAVO ponovo donosi odlične prilike!

Ovaj put je to Erasmus+ info/Workshop dan!

Šta je to Erasmus+i zašto bi baš Vaša organizacija trebala prisustvovati ovom događaju saznajte u nastavku.

SUN – <strong>Svi smo mi pobjednici (We are all winners)</strong>

SUN – Svi smo mi pobjednici (We are all winners)

Nestrpljivo smo iščekivali prvu Olimpijadi za naše mališane pod sloganom “Svi smo mi pobjednici”, te smo sretni da je taj dan napokon i došao! Dana 25.11. 2022., simbolično na Dan državnosti, u Sportskom centru Radolinka u Tesliću

Otvoren poziv za 5 učesnika za “LEO” jednodnevni trening – Sarajevo, BiH – 08.12.2022.

Otvoren poziv za 5 učesnika za “LEO” jednodnevni trening – Sarajevo, BiH – 08.12.2022.

Donosimo vam još jednu odličnu priliku! Ovaj put je riječ o jednodnevnom treningu ”LEO” koji će se održati 8.12. u prostorijama BM International Business Center Hotela u Sarajevu.

Tražimo 5 učesnika muškog roda koji su zainteresovani da se više edukuju o načinima pružanje podrške ženama u procesu ostvarivanja njihovog liderstva i ekonomskog osnaživanja. Učešćem na ovom teningu, mladi će steći osnovna znanja vezana za ulogu facilitatora i načine na koje mogu stečeno znanje prenijeti drugima.

Passengers of Noah’s Ark – Youth Exchange in Sarajevo

Passengers of Noah’s Ark – Youth Exchange in Sarajevo

New exciting news from BRAVO! As we know, the world constantly moves and evolves which leads to migrations that are either willing or unwilling. The project talks about migration, how it affects the people involved, how it affects the people that are forced to leave their homes and how it affects the people that (don’t) welcome new people into their homelands and ordinary everyday lives.

SONKEI BIH – Local Workshops With Children and Youth

SONKEI BIH – Local Workshops With Children and Youth

Our members have continued activities in collaboration with local sports clubs whose purpose is to raise the awareness of children and youth about violence and discrimination. This time we visited “Women football club SFK 2000 Sarajevo”; “Volleyball Club Ilijaš”, and “Women football club Vogosca”

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