We are thrilled to announce that the training for trainers “MEDIActive Youth” is currently being implemented in Belgrade, Serbia! Hosted by CDER, this 10-day Training Course brought together 24 dedicated youth workers/trainers from 6 partner NGOs across the Balkans.
This ESC opportunity will consist of 12 volunteers from different European countries and 12 volunteers from France, forming an intercultural team. There will be activities about ecology to discover food issues and sustainable food (prepare and animate workshops about these topics to
raise awareness about it; act with local ecological organisations).
Even though fin swimming still hasn’t become a widely recognized sport in BiH, it is surely growing its impact and popularity by stealing hearts of many. It is slowly finding its place, attracting people with its mix of fitness and underwater exploration. The Erasmus+ project “Mermaids for Inclusion” plays an important role in promoting the sport of fin swimming.
- Register Now and Participate in Online Round Table “Women4Sport“!
- BRAVO Member at the Children’s Village Pestalozzi Youth Forum
- Open Call for 3 participants for Training Course in Czech Republic
- Open Call for European Solidarity Corps project in Siirt, Türkiye
- ESC H.A.N.D Volunteer at Centar za Starenje
Otvoren poziv za 5 učesnika za “LEO” jednodnevni trening – Sarajevo, BiH – 08.12.2022.
Donosimo vam još jednu odličnu priliku! Ovaj put je riječ o jednodnevnom treningu ”LEO” koji će se održati 8.12. u prostorijama BM International Business Center Hotela u Sarajevu.
Tražimo 5 učesnika muškog roda koji su zainteresovani da se više edukuju o načinima pružanje podrške ženama u procesu ostvarivanja njihovog liderstva i ekonomskog osnaživanja. Učešćem na ovom teningu, mladi će steći osnovna znanja vezana za ulogu facilitatora i načine na koje mogu stečeno znanje prenijeti drugima.
Passengers of Noah’s Ark – Youth Exchange in Sarajevo
New exciting news from BRAVO! As we know, the world constantly moves and evolves which leads to migrations that are either willing or unwilling. The project talks about migration, how it affects the people involved, how it affects the people that are forced to leave their homes and how it affects the people that (don’t) welcome new people into their homelands and ordinary everyday lives.
SONKEI BIH – Local Workshops With Children and Youth
Our members have continued activities in collaboration with local sports clubs whose purpose is to raise the awareness of children and youth about violence and discrimination. This time we visited “Women football club SFK 2000 Sarajevo”; “Volleyball Club Ilijaš”, and “Women football club Vogosca”
#SafeSPORTevent final meeting was held in Bulgaria
In the period 15-18 November 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria was held #SafeSPORTevent midterm meeting that gathered the partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey to evaluate the project progress and to plan together the future project actions. During the mobility, the consortium took part as well in International conference “Strategic rethinking: new NATO’s strategic concept and the EU’s strategic compass.
Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange in Dilijan, Armenia – 11.12 – 20.12.2022.
“EMBRACE! Embracing Diversity through Cultural Exchange” is a Youth Exchange project designed by groups of young people based in the European Union (Italy, Spain and Portugal) and the Neighboring Partner countries (Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia).
Few days ago, your beloved BRAVO has been a host for the first transnational project meeting of project DREAM AFTER COVID or, by full name: Designing Responsible Entrepreneurial Actions with social Mindset AFTER COVID. For two days, from 14th till 16th of November we have gathered with the most loving and hardworking team and partners from Better World Foundation- Egypt, PASOS – Spain and ORIEL APS- Italy to discuss the important dates and project outcomes.
Tool4youth – Local Activity/Dissemination event
We define infodemic as an overabundance of online and offline information. It is an attempt to undermine the public health response which can have and normally negative impact on one person’s mental and physical health as well as misinformation and disinformation which increase stigma and jeopardize valuable health gains.
BRAVO signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with VERLAB INSTITUTE
It doesn’t really come as surprise anymore when we say that BRAVO’s constant dedication to keep the wheel going when it comes to commitment, ongoing striving for success stories and finding most amazing partners to join us on our path to making this world wonder and providing the most amazing opportunities for our youth and all of the citizens of Bosnia and Hercegovina are resulting in most amazing partnerships!
BRAVO signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with BALANS
Every day BRAVO tends to write beautiful stories that will leave mark on society and bring new opportunities for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s youth have enormous potential. There are other special organizations based in Bosnia and Herzegovina that have recognized the potential of young people and are working hard to create better opportunities.
Open call for three participants for Training Course ”Enriching the outreach of youth organizations” in Slanic Moldova, Romania
The direct beneficiaries of the project are the 30 youth workers from the 10 partner organizations that deal with communication / want to develop specific skills in the field of communication and public relations online, which have decision-making power in organizations (to develop framework documents such as the Communication Strategy) or handling fundraising and networking activities.
“This being my first project or anything similar to this, it was a great experience. This was a suggestion from a friend and I could never imagine it being like this. The whole experience was on another level. The people I met, the experiences I gained, and how much I worked on myself during this project are crazy.
1st pilot training with children and youth – SONKEI B&H
Under the project SONKEI, we started the implementation of activities in collaboration with local sports clubs whose purpose is to raise the awareness of children and youth about violence and discrimination. The main topic of the project SONKEI is »Combat violence and tackle racism, discrimination, and intolerance in sport«.
Open call for 3 participants for the Training course in Hungary
The aim of the project is to explore the unconscious bias and emotional literacy of youth workers so that they can make more informed choices and decisions and to foster the importance of diversity in inclusion. Through this project, we would like to increase awareness of bias in many fields and its negative impact on decision-making and provide tools to address it to support decision-making and inclusive cultural diversity.
Comparison between the treatment of Romanis in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the United States of America
In addition to the three constitutive nations, 17 national minorities live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, among which the Roma are the most numerous and most vulnerable population. No minority in BiH is in such a problematic and difficult social position, living on the margins of society, often without basic human rights.
Otvoren poziv za VOLONTERE za SVJETSKO PRVENSTVO U SJEDEĆOJ ODBOJCI – Sarajevo 04.11 – 11.11.2022.
Da li želiš da se uključiš u organizaciju Svjetskog prvenstva u sjedečoj odbojci i značajno dopreneš ovom
događaju? Riječ je o jednom značajnom događaju koji ujedno predstavlja odličnu priliku da se mladi ljudi
angažuju i doprinesu vlastitom društvu.
Being a Youth Worker – Dissemination Event
BRAVO is a group of young people who want to write beautiful stories that will make a difference and, as we like to say, “Make the World Wonder.” Following participation in the “Being a Youth Worker” training course in Poland.
Open call for short-term training ”LEO” in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Women’s economic empowerment is an essential asset to achieving gender equality. However, in most countries, worldwide men outnumber women in leadership positions in every sector globally, including business, non-profits, government, education, medicine, the military, and religion.
Refugee/Migrant Children in Bosnia and Herzegovina
A drastic rise in the number of migrants and refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina occurred in 2018.
and continued gradually since then. In that year alone, out of the total number of incomers, 175 of
them were unaccompanied children or children separated from parents/guardians (OSCE
BRAVO team attended the 12th Scholarships fair organized by the University of Sarajevo
BRAVO team attended 12th Scholarships fair organized by the University of Sarajevo. This project was started back in 2010, by the International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo with
Open call for 30 participants for the project “Passengers of NOAH’s Ark” – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Migration affects not only migrants but also the communities of origin. Migration exists both in the past and in the present. According to the 2020 World Migration Report analysis of the International Organization for Migration, the number of immigrants worldwide has increased to 272 million, reaching 3.5 % of the world population.
OPEN CALL FOR NEW #BRAVO MEMBERS – National and International
Hi there! The time of year has come again where we are ready to open our doors for a selected number of individuals to join our BRAVO family! Are you interested in becoming a new BRAVO member? Read on to find out more.