• Name of the project: “Week of Social Game”

  • Date of Project: 3.10.2022. – 7.10.2022.

  •  Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”

  • Place: Budapest, Hungary

  • Participants age: 16 – 30

  • The number of participants: 5

  • Working language: English

  • Deadline for applying: 30.09.2022.

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food. 


The main aim of the project GEMINI is to promote the social entrepreneurship and digital innovation of young women. In general, women are under-represented at the highest levels of organizations, receiving lower pay and fewer promotions than men. Women face both “glass ceiling” and “sticky floor” problems -whereas the glass ceiling is an obstacle for highly educated women, the sticky floor is a problem for less-educated women.


According to the EU, female creativity and entrepreneurial potential are an under-exploited source of economic growth and jobs that should be further developed. The motivation of this project is to facilitate, educate, intricate, and reinforce women in social entrepreneurship and digital innovation, in order to acquire business fundamentals, provide finance and cost management tools in order to face both systemic and personal barriers to accessing capital. The project aims to create an online business accelerator simulator to help them access information regarding social entrepreneurship and a space for idea sharing, brainstorming and access to possible investors.

The Objectives of GEMINI project are:


  • Improving the quality and effectiveness of education and training.
  • Promoting equality, social cohesion and active citizenship.
  • Strengthening creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.
  • Lifelong learning and mobility.
  • To support development of entrepreneurial ideas through the Business Model Canvas to achieve the goal of running new businesses as a tool of fighting youth unemployment.
  • To create space for sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences & good practices in the field of entrepreneurial learning among non-formal and formal educators;
  • To stimulate the concept of international and cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of entrepreneurial learning.
  • To promote digital innovation.

    The target groups are young women between 16 and 30 years old, and vulnerable young women who have an interest in entrepreneurship.


The mobility will be in English and therefore participants should be able to communicate in English.


Intercultural Night: Participants are requested to present their home country and its culture to the group (no use of presentations, etc.) by telling a short story about it, bringing some traditional food, performing a dance or some other tradition.


Youthpass Certificates: All participants will receive a Youthpass certificate at the end of the mobility.

Travel, Food and Accommodation

The sending organization will help with buying tickets and organizing trip to Budapest. Volunteers will have provided ACCOMMODATION, 3 MEALS per DAY, and COFFEE BREAKS

How to apply?

  1. Complete the BRAVO- APPLICATION FORM with in English title as following ”name of the project you are applying for” until 23:59 on deadline day.
  2. Deadline for applying: 30.09.2022.
  3. Selection results: 01.10.2021.
  5. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at:

If you have any questions feel free to contact BRAVO TEAM

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