The primary objective of this project is to support young people from diverse cultural backgrounds in enhancing their intercultural competence. By providing them with the tools and opportunities to engage with and learn from one another, the project aims to foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding. Central to the project’s approach is the development of guidelines for using music as a non-formal learning method.
From the 11th of June until the 14th of June, BRAVO hosted a new set of participants for a Training Course initiated by the project Visual Thinking 4 Youth. This project is a unique initiative designed to empower young people through creative and visual thinking techniques. Participants had the opportunity to delve into the world of dyslexia, exploring and learning about the challenges faced by people with this condition.
“Participating in the MEDIAcitve Youth training was a great experience, particularly due to the opportunity to collaborate with participants from the rest of the Western Balkan countries. The workshops were excellent, perfectly tailored to teach us new tactics and methods of information control and writing, with organizers who were always supportive and accessible, especially when we needed assistance in writing our own articles.”
- Second Midterm Transnational Project Meeting – “Mermaids for Inclusion”
- Selection Results for Training Course “Green IT“ in Marina di Massa, Italy
- Open Call for Long-Term ESC Project in Hannover, Germany
- Open Call for The Project “MEDIActive Youth“ in Belgrade, Serbia
- Kick-off Meeting for the Project “MEDIActive Youth“
Basic UX Design: Understanding User Experience
This time, BRAVO brings an opportunity to the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina to learn more about Basic UX Design. And what exactly is UX Design and what are its advantages?
User Experience (UX) design is the process of designing and creating digital products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. It is a multi-disciplinary field that includes aspects of psychology, design, technology, and human-computer interaction. UX design is not just about creating an attractive and visually appealing product, but also about ensuring that it is usable, accessible, and meets the needs and expectations of its users.
Beginning of the DIGIVOUGI project: Encouraging personal and social competencies through virtual exchange
From February 5 to 8, 2023, a kick-off meeting was held in Agueda, Portugal, which started the project called DIGIVOUGI. With partners from three other countries, namely Portugal, Greece and Albania, we discussed the formulation of clear goals and deadlines for the project.
Open call for 1 participant for long-term ESC project „Evolution without Borders“ in Sępólno Krajeńskie, Poland
If you are a young person aged 18 to 30, you are motivated, responsible, and ready to come to a small town and support us with your work in our facilities and the development of our community, this opportunity is for you. We do not require volunteers to have predetermined skill sets or ability to perform activities, only inquisitiveness and openness to learning new things that may be needed for the activity
#BRAVO članica kao član žirija na projektu ”Mladi ambasadori nauke”
BRAVO s ponosom piše priče o svojim članovima koji su aktivni dio društva, te koji na najbolji mogući način predstavljaju važnost mladih u zajednici. Ovoga puta vam donosimo priču o našoj članici Lejli Smječanin. O čemu je to zapravo riječ?
Selection Results for Youth Exchange “Art for Future”
The Youth Exchange will be based on non-formal education. Experienced trainers’ team will facilitate the learning process of participants. Its methodology will be learner – centred. It will consist of theoretical elements about Erasmus+, theory about theatre and drama methodology, practical elements of equipping youth workers in theatre tools to work with minorities and empower them
”Za radionicu sam saznao od djevojke, koja je mislila da će mi ova radionica biti super pozitivno iskustvo. Inače, moj dječački san je bio da postanem uspješan modni dizajner tako da mi je ovo bila prilika da naučim nešto novo i korisno.
Open Call for volunteers for Short-term ESC project in ISTANBUL, TURKIYE – 55 days
Attention all volunteers! We are excited to announce an open call for participants in a short-term European Solidarity Corps (ESC) project in Istanbul, Turkey. The project will last for 55 days and will focus on project management, writing, and designing European projects.
Open Call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange in Austria
One of Europe’s most urgent issues nowadays is the increasing number of young people who lead sedentary lives which lack enough physical activity. According to WHO, one quarter of EU population does not meet the recommendations on physical activity. This problem needs to be addressed and mitigated as soon as possible since inactivity is always accompanied by numerous health issues, both mental and physical.
Erasmus+ and ESC Info Day – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
U Tuzli je 03.02.2023. godine održan treći po redu Erasmus+ Info dan. Kao i do sada, zainteresovanost je bila velika, te smo u prostorijama Visoke škole za finansije i računovodstvo FINra, ugostili više od 50 učesnika. Prisutni su bili predstavnici nevladinih organizacija te obrazovnih ustanova, sportski radnici, volonteri te mnogi mladi ljudi zainteresovani za Erasmus+ Youth & ESC program.
FASHIORATION – Nacionalni trening za mlade dizajnere i umjetnike
Mladi dizajneri okupili su se u Sarajevu u okviru BRAVO projekta “Fashioration” na trodnevnom trening kursu koji se održao između 01.02. i 03.02.2023. kako bi dodatno razvili svoje vještine i proširili znanje o bosanskohercegovačkoj tradiciji i kulturnoj nematerijalnoj baštini.
Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange „Art for Future“ in Riga, Latvia
The Youth Exchange will be based on non-formal education. Experienced trainers’ team will facilitate the learning process of participants. Its methodology will be learner – centred. It will consist of theoretical elements about Erasmus+, theory about theatre and drama methodology
Open call for 2 participants for Training Course ”Digital Youth Work” in Golden Sands, Bulgaria
The main theme of the project is related to the youth work with digital tools and methods. The aim of the project is to develop and/or improve the competences of youth workers/youth leaders in digital youth work
Testimonials – Travel Around Our Mind and Soul in Gyöngyös, Hungary
“A few days ago I had an opportunity to be a participant in the project “Travel around our soul and mind” in Hungary. It was an incredible and amazing journey with other participants to speak about biases, prejudice, and stereotypes and to try to find them in ourselves
Selection results for Training Course „STRIVE“ in Dilijan, Armenia
The project “STRIVE – Striving for Gender Equality Through Youth Work” aims to develop and improve the knowledge and understanding of youth workers involved in the project on various gender-related concepts, and analyze traditions, roles and perceptions of gender in different European countries and societies.
For a more peaceful and communicative world, it is indispensable for young generations to receive an appropriate education, adopt basic human values, respect different cultures and understandings, and choose communication/diplomacy as a method of solving problems.
Coronavirus disease (COVID -19) is the first pandemic in history to use technology and social media on a large scale to keep people safe, informed, productive, and connected. At the same time, the technology we rely on to stay connected and informed is enabling and amplifying an infodemic that continues to undermine the global response and compromise pandemic control measures.
BRAVO recently presented Handbook for youth workers under the project BOOST
BRAVO recently presented Handbook for youth workers under the project BOOST. During this event, attendees had an opportunity to meet the project, its activities, and its results. So far, BRAVO alongside partners Vere Montis from Croatia, L’ORMA from Italy, and BSDA from Bulgaria created educational tools whose goal is to develop transversal skills in young people. In this article, we will present you with the BOOST e-platform.
ERASMUS+ YOUTH and ESC INFO DAY – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nakon uspješno implementiranog Erasmus+ Info dana u Sarajevu, BRAVO tim dolazi u Tuzlu. Ukoliko želite proširiti vaše znanje o Erasmusu i Erasmus+ programima, pridružite nam se i steknite jedno vrijedno iskustvo koje će vam značajno doprinijeti u životu.
Open call for 40 participants for the Training Course ”Conflict Resolution Through Storytelling” in Sarajevo, BiH
As human beings we tend to organize our experiences in story form. This can be seen particularly in conflicts at communal, regional, national and international levels where conflicts are not described as clinical dissections naming the constitutive elements but as structured wholes in the form of narratives.
Selection results for Training Course ‘’Digital yin-yang in youth work’’ in Stubičke Toplice, Croatia
Digital yin-yang in youth work” is a 5 days long training course in Croatia focused on increasing the awareness of experts about the importance of creating a yin-yang, a balance of online and offline activities for young people, and to offer them an opportunity to create a strategy by which this can be done.
Open call for 2 participants for Training Course ”STRIVE” in Dilijan, Armenia
The project “STRIVE – Striving for Gender Equality Through Youth Work” aims to develop and improve the knowledge and understanding of youth workers involved in the project on various gender-related concepts, and analyze traditions, roles and perceptions of gender in different European countries and societies.