“The project includes an introductory training course on Living Library Methodology, followed by three months for participants to design and implement events in their communities. It culminates in a final evaluation meeting to reflect on experiences and lessons learned. The training involves 36 youth workers from the European Union (Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, and Romania) and neighboring countries (Armenia, Türkiye, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Palestine), engaging them in discussions, presentations, and field visits to develop their skills in organizing Living Library events.”

On Sunday, July 28, 2024, we held a competition called “Youth Entrepreneurial Ideas”. The event took place as part of the Nomad Fest on the beautiful Bjelašnica mountain. This unique festival brought together young entrepreneurs from the region and beyond, who had the opportunity to present their innovative ideas to a panel of experts and an audience. The contestants showcased exceptional creativity and enthusiasm, with teams from Bosnia and Herzegovina standing out the most, taking all three top places.

“I am very thankful to BRAVO for giving me an opportunity to learn about the importance of media literacy, its role and effects on society. In this project, we learned how to recognize misinformation from disinformation, fake news from truthful ones and how to find reliable sources. The knowledge I gained throughout this project will help me in the future to identify deceitful news.”
- Open Call for 8 Participants for Training Course in Almazora, Spain
- BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Training Course “Hidden Jewels“ in Abovyan, Armenia
- BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Training Course “Visual Thinking 4 Youth“ in Podgorica, Montenegro
- Second Midterm Transnational Project Meeting – “Mermaids for Inclusion”
- Selection Results for Training Course “Green IT“ in Marina di Massa, Italy

Poziv za upis na kurs turskog jezika
Učimo zajedno Dragi naši, BRAVO ponovo otvara prijave za kurs turskog jezika! Nakon uspješno završenog A1 i A2 nivoa, ponovo otvaramo prijave za A1 i A2 nivo, ali i za

Poziv za upis na kurs italijanskog jezika
Učimo zajedno BRAVO zvanično otvara prijave za novi ciklus kursa italijanskog jezika! Sve informacije o kursu možete pronaći u nastavku. PREDVIĐENO TRAJANJE KURSA: A1: 4 mjeseca 3.: 3 mjeseca (završni

“Yakında görüşürüz” dear Caglar and Burhan
Writing just a couple of words, or a couple of sentences about Burhan and Caglar, our Turkish #ESC volunteers, is not that easy job as it seems. Its even harder if

Open Call for 5 participants – Art of Creative Thinking
BRAVO with partners announce a call for 5 participants for a TRAINING COURSE in Sofia, Bulgaria from 14.08 – 21.08.2021. for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and those living in

Open call 5 participants for Training Course “The futuRe is grEEn”
Open call for Training Course Name of the project: "The futuRe is grEEn" Date of Project: 30.06.2021 – 07.07.2021. Hosting organization: “MV International" Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ - BiH "Socialinis efektas" -

Bye bye Sena and Betul
This post will start with us saying that we already miss you girls, Betul and Sena! We have spent an amazing 2 months with you here in Sarajevo, and it

Učimo zajedno Kao što ste već i navikli, pored mnogih aktivnosti, BRAVO već skoro godinu dana organizuje kurseve stranih jezika. Budući da je obrazovanje jedno od naših polja djelovanja, trudimo

Name of the project: “ART OF INCLUSION – INCUBATOR OF MIXED-ABILITY YOUTH PROJECTS” Date of Project: 22.05 – 29.05.2021. Applicant organization: “Windmill Tree” Hosting organization: “Windmill Tree” Sending organizations: “BRAVO – Responsible for the participant

Selection Result for ESC Project in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
Name of the project: “AKÜ is Starting Solidarity Movement!” Date of Project: 05.2021 – 28.06.2021. (59 days) Hosting organization: “Afyon Kocatepe University” Sending organizations: “BRAVO” Location: Afyonkarahisar, Turkey Participants’ age: 18 – 30 The number

Projekt #SafeSPORTevent stiže nam u veoma izazovnim vremenima za Europu i cijeli svijet, kada je glavni cilj Europske komisije sigurnost svih učesnika Erasmus + i Europskih Snaga Solidarnosti programa, te

BRAVO discusses cooperation with Yunus Emre Center
Cooperation Meeting with Yunus Emre Institute Today, on the 1st of April, BRAVO representatives had a meeting with Yunus Emre Institute. Main focus of the meeting was negotiations on cooperation.

"Vaše malo, nekome može spasiti život!" "U izazovnim i nesigurnim vremenima kao što su ova, biti čovjek je od neizmjerne važnosti. Biti human je neprocjenjivo, a taj nas čin na košta

Open Call for 2 volunteers for ESC Project in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
Name of the project: “AKÜ is Starting Solidarity Movement!” Date of Project: 05.2021 – 28.06.2021. (59 days) Hosting organization: “Afyon Kocatepe University” Sending organizations: “BRAVO” Location: Afyonkarahisar, Turkey Participants’ age:

Selection Result for Youth Exchange in Sakarya, Turkey
Name of the project: “NOVEL HEROES AGAİNST THE HATE SPEECH” Date of Project: 05.2021 – 29.05.2021. Hosting organization: “Karasu Gençlik, Sanat Ve Spor Kulübü Derneği” Sending organizations: “BRAVO” Location: Sakarya,

Meet BRAVO ESC Volunteers (Amina and Emir) who will spend 6 months in Sakarya, Turkey
Words from BRAVO volunteers... Within the ESC project called “Climate Volunteers in Our City” on the March 1st we have arrived in Turkey’s province of Sakarya, Serdivan Municipality, where, during

Name of the project: “ART OF INCLUSION – INCUBATOR OF MIXED-ABILITY YOUTH PROJECTS” Date of Project: 22.05 – 29.05.2021. Applicant organization: “Windmill Tree” Hosting organization: “Windmill Tree” Sending organizations: “BRAVO

U prilogu Vam dajem 5 dobrih razloga za učenje Kineskog jezika : 1. Veoma jeftino/besplatno školovanje u Kini. 2. Mogućnost putovanja u Kinu. 3. Veća mogućnost pronalaska posla i moguća

Welcome to BRAVO dear Sena, Burhan, Betül and Çağlar, welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Four international volunteers arrived in Sarajevo on the 1st of March, ready to start their short-term ESC project. Sena, Betül, Burhan and Çağlar are young people who came from Turkey

Učimo zajedno Konnichiwa, dragi prijatelji! Što Vam prvo padne na pamet kada pomislite na Zemlju Izlazećeg Sunca? Na crtiće anime? Nježnost i ljepotu trešnjinog cvijeta- sakura? Film “Sjećanja jedne gejše”?

Selection Results for ESC in Sakarya, Turkey
Project name: ESC “Climate Volunteers in Our City” Project duration: 01.03.2021 – 30.08.2021. (6 months) Hosting organization: “Karasu Gençlik, Sanat Ve Spor Kulübü Derneği” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Location: Sakarya, Turkey Age limit: 18 – 30 The

#SafeSPORTevent started with online partners meeting
On 16th of February 2021 the partners of #SafeSPORTevent have gathered online to discuss project activities, administration, implementation and reporting of projects in the field of sports, as well as