Agreement on Cooperation between the Faculty of Economics, University of Zenica and BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities

Agreement on Cooperation between the Faculty of Economics, University of Zenica and BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities

Agreement on Cooperation between the Faculty of Economics, University of Zenica and BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities

Today we became richer for another cooperation we made with the Faculty of Economics, University of Zenica. With this agreement, BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zenica will start cooperation in the field of human rights, entrepreneurship, public management within Erasmus + projects.

Open Call for 5 Participants for Training Course in Lidman, Czech Republic

Open Call for 5 Participants for Training Course in Lidman, Czech Republic

Open call for Training Course “SUSTAINABLE IMPACT”

Name of the project: ”Sustainable ImPACT”

Date of Project: 05.2022. – 26.05.2022.

Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”

Place: Lidman, Czech Republic

Participants age: +18

The number of participants: 5

Working language: English

Deadline for applying: 04.2022.

Selection Results for Training Course in Rotterdam, Netherlands

Selection Results for Training Course in Rotterdam, Netherlands

Selection Results for Training Course “YOU(TH) IN EUROPE”

Name of the project: “You(th) in Europe!”

Date of Project: 10.05.2022 – 19.05.2022.

Hosting organization: “Millennium Peacemakers”

Sending organizations: “BRAVO“
Place: Rotterdam, Netherlands

Participants age: + 18

The number of participants : 4

Working language: English

#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Training Course in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Training Course in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Training Course in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

„“Think Twice” Training Course, that took place in Bulgaria, was my first training course and my first time visiting Bulgaria.
During this training course I expanded my basic knowledge about cyber security and media literacy. I became a little bit more resistant to media misinformations and I improved my ability to think critically.

Selection Results for Youth Exchange in Gasbustua, Norway

Selection Results for Youth Exchange in Gasbustua, Norway

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “YOUTH IN ACTION”

Name of the project: “Youth in Action”

Date of Project: 06.05.2022 – 14.05.2022.

Hosting organization: “ Intermezzo Ungdomsorganisasjon ”

Sending organizations: “BRAVO“

Place: Gasbustua, Norway

Participants age: + 18

The number of participants : 5

Working language: English

Selection Results for Youth Exchange in Pogradec, Albania

Selection Results for Youth Exchange in Pogradec, Albania

Selection Results for Youth Exchange in Pogradec, Albania

Name of the project: “Digital Green skills for Climate change adaption and mitigation strategies from youth”

Date of Project: 03.04.2022 – 10.04.2022.

Hosting organization: “Build Green Group”

Sending organizations: “BRAVO“

Place: Tushemisht, Pogradec, Albania

Participants age: + 18

The number of participants : 5

Selection Results for Training Course in Istanbul, Turkey

Selection Results for Training Course in Istanbul, Turkey

Pack your bags and get ready for some sun!



During this month, in the period from 15th to 17th of March 2022, three Round Tables were held as part of the project “EU ON THE MOVE” as a part of Erasmus+ Sport program.

Main topic of Round tables was presentation of the project, but also what has been done so far and what will be done when it comes to implementation of further phases. Additionally, we wanted to create strong network of sport professionals and coaches all across Bosnia and Herzegovina.



We are proud to announce a photography contest that offers fantastic monetary awards along with exhibiting all chosen artworks on international exhibitions in Athens ???? in February and in Sarajevo ?? in April this year.

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Gasbustua, Norway

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Gasbustua, Norway

Name of the project: "Youth in Action" Date of Project: 06.05.2022 - 14.05.2022. Hosting organization: “ Intermezzo Ungdomsorganisasjon ” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Gasbustua, Norway Participants age: + 18 The number of  participants :

Open Call for 5 Participants for Training Course in Istanbul, Turkey

Open Call for 5 Participants for Training Course in Istanbul, Turkey

Name of the project: "Active City Active Citizen" Date of Project: 17.06.2022 - 26.06.2022. Hosting organization: “Active Cities Association” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Istanbul, Turkey Participants age: + 18 The number of  participants :

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Troyan, Bulgaria

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Troyan, Bulgaria

Name of the project: "IMPROVING MY LEADERSHIPS SKILLS" Date of Project: 10.04.2022 - 18.04.2022. Hosting organization: “Sdruzhenie:”ObzorArt”” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“Place: Troyan, Bulgaria Participants age: 18 - 25 The number of  participants : 5 Working language: English Deadline for applying: 24.04.2022This project

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “EU GENERATION”

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “EU GENERATION”

Selection Results for Youth Exchange "EU GENERATION" Name of the project: “EU Generation” Date of Project: 29.03.2022 – 05.04.2022. Hosting organization: “EUducation Italy” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Messina, Italy Participants age: + 18 The number of  participants

SUN: Okrugli sto sa fokusom na sport i zdravlje naših najmlađih

SUN: Okrugli sto sa fokusom na sport i zdravlje naših najmlađih

U okviru Erasmsus+ projekta ''SUN - Sports, Health and FUn for Preschool ChildreN '', BRAVO organizacija otvara prijave za Okrugli sto, koji će se održati 15. marta sa početkom u

#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Youth Exchange in Slanic Moldova

#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Youth Exchange in Slanic Moldova

We had amazing youth attending project „Feeling European“ and we are proud to say that they #MAKETHEWORLDWONDER. But what do they have to say about this amazing experience? „When thinking about

Greater Debaters – stay tuned! We have something for you!

Greater Debaters – stay tuned! We have something for you!

Attention all debaters!  Through the O’VISOR (Only What You Give is Yours) project, we come to you with a new and exciting series of Karl Popper debates being held in

Open Call for 4 Participants for Training Course in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Open Call for 4 Participants for Training Course in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Name of the project: "You(th) in Europe!" Date of Project: 10.05.2022 - 19.05.2022. Hosting organization: “Millennium Peacemakers” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Rotterdam, Netherlands Participants age: + 18 The number of  participants : 4 Working

Poziv za okrugli sto – EU on the Move

Poziv za okrugli sto – EU on the Move

U sklopu Erasmus+ projekta ''Eu on the Move'', finansiranog od strane Evropske komisije, BRAVO otvara novi poziv za Okrugli sto koji će se održati na više lokacija u  Bosni i

#SafeSPORTEvent- Lokalni trening održan u Sarajevu, BiH

#SafeSPORTEvent- Lokalni trening održan u Sarajevu, BiH

Dana 3. marta 2022., predstavnici organizacije BRAVO- Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities, koji su ujedno i partneri projekta, održali  su #SafeSPORTEvent lokalni trening na kojem su sportskoj javnosti predstavili

Selection Results for “Jugendbildungs” #EuropeanSolidarityCorps

Selection Results for “Jugendbildungs” #EuropeanSolidarityCorps

Selection Results for Training Course "BY PLAYING YOU LEARN" Name of the peoject: “Jugendbildung” Date of Project: 1.3.2022. – 30.01.2023. Hosting organization: “Jugendbildungs- und Begegnungsstätte Hirschluch ” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Pogradec, Albania

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Pogradec, Albania

Name of the project: "Digital Green skills for Climate change adaption and mitigation strategies from youth" Date of Project: 03.04.2022 - 10.04.2022. Hosting organization: “Build Green Group” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“Place: Tushemisht, Pogradec, Albania Participants age: + 18 The number

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