“I’m in the seventh grade and I’m an excellent student. Swimming means a lot to me, primarily because of my health, but also because of my friends. I don’t know how I would do without this. I’ve been training for five years, three or four times a week. I wish I could do more” – said Ismail Barlov.

We are excited to announce the participants selected for the NGO Video Lab project, taking place from November 24th to December 1st, 2024, in Stubičke Toplice,
Croatia. Organized by FONDACIJA PODUZETNIKA in collaboration with the hosting organization HUKI, this project is designed to equip youth workers with essential video
production and promotional skills, enhancing their ability to engage young people in NGO activities.

We are excited to announce the selected participants for the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project “Inclusion and Diversity through Chess,” taking place from October 29th to November 5th, 2024 in Narón, Spain. This project, organized by “SZSR FBIH” in cooperation with the hosting organization “Asociación On my way,” will bring together young people to explore the themes of inclusion and diversity through the powerful lens of chess.
- Open Call for 7 participants for Youth Exchange in Elazığ, Türkiye
- Selection Results for Training Course “Digital Communication Strategies” in Podgorica, Montenegro
- Open Call for 4 Participants for Training Course in Dilijan, Armenia
- “Youth Entrepreneurial Ideas” Competition at Nomad Fest
- Testimonials: Media Literacy and Tackling Disinformation in Istanbul, Türkiye

Selection Results for Training Course: “Basic UX Design”
“Creating and testing new ICT education programs and methodologies suitable for systematic prequalification and re-training of unemployed or marginalized young people”.

Selection Results for Learning Teaching Training Course ‘’TOOL4YOUTH”
At the same time, the technology we rely on to stay connected and informed is enabling and amplifying an infodemic that continues to undermine the global response and compromise pandemic control measures. An infodemic is an overabundance of information, both online and offline. It is a deliberate attempt to spread false information

Selection Results for Training Course ‘’Digital Youth Work’’
The main theme of the project is related to the youth work with digital tools and methods. The aim of the project is to develop and/or improve the competences of youth workers/youth leaders in digital youth work.

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “Hiking for Better Earth”
One of Europe’s most urgent issues nowadays is the increasing number of young people who lead sedentary lives and lack enough physical activity. According to WHO, one-quarter of EU population does not meet the recommendations on physical activity.

Selection Results for TC: “Conflict Resolution Through Storytelling”
Storytelling is an intrinsic part of the human experience and is an important way in which we organize our experience of the world. Understanding how human beings create and use different stories is important because it provides participants with the tools to understand and interact with the social world around them.

Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange ”Becoming Digitally Conscious” in Berlin, Germany
Capacity Building project targeted to the promotion of healthy digital habits among young people. The goal is to make this group aware of the potential dangers of making an excessive use of digital devices, such as psychological disorders

Navigating the Future: DIGI-AGE’s Transnational Project Meeting Shapes the Course of Digital Gaming
The DIGI-AGE Game Development & Coding Academy, a trailblazer in the realm of game development education, recently organized a significant event – a Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) in Turkey. This meeting was a confluence of minds and ideas, with representatives from the project’s international partners coming together to discuss and shape the future trajectory of the DIGI-AGE initiative.

Basic UX Design: Understanding User Experience
This time, BRAVO brings an opportunity to the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina to learn more about Basic UX Design. And what exactly is UX Design and what are its advantages?
User Experience (UX) design is the process of designing and creating digital products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. It is a multi-disciplinary field that includes aspects of psychology, design, technology, and human-computer interaction. UX design is not just about creating an attractive and visually appealing product, but also about ensuring that it is usable, accessible, and meets the needs and expectations of its users.

Beginning of the DIGIVOGUI project: Encouraging personal and social competencies through virtual exchange
From February 5 to 8, 2023, a kick-off meeting was held in Agueda, Portugal, which started the project called DIGIVOUGI. With partners from three other countries, namely Portugal, Greece and Albania, we discussed the formulation of clear goals and deadlines for the project.

Open call for 1 participant for long-term ESC project „Evolution without Borders“ in Sępólno Krajeńskie, Poland
If you are a young person aged 18 to 30, you are motivated, responsible, and ready to come to a small town and support us with your work in our facilities and the development of our community, this opportunity is for you. We do not require volunteers to have predetermined skill sets or ability to perform activities, only inquisitiveness and openness to learning new things that may be needed for the activity

#BRAVO članica kao član žirija na projektu ”Mladi ambasadori nauke”
BRAVO s ponosom piše priče o svojim članovima koji su aktivni dio društva, te koji na najbolji mogući način predstavljaju važnost mladih u zajednici. Ovoga puta vam donosimo priču o našoj članici Lejli Smječanin. O čemu je to zapravo riječ?

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “Art for Future”
The Youth Exchange will be based on non-formal education. Experienced trainers’ team will facilitate the learning process of participants. Its methodology will be learner – centred. It will consist of theoretical elements about Erasmus+, theory about theatre and drama methodology, practical elements of equipping youth workers in theatre tools to work with minorities and empower them

”Za radionicu sam saznao od djevojke, koja je mislila da će mi ova radionica biti super pozitivno iskustvo. Inače, moj dječački san je bio da postanem uspješan modni dizajner tako da mi je ovo bila prilika da naučim nešto novo i korisno.

Open Call for volunteers for Short-term ESC project in ISTANBUL, TURKIYE – 55 days
Attention all volunteers! We are excited to announce an open call for participants in a short-term European Solidarity Corps (ESC) project in Istanbul, Turkey. The project will last for 55 days and will focus on project management, writing, and designing European projects.

Open Call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange in Austria
One of Europe’s most urgent issues nowadays is the increasing number of young people who lead sedentary lives which lack enough physical activity. According to WHO, one quarter of EU population does not meet the recommendations on physical activity. This problem needs to be addressed and mitigated as soon as possible since inactivity is always accompanied by numerous health issues, both mental and physical.

Erasmus+ and ESC Info Day – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
U Tuzli je 03.02.2023. godine održan treći po redu Erasmus+ Info dan. Kao i do sada, zainteresovanost je bila velika, te smo u prostorijama Visoke škole za finansije i računovodstvo FINra, ugostili više od 50 učesnika. Prisutni su bili predstavnici nevladinih organizacija te obrazovnih ustanova, sportski radnici, volonteri te mnogi mladi ljudi zainteresovani za Erasmus+ Youth & ESC program.

FASHIORATION – Nacionalni trening za mlade dizajnere i umjetnike
Mladi dizajneri okupili su se u Sarajevu u okviru BRAVO projekta “Fashioration” na trodnevnom trening kursu koji se održao između 01.02. i 03.02.2023. kako bi dodatno razvili svoje vještine i proširili znanje o bosanskohercegovačkoj tradiciji i kulturnoj nematerijalnoj baštini.

Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange „Art for Future“ in Riga, Latvia
The Youth Exchange will be based on non-formal education. Experienced trainers’ team will facilitate the learning process of participants. Its methodology will be learner – centred. It will consist of theoretical elements about Erasmus+, theory about theatre and drama methodology

Open call for 2 participants for Training Course ”Digital Youth Work” in Golden Sands, Bulgaria
The main theme of the project is related to the youth work with digital tools and methods. The aim of the project is to develop and/or improve the competences of youth workers/youth leaders in digital youth work

Testimonials – Travel Around Our Mind and Soul in Gyöngyös, Hungary
“A few days ago I had an opportunity to be a participant in the project “Travel around our soul and mind” in Hungary. It was an incredible and amazing journey with other participants to speak about biases, prejudice, and stereotypes and to try to find them in ourselves

Selection results for Training Course „STRIVE“ in Dilijan, Armenia
The project “STRIVE – Striving for Gender Equality Through Youth Work” aims to develop and improve the knowledge and understanding of youth workers involved in the project on various gender-related concepts, and analyze traditions, roles and perceptions of gender in different European countries and societies.