“My time at the youth exchange in Balatonszárszó was an unforgettable journey of creativity, collaboration, and cultural exchange Immersed in the world of visual learning and tools, I was inspired by the diverse perspectives and innovative ideas of my peers from different countries.”
U okviru projekta Nurture objavljen je priručnik za model prakse, koji predstavlja vrijedan resurs za sve koji žele unaprijediti proces učenja kroz rad. Ovaj priručnik pruža detaljan pregled kako osigurati kvalitetnu praksu i podršku mladima tokom njihovog profesionalnog razvoja.
Career development is an ongoing journey of personal and professional growth. It involves exploring opportunities, honing skills, and aligning one’s passions with their career goals. Whether you’re just starting or seeking a mid-career change, understanding the various methods of career development can be pivotal.
- Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange in Bran, Romania
- Selection results for: Training Course “Beyond Boundaries: Soft Skills Training for Future-Ready Freelancers and Entrepreneurs“
- Selection Results for Training Course “Cooperation“ in Sarajevo, B&H
- Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Selection results for Training Course ”Entrepreneurial Mastery” in Balatonszárszo, Hungary
The project will help participants understand their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth, fostering self-awareness crucial for entrepreneurial success. It will enhance participants’ communication abilities, emphasizing effective communication strategies vital for networking, pitching ideas, and building successful business relationships. It will guide participants through the process of creating a business plan, providing a roadmap for their entrepreneurial journey.
Testimonials for YE “Kaleidoscope”, Sarajevo, BiH
This was my first Erasmus+ project and it intrigued me to go on many more and find out what they have to offer. The focus on exploring differences and similarities between our two cultures made me realize how alike we are and that we share a certain togetherness. I found it very nice that despite language barriers we as participants were able to get to know each other and become friends.
Internship program ”LEO” – A journey towards a more inclusive labor market
After two months of intense work, the internship program ‘’LEO’’ has been successfully conducted by partners and interns. We have once again highlighted the importance and urgency of working towards a more inclusive labor market. The internship program has been conducted with two local companies – the Foundation of Entrepreneurs in BiH and the magazine “A&S Adria. Both of these companies have been open
Open call for Training Course ‘’Greencluded: Your Youth Event Greener” in Hungary
Environmental issues transcend borders and languages, impacting every individual regardless of their geographical location. The urgent need to address climate change and pollution has never been more apparent, especially considering the profound impact on future generations. Recognizing the significance of changing attitudes and behaviors toward nature and pollution, the project is a transformative
BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Training Course ”Youth Against Conflict” in Berlin, Germany
In a world where conflicts occur daily, it was never more urgent to educate young people about the importance of peaceful conflict resolution. Every day we witness numerous cases of discrimination and hate speech which lead to much bigger problems. That’s exactly where the Training Course ‘’Youth Against Conflict’’ comes as it plays an important role in educating young people on pressing societal issues.
Open call for Training Course ”Entrepreneurial Mastery’’ in Hungary
The project is designed for a diverse group of individuals, targeting young freelancers, aspiring entrepreneurs, potential digital nomads, and beginners in the entrepreneurial world. Tailored to equip participants with essential entrepreneurial competencies, this program is a hands-on, learning-by-doing experience aimed at fostering a robust entrepreneurial mindset. The project focuses on developing key entrepreneurial competencies to empower participants for success in their businesses.
BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Youth Exchange ”Get Digital, Get Skilled” in Istanbul, Turkiye
What better way to ‘’Get Digital and Get Skilled’’ than through an eight-day Erasmus+ project that combines education, intercultural experiences, and technological innovation? The participants from all parts of Europe are gathered in Istanbul with one specific aim – to deepen their digital skills and establish meaningful connections with each other. The ‘’Get Digital, Get Skilled’’
Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Youth for Green Future” in Balatonszárszó, Hungary
”As this is my first Erasmus+ project ever, I will remember it as one of the best experiences and memories in my life. The project itself was teaching us many new things in a fun way- many of those being group work which helped us network and think outside of the box, which I loved. But the project was not just about the ‘green future’ as the title says, it was about connecting, making new memories, and friends, and bonding.
BRAVO dolazi u Kalesiju – Poziv za Erasmus+ Boot Camp
BRAVO u suradnji sa UG može bolje, organizuje Erasmus+ Boot Camp, koji će se fokusirati na prilike koje Erasmus+ pogram nudi. Predavač će biti Ismail Šehić koji će edukovati mlade ljude o načinima na koji se mogu uključiti u Erasmus+ programe i postati aktivne mlade osobe u lokalnoj zajednici. Erasmus+ Boot Camp je namijenjen mladima iz Kalesije i okolice, koji žele proširiti zanje, izaći na internacionalno tržište i kroz zajedničko druženje pokazati kreativnost i potencijal.
BRAVO BiH brings you news on Erasmus+ program
National Erasmus + Office in BiH has invited us to the National Erasmus+ Information Day. This Info day was made possible with the support of organized in the cooperation with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on November the 27-28th on online zoom meeting. This info day was organized with the intention of promoting Erasmus+ program and te opportunities it gives through, higher education, youth, sport, VET, etc.
The importance of the LEO project in fostering female leadership
In countries like BiH, where more than 50% of the total population are women, they still don’t have it easy. Such things don’t end with BiH. Despite all feminist attempts, women all around the globe are still fighting for their social status. They have to earn the respect of others around them to be accepted as a worthy member of society.
Fresh news brought from BRAVO BiH through the BDC project:
Co-rapporteurs Brando Benifei (S&D, Italy) and Dragoș Tudorache (Renew, Romania) have the duty to answer questions from journalists on the topic of the outcome of negotiations on Artificial Intelligence Act. As a part of BDC project, BRAVO BiH gives you the freshest news on the topic of digital literacy usage of AI and other objectives project aspires to achieve.
Testimonials – Youth Exchange “Mind Craft” in Balantonszárszo, Hungary
We participated on the Mind craft project in Balatonszarszo, Hungary, from 21-29 November. We participated in various workshops with other participants from the Czech Republic, Georgia, Romania, Croatia and Italy. Through cooperation and conversations with other participants, we learned a lot about the countries and cultures from which they come, and we gained the desire to visit those countries one day.
Fashioration Festival (Virtual)
Discover more about the process of creating collections inspired by traditional folk costumes, the workshops that the participants went through, as well as the old crafts that still have their own manufactures! The Fashioration Festival takes you on a virtual tour through the Balkan capitals, their traditions and getting to know young designers who transform that tradition and incorporate it into contemporary clothing!
Testimonials – Training Course ”Through the Lens” in Eskişehir, Turkiye
’Eskişehir was a real adventure that I did not expect. Like every Erasmus adventure, there were many lessons learned—some good, some bad—but I loved every second of it. Thanks to BRAVO, I experienced high-level, non-formal educational training. This one was particularly specific because it changed the narrative and made me step out of my comfort zone of seriousness, allowing me to loosen up in the acting zone with the other participants.
BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Youth Exchange ”Dream After Covid” in Penagos, Cantabria, Spain
Traveling and visiting one of the most beautiful countries would have been just a dream for many people three years ago. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many challenges have arisen, and people are still facing its consequences to this day. Despite this, our participants have been able to experience a youth exchange in Penagos, Spain, which has been like a dream after COVID-19.
School of Entrepreneurship in the School of Entrepreneurship in Sarajevo
In a collaborative effort between BRAVO BiH and the Foundation of Entrepreneurs, the second School of Entrepreneurship unfolded at the High School of Business in Sarajevo on Friday December 1st, 2023. This event marked the convergence of 40 students from both the High School of Business and the High School of Economics in Sarajevo. The primary objective was to instill the entrepreneurial spirit within these young minds, offering valuable insights to foster their potential as future leaders.
Otvoren poziv za prijave za TAKMIČENJE u “DRUŠTVENIM IGRAMA”
BRAVO tim vas poziva na uzbudljivo takmičenje u društvenim igrama koje će se održati u Sarajevu. Ovo je prilika da pokažete svoje veštine i osvojite glavnu nagradu od 1000 KM. Evo svih detalja koje trebate znati:
Selection results for Youth Exchange ”Kaleidoscope” in Sarajevo, BiH
The project will adopt a multifaceted approach, combining cultural exchange, interactive workshops, and collaborative activities to create an immersive learning environment. Participants will have the opportunity to explore each other’s realities, religions, and cultures, fostering a deeper understanding of the shared human experience
The Multiplier event of the LEO project – Breaking Prejudices and Inspiring Change
Who said that there aren’t enough opportunities for young people? Through the LEO project, we provided a wide range of activities for young people to learn, network, and acquire professional experience. Speaking of the LEO project, we have written one more chapter that will surely be interesting for you!
Selection results for Youth Exchange “Inter Civilizational Culinary Arts From Anatolia to Europe” in Istanbul, Turkiye
This Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project aims to bring a new perspective on nutrition and health, emphasizing the place and importance of food in our culture. The project addresses the basics of good nutrition, healthy food processing, and preparation methods. It encourages cultural exchange by enabling participants from different countries to introduce each other to their traditional dishes.