The Antalya Turkuaz Youth Association is a dynamic and impactful organization committed to empowering the youth of Antalya. Through a diverse array of programs and activities, the association fosters personal growth, cultural awareness, and active community engagement.

BRAVO organizira Drugu zimsku akademiju koja će se održati online. Druga zimska akademija predstavlja savršenu priliku za mlade da postanu dio velike priče, a najbolje je što u njoj možete sudjelovati iz udobnosti svog doma! Glavni cilj Zimske akademije je da mladima pruži priliku da usavrše različite vještine i uključe se u interkulturalni dijalog.

On December 4th, we successfully held our second full-day meeting in an online format, bringing together a dedicated group of eight participants. Among them were BRAVO representatives as well as participants from our five partner organizations. The meeting served as a valuable opportunity to reflect on our progress and plan for the next steps.

The Antalya Turkuaz Youth Association is a dynamic and impactful organization committed to empowering the youth of Antalya. Through a diverse array of programs and activities, the association fosters personal growth, cultural awareness, and active community engagement.

BRAVO organizira Drugu zimsku akademiju koja će se održati online. Druga zimska akademija predstavlja savršenu priliku za mlade da postanu dio velike priče, a najbolje je što u njoj možete sudjelovati iz udobnosti svog doma! Glavni cilj Zimske akademije je da mladima pruži priliku da usavrše različite vještine i uključe se u interkulturalni dijalog.
- Welcome to the First DIGIVOGUI Newsletter!
- Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange in Bran, Romania
- Selection results for: Training Course “Beyond Boundaries: Soft Skills Training for Future-Ready Freelancers and Entrepreneurs“
- Selection Results for Training Course “Cooperation“ in Sarajevo, B&H

#ErasmusDays Event at International Burch University
Erasmus+ Days 2023 is in full swing and one of the standout events that took place was the “Role of Non-Formal Education and Employability” presentation at International Burch University. This event, held today at 12:00, brought together a diverse group of individuals eager to explore the realms of Erasmus+ and non-formal education as it ascends to employability.

Open call for 5 participants for Training Course ”Leadership skills on the spotlight” in Hungary
This training course places a strong emphasis on non-formal education and experiential learning, creating a dynamic learning environment where you’ll not only acquire theoretical knowledge about leadership but also gain practical skills and shape your own attitude towards it.

BRAVO #ErasmusDays 2023
The #ErasmusDays 2023 are officially launched and it’s time to celebrate European mobility. This seventh edition, to be held from 9 to 14 October 2023, will highlight Europe’s cultural diversity and the many learning opportunities it offers. As an event organizer, BRAVO will contribute to this edition under the theme “6 days to make Europe shine!

NEWSLETTER – Dream After Covid
Vjerujemo da do sada znate za PROJEKAT „DREAM AFTER COVID“ koji ima ulogu u oblikovanju post-COVID društva. Glavni cilj jeste promocija poduzetništva među mladima, one snage za koju vjerujemo da može pokrenuti pozitivne transformacije.

SALTO SEE organizuje Godišnji događaj za ESC volontere
SALTO SEE organizuje Godišnji događaj za ESC volontere, tačnije za volontere koji su završili svoje ESC
projekte i vratili se kući, u periodu od decembra 2022. do kraja oktobra 2023. godine.

BRAVO i Udruženje mladih “TRIK” Kalesija su organizovali radionicu
BRAVO i Udruženje mladih "TRIK" Kalesija su organizovali radionicu "Ograničenje digitalizacije edukativnog sistema-kako ih prevazići" 29. septembra 2023. Kroz zanimljiv i interaktivan pristup učesnici su se upoznali sa pojmom digitalizacije te su kroz praktične vježbe ponudili rješenja za ograničenja koja postoje.

Let’s talk about the project ”Leadership is for Everyone”! What have we been up to?
In today’s world, it is of crucial importance to create one safe space in which every individual will be respected for their abilities and qualities. Unfortunately, our society doesn’t meet the bare minimum as people are facing discrimination and prejudices just based on their gender.

BRAVO ON THE ROAD: Fashioration Gala in Athens, Greece
This amazing story with a fashion aspect has taken place in Athens, Greece from the 27th to the 30th of September. A fashion gala presented the final chapter of the project FASHIORATION that has been brought to an end. Two young genius designers, Fahira Osmić and Tamara Teodorović

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Health Up” in Bran, Romania
’I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ project “Health Up” organized in Romania, Bran, and it was an experience that left a huge mark on my life. Throughout this project, I had the opportunity of venturing into diverse cultures, exploring taboo themes, and dispelling myths about health.

Jeste li ikada imali pitanja o Erasmus+ i ESC progamima i tome što ovi programi nude pojedincima, organizacijama i lokalnim zajednicama te kako se uključiti i koja je uloga SALTO organizacije u svemu tome, ali niste znali koga pitati?

Erasmus+ Info Day
U našem BRAVO uredu, 28. septembra smo održali Info dan za Erasmus+ i ESC program. Događaju su prisustvovali mladi ljudi iz Sarajeva koji su bili zainteresirani za prijavljivanje na projekte. Ezana Ćeman je vodila diskusiju o tome šta je to Erasmus+, kako se prijaviti na BRAVO projekte

Bridging Borders through Screens: Virtual Exchange’s Impact on Skill Enhancement in Bosnia and Herzegovina
In today’s interconnected world, the power of technology knows no bounds. Borders that were once insurmountable have become virtual pathways to global understanding. Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country with a rich cultural tapestry and a thirst for progress, has embraced the transformative potential of virtual exchange programs.

TPM – Final Conference, Tool4Youth, Vilnius, Lithuania
As our joint collaboration on the Tool4youth project is coming slowly to an end, we are entering the phase of implementing final activities. IVAIGO, our partner organization on this project organized a multiplier event and a final conference held on 22nd September.

BRAVO attended on Sarajevo Sport Fest
The BRAVO team stepped out of the office and into the field to participate in the fourth annual Sarajevo Sport Fest. From September 22nd to 23rd, “Goran Čengić” sports center was the hotspot of sports, fitness and community spirit. Our organization played a significant role in making this festival a grand success.

LTT 2: Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of TraditionalSports and Games – Kaunas, Lithuania
We continued our talks on young people in digital era with young people through our 2nd LTT under the name of Barrier-Free Traditional Sports and Games in the city that has a planet named after it – Kaunas (Lithuania) from 20th to 26th of September.

Open Call for 6 Participants for Youth Exchange ‘’Go healthy!’’ in Latvia
The Youth Exchange will be grounded in non-formal education, with an experienced trainers’ team facilitating the participants’ learning process. The methodology will prioritize a learner-centered approach and include theoretical elements covering Erasmus+ and theater and drama methodology.

Selection Results “Model European Union Netherlands 2023”
BRAVO has successfully selected participants for The Model European Union Netherlands (MEUNL) 2023, a simulation event taking place from October 25th to October 29th, 2023. MEUNL offers its chosen participants a deep dive into EU governance, providing a realistic simulation of EU institutions and policies.

Radionica DREAM AFTER COVID Dragon Dreaming metoda je jedinstven pristup upravljanju projektima koji kombinuje mudrost, modernu nauku i holističke principe. Dizajniran je da osnaži zajednice, organizacije i pojedince da kreiraju održive i smislene projekte koji će koristiti svima koji su uključeni.

Open Call for 60 Participants for AHEAD Local Training – Extended Call
AHEAD project aims to promote between youngsters non–discrimination and to combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance against Roma and other Ethnic minorities (mostly migrants). Partners jointly work on innovative good practice approaches, human rights-based narratives, training, official regular meetings, and European awareness raising campaigns.

TPM 2: Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of Traditional Sports and Games – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
We marked the beginning of September with a 3-day meeting within the project Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of Traditional Sports and Games in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina from 15th to 18th of September. Main aim of this meeting was to gather partners to discuss and share about the progress in partner countries in regards to the implementation of the project.

From the 11th to the 13th of September 2023, a vibrant mix of youth workers, activists, and stakeholders converged in the picturesque city of Tirana, Albania, for the kick-off meeting of the project “FREE TO BE”. The objective? To foster a cyberspace where everyone, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity, feels secure, respected, and valued.