Potpisan memorandum o suradnji između BRAVO i Fondacije Mozaik

Potpisan memorandum o suradnji između BRAVO i Fondacije Mozaik

Sedmicu privodimo kraju sa potpisivanje Memoranduma o suradnju između dvije ekipe #superheroja – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities BRAVO i Fondacije Mozaik. Memorandum o suradnji su potpisali Direktor BRAVO-a

“Yakında görüşürüz” dear Caglar and Burhan

“Yakında görüşürüz” dear Caglar and Burhan

 Writing just a couple of words, or a couple of sentences about Burhan and Caglar, our Turkish #ESC volunteers, is not that easy job as it seems. Its even harder if

Bye bye Sena and Betul

Bye bye Sena and Betul

This post will start with us saying that we already miss you girls, Betul and Sena! We have spent an amazing 2 months with you here in Sarajevo, and it

World Autism Awareness day 2021

World Autism Awareness day 2021

World Autism Awareness day 2021 There are worlds that need love, friendship, and tenderness. Today we peeked into one such world- These are our new friends from the Association for

BRAVO discusses cooperation with Yunus Emre Center

BRAVO discusses cooperation with Yunus Emre Center

Cooperation Meeting with Yunus Emre Institute Today, on the 1st of April, BRAVO representatives had a meeting with Yunus Emre Institute. Main focus of the meeting was negotiations on cooperation.



"Vaše malo, nekome može spasiti život!" "U izazovnim i nesigurnim vremenima kao što su ova, biti čovjek je od neizmjerne važnosti. Biti human je neprocjenjivo, a taj nas čin na košta

Meet BRAVO ESC Volunteers (Amina and Emir) who will spend 6 months in Sakarya, Turkey

Meet BRAVO ESC Volunteers (Amina and Emir) who will spend 6 months in Sakarya, Turkey

Words from BRAVO volunteers... Within the ESC project called “Climate Volunteers in Our City” on the March 1st we have arrived in Turkey’s province of Sakarya, Serdivan Municipality, where, during

Welcome to BRAVO dear Sena, Burhan, Betül and Çağlar, welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Welcome to BRAVO dear Sena, Burhan, Betül and Çağlar, welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Four international volunteers arrived in Sarajevo on the 1st of March, ready to start their short-term ESC project. Sena, Betül, Burhan and Çağlar are young people who came from Turkey

BRAVO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with International Burch University

BRAVO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with International Burch University

BRAVO signed a MOU with Sarajevo, 08.02.2021 We are delighted to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities – BRAVO



Dear interested humans out there!BRAVO is declaring a brand-new OPEN CALL FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS! With that being said, we assume that you are interested to get basic information about the

A proposal to stimulate ACTIVE LEARNING!

A proposal to stimulate ACTIVE LEARNING!

′′ You force the child / boy to field the desire to help find a solution for himself or others. The baby moves driven by internal motivation. His attention and

Delila Bajrić – BRAVO ESC volunteer in Zagreb

Delila Bajrić – BRAVO ESC volunteer in Zagreb

Delila Bajric is our 9th volunteer in 2020. that took part in one more European Solidarity Corpse project, in one of the most beautiful European capitals, Zagreb. Coronavirus is, for

BRAVO i Global Analitika – Global Analytics potpisali sporazum o suradnji

BRAVO i Global Analitika – Global Analytics potpisali sporazum o suradnji

??š ????? ???? ????? ??? ?? ?????, ??š? ???????? ? ?????????. ????? ?? BRAVO - Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities ? Global Analitika - Global Analytics ????????? ???????? ? ????????. Ovom suradnjom BRAVO

Fondacija Izvor nade i BRAVO potpisali Memorandum o saradnji

Fondacija Izvor nade i BRAVO potpisali Memorandum o saradnji

BOS/ENG ?Postoji nekoliko stvari na koje smo kao organizacija iznimno ponosni, ali smo najponosniji na našu mrežu prijatelja i partnera kako na lokalnom tako i međunarodnom nivou. ? Danas smo imali

? Otvoren poziv za nove “BRAVO” članove i “BRAVO” lidere ?

? Otvoren poziv za nove “BRAVO” članove i “BRAVO” lidere ?

BRAVO tim ima važnu vijest da podijeli sa vama – a to je da smo konačno OTVORILI POZIV ZA NOVE VOLONTERE, NAŠE NOVE ČLANOVE! Nakon što smo dobili na desetke

BH TechLab i organizacija BRAVO potpisali Memorandum o razumijevanju

BH TechLab i organizacija BRAVO potpisali Memorandum o razumijevanju

BH TechLab, Platforma BH Telecoma za razvoj start-up projekata iz oblasti ICT postpisala je Memorandum o razumijevanju i saradnji sa nevladinom organizacijom BRAVO, s ciljem uspostavljana saradnje u područjima koja

Words by BRAVO international volunteers

Words by BRAVO international volunteers

Aldin Dzananovic „I participated only in one Erasmus + project and it was amazing. I made new acquaintances some of which I am going to see again in the future.

Selma Memović – my BRAVO story

Selma Memović – my BRAVO story

SELMA MEMOVIĆ Few words about yourself (who you are, what do you do, and what is your motivation) Hi! My name is Selma Memović, I live in Sarajevo, the city

BRAVO Started Cooperation With Municipality of Lezajk, Poland

BRAVO Started Cooperation With Municipality of Lezajk, Poland

It finally happened! Today at the restaurant Perła Przemyśl representatives of Municipality of Leżajsk, Region Leżajski, Municipality of Tryńcza, Općina Konjic , Općina Kakanj, Opcina Novo Sarajevo, organization BRAVO - Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities and Fundacja im.

Minela Đulić, Novi Travnik

Minela Đulić, Novi Travnik

Moj prvi Erasmus+ projekat bio je u Magdeburgu, malom gradu Njemačke. Projekat je trajao 2 sedmice, što je bilo sasvim dovoljno da cijela naša ekipa, ljudi koji se do tada nikada prije u životu nisu vidjeli, postanu kao jedna porodica.

EVS volunteers in Sofia, Bulgaria

EVS volunteers in Sofia, Bulgaria

Together with "Mladi Volonteri" one of our partner organization we sent two volunteers to Sofia, Bulgaria for short term EVS...   Below of this post on the photos you can

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