In today’s tech-driven world, digital skills are vital for success. Whether you’re entering the job market, advancing your career, or simply staying updated, enhancing these skills is
essential. While formal education is one route, volunteering offers an excellent, often overlooked way to build your digital expertise.

The Antalya Turkuaz Youth Association is a dynamic and impactful organization committed to empowering the youth of Antalya. Through a diverse array of programs and activities, the association fosters personal growth, cultural awareness, and active community engagement.

From the 9th to the 12th of September 2024, the Visual Thinking 4 Youth training course took place in Tirana, Albania. This event brought together youth workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Albania with the shared goal of developing learning methodologies specific to working with young individuals with dyslexia

Selection Results for Training for Youth Workers in Wisła, Poland
Selection Results for Training for Youth Workers in Wisła, Poland
Name of the project: ”ECONOMIC DE(GROWTH)”
Date of Project: 09.08.2022. – 17.08.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Wisła, Poland
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 3
Working language: English

Open Call for 6 Participants for Youth Exchange in Sarajevo, B&H
Open Call for 6 Participants for Youth Exchange in Sarajevo, B&H
Name of the project: ”REMEMBERING SREBRENICA”
Date of Project: 08.07.2022. – 15.07.2022.
Hosting Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Sarajevo, B&H
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 6
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 26.06.2022.

Selection Results for Training Course “BASIC HARDWARE/SOFTWARE MANIPULATION”
Selection Results for Training Course "BASIC HARDWARE/SOFTWARE MANIPULATION" Name of the project: “Sharing Design Your Job” Date of Project: 19.07.2022 – 29.07.2022. Hosting organization: “RES POLIS” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Novi sad, Serbia Participants age: + 18

#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Youth Exchange in Yerevan, Armenia
#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Youth Exchange in Yerevan, Armenia
„It was just like a dream. A dream that went by really fast. It’s like it never even happened but then you take a look and realize that you made memories and gained one valuable lifetime experience with people that became your family. The project “Culture and Rhythms” is the reason why I fell in love with these Erasmus+ projects all over again.

O’visor INTERNATIONAL KARL POPPER DEBATE was held in Sarajevo, our hometown
The aim of the project “O’VISOR – Only What You Give Is Yours” is strengthening the EU unity and supporting WB region on the way to EU, also strengthening EU and WB identity and conscience built from the grassroots to the community-based, community-built and community-supported starting with the impact and improvement of volunteering policies at the transnational level.

How — or if — refugees are received in Europe is influenced by race, religion, culture, and politics
More than a million Ukrainians have fled to neighboring countries to escape the Russian invasion, with the UN refugee agency estimating that the figure could rise to more than 4

On the 11th of June BRAVO signed a cooperation agreement with We are Istanbul-International Entrepreneurship Center. The “WeAre.Istanbul” project, led by Istanbul Beykent University and launched by the Istanbul Development Agency, aims to assist in the transformation of Istanbul into a center of attraction for worldwide businesses. The implementation of activities began in February 2022, to create a worldwide corporate ecosystem based in Istanbul that is focused on technology, creativity, and innovation.

ONLINE SURVEY “Becoming Digitally Conscious”
Want to get out of bed and become motivated? Want to spend quality time with your friends and family? Want to find a solution for your insomnia and bad relationships? Then keep on reading! We have a project just for you!
“Becoming Digitally Conscious” is a capacity-building project targeted at the promotion of healthy digital habits among young people (between 18 and 25 years old) living in the European and Western Balkans area.

Roma people and media in the Western Balkans
Why are we bothered by our neighbors? Why do we have prejudices against those who are different or unique? Isn't that what wealth and beauty look like? The Romani people

ONLINE ANKETA “Leadership for Everyone”
Women’s empowerment may be difficult to define in today’s environment. What does it mean to empower women? Women empowerment is fostering women’s feeling of self-worth, their ability to make their own decisions, and their right to influence societal change for themselves and others. Women’s status in society has shifted in recent years, but there is still a lot to cover in terms of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all women.

The life of the Roma people is, in too many cases, marked with many obstacles. Due to the stigma, they're surrounded by a lack of understanding and often placed in

Selection Results for Youth Exchange in Leipzig, Germany
Selection Results for Youth Exchange in Leipzig, Germany
Name of the project: ”DIGITAL IDENTITIES”
Date of Project: 18.07.2022. – 24.07.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Leipzig, Germany
Participants age: 18+
The number of participants: 3
Working language: English

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Orahovica, Croatia
Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Orahovica, Croatia
Date of Project: 27.07.2022. – 05.08.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Orahovica, Croatia
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 5
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 12.06.2022.

Novi ciklus BRAVO kursa engleskog jezika
Nakon četiri uspješna ciklusa i preko 90 zadovoljnih učenika iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Srbije, Italije, Španije, Austrije i Njemačke, donosimo vam novi poziv i šansu za učenje ovog svjetskog jezika.
Prijave su otvorene za nivoe A2 – C1, te možete birati način nastave: grupni časovi, individualni časovi, ili kombinacija ovih dviju metoda.

#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Training Course in Rustavi, Georgia
#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Training Course in Rustavi, Georgia
I had the pleasure to represent my country Bosnia and my sending organization Bravo – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunites, to participate in the project “Leadership“ that took place in Rustavi in Georgia. To describe it in a few words, to me this experience meant socializing, friendship and learning.

Seminar za trenere i sportske profesionalce
U okviru Erasmsus+ projekta” SONKEI – Respect in Sport, Respect in Life”, BRAVO organizacija otvara prijave za seminar za koji će se održati 19. juna u Sarajevu sa početkom u 13:00 sati!
Ovim putem pozivamo sve zainteresovane sportske trenere, menadžere, sportiste, omladinske radnike koji rade u sportskom sektoru, predstavnike sportskih nevladinih organizacija i predstavnike bilo kojih sportova da nam se pridruže.

Open Call for 3 Participants for Training for Youth Workers in Wisła, Poland
Open Call for 3 Participants for Training for Youth Workers in Wisła, Poland
Name of the project: ”ECONOMIC DE(GROWTH)”
Date of Project: 09.08.2022. – 17.08.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Wisła, Poland
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 3
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 10.06.2022.

O’VISOR national championship
Attention all debaters!
Through the O’VISOR (Only What You Give is Yours) project, we come to you with an exciting national championship of Karl Popper debate being held at the International Burch University on the June 5th, starting at 12:00!
The aim of the O’visor Debate Competition is to raise awareness about volunteering and charity, and also to facilitate in an attractive way the development of skills, abilities, and knowledge of the participants.

Open Call for 3 Participants for Youth Exchange in Leipzig, Germany
Open Call for 3 Participants for Youth Exchange in Leipzig, Germany
Name of the project: ”DIGITAL IDENTITIES”
Date of Project: 18.07.2022. – 24.07.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Leipzig, Germany
Participants age: 18+
The number of participants: 3
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 06.06.2022.

Open Call for 7 Participants for Youth Exchange in Stara Planina, Serbia
Open Call for 7 Participants for Youth Exchange in Stara Planina, Serbia
Name of the project: ”BALKANITI”
Date of Project: 02.08.2022. – 11.08.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Stara Planina, Serbia
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 7
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 20.06.2022.

Open Call for 6 Participants for Training Course in Tirana, Albania
Open Call for 6 Participants for Training Course in Tirana, Albania
Name of the project: ”SR – net”
Date of Project: 12.06.2022. – 19.06.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Tirane, Albania
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 6
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 05.06.2022.