The MAKE AMAZING VISUALS project aims to provide youth workers, educators, and trainers with the skills needed to enhance their visual communication techniques. The training focuses on creating impactful visuals that can simplify complex ideas, making them more accessible and engaging for all audiences.

The Visual Youth Exchange in Balatonszárszó, Hungary, is an eight-day event that helps young people use visual storytelling and creativity to express themselves and share their ideas. The project gives participants the chance to build skills in using visual tools and working with others from different countries.

“My time in the Erasmus+ program “Make every step count“ in Italy was truly transformative. From savoring delicious Italian cuisine, like pizza, pasta, and cheese, to connecting with wonderful people from diverse countries. Every moment was truly enriching. I had the opportunity to learn bits of different languages and immerse myself in traditional cultural dances.”

Selection results for “Collaboration and Cooperation For Youth” in Istanbul, Turkiye
While creating our project idea; We have found that there are problems such as strong, effective, large and sustainable partnerships in the E + projects, inability to implement the project activities with innovative methods, inadequacy of the youth workers to develop their skills, the number of new youth workers, the inefficiency of the project activities, the inability of the young people with limited opportunities to benefit from E + opportunities.

Selection results for Week of Social game in Budapest,Hungary
The main aim of the project GEMINI is to promote the social entrepreneurship and digital innovation of young women. In general, women are under-represented at the highest levels of organizations, receiving lower pay and fewer promotions than men. Women face both “glass ceiling” and “sticky floor” problems -whereas the glass ceiling is an obstacle for highly educated women, the sticky floor is a problem for less-educated women.

Selection results for Training Course in Dilijan, Armenia
Hate Speech is experienced daily by many young people across Europe. With the development of social networks, the number of cyber-bullying and cyberharassment cases has increased, increasing the risks to democratic order and creating concerns among young people and youth organizations. As youth organizations working with young people on local, national and European levels and promoting digital participation, we have developed the long-term project “UP! Unleashing the Power of Youth Work to Counter Online Hate Speech” to address and transform online hate speech in a safe and transformative way.

A case of human trafficking in BiH
Every year, two to four million people are traded in the world, while annual revenue from human trafficking is between 7 and 13 billion dollars. Accordingly, human trafficking and illegal migration generate profits as well as drug trafficking.

The despair that arises when young people choose the wrong occupation target causes them to be worried about not achieving the target and then to abandon the target, namely unemployment. Choosing a profession is one of the most important decisions a person will make during his or her life. Today, the most common “instability” affects this. It is necessary to turn this instability of young people into a stable state and to contribute to career choice and career choice.

Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange in Budapest, Hungary
The main aim of the project GEMINI is to promote the social entrepreneurship and digital innovation of young women. In general, women are under-represented at the highest levels of organizations, receiving lower pay and fewer promotions than men. Women face both “glass ceiling” and “sticky floor” problems -whereas the glass ceiling is an obstacle for highly educated women, the sticky floor is a problem for less-educated women.

Selection Results for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Hirschluch, Berlin, Germany
Selection Results for 4 Participants for Youth Exchange in Hirschluch, Berlin, Germany
Name of the project: “DI(ADVOCATE)”
Date of Project: 27.9.2022. – 5.10.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Hirschluch, Berlin, Germany
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 5
Working language: English

Open Call for 3 Participants for Training Course in Dilijan, Armenia
Open Call for 3 Participants for Training Course in Dilijan, Armenia
Name of the project: “UP! – Unleashing the Power of Youth Work to Counter Online Hate Speech”
Date of Project: 13.11.2022. – 21.11.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Dilijan, Armenia
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 3
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 28.9.2022.

Open Call for 3 Participants for Project Participation in Tirana, Albania
Open Call for 3 Participants for Project Participation in Tirana, Albania
Name of the project: “Fashioration”
Date of Project: 2.10.2022. – 10.10.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Tirana, Albania
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 3
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 16.9.2022.

Open Call for 1 Participant for Long-term ESC in Antalya, Turkiye
Open Call for 1 Participant for Long-term ESC in Antalya, Turkiye
Date of Project: 18.10.2022. – 18.4.2023.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Hosting organization: “Efem Akdeniz Association”
Place: Antalya, Turkiye
Participants age: 20-28
The number of participants: 1
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 18.9.2022.

Open Call for 4 Participants for Youth Exchange in Hirschluch, Berlin, Germany
Open Call for 4 Participants for Youth Exchange in Hirschluch, Berlin, Germany
Name of the project: “DI(ADVOCATE)”
Date of Project: 27.9.2022. – 5.10.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Hirschluch, Berlin, Germany
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 4
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 14.9.2022.

Open Call for 6 Participants for Training Course in Istanbul, Turkiye
Open Call for 6 Participants for Training Course in Istanbul, Turkiye
Name of the project: “Collaboration and Cooperation For Youth”
Date of Project: 25.11.2022. – 2.12.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Istanbul, Turkiye
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 6
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 20.9.2022

Open Call for 3 Participants for Youth Exchange in Štiavnica, Slovakia
Open Call for 3 Participants for Youth Exchange in Štiavnica, Slovakia
Name of the project: “Art for happy people”
Date of Project: 12.9.2022. – 20.9.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Štiavnica, Slovakia
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 3
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: ONGOING

Open Call for 3 Participants for Training Course in Tirana, Albania
Open Call for 3 Participants for Training Course in Tirana, Albania
Name of the project: “Basic Web Development”
Date of Project: 9.10.2022 – 18.10.2022.
Hosting organization: “RES POLIS”
Sending organizations: “BRAVO“
Place: Tirana, Albania
Participants age: + 18
The number of participants: 3
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 25.09.2022

U periodu od 31.08. – 03.09.2022., u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina, održana je testing mobilnost u sklopu projekta „BOOST-Boosting Outstanding Omnicopetent Successful Talents“. BOOST je 24-mjesečno strateško partnerstvo, sufinancirano iz programa Erasmus+ Europske unije, koje ima za cilj stvoriti nove prilike za učenje i osobni razvoj za mlade ljude u Europi pružanjem interaktivnih obrazovnih formata.

Youth Exchange “DI(ADVOCATE)” was held in Sarajevo, B&H
Main goal of the youth exchange was to educate young people about diabetes and raise awareness about stereotypes and misconceptions that are commonly spread in the society as well to include young people with diabetes in the activities of the exchange which would explain their everyday routine with diabetes and how is it to live with it.

Only What You Give is Yours (O’visor) Sarajevo Seminar
The third and final O’VISOR seminar was held on 31st of August in Sarajevo. Our team has been working hardly to produce high quality content and organization of the seminars which have the main goal of raising awareness about the benefits and importance of volunteering.

#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Training Course in Wisla, Poland
#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Training Course in Wisla, Poland
This training course was in Wisla, a small city in Poland, about economic degrowth so we gained knowledge on the topic but also learnt much more through non-formal education. The workshops helped us develop our teamwork and leaderships skills and also our abillity to communicate in English.

„Economic (de)growth“ after-training meeting
Last week, participants from 3 organizations, Jugendhilfe und Sozialarbeit e.V. from Germany, Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Akdeniz Egitim ve Istihdam Dernegi from Turkey, had an opportunity to hear exciting stories from Poland. Three girls from Bosnia and Herzegovina shared their fun stories from the youth training course „Economic (de)growth“.

BOOST nacionalna javna konferencija
Šta su to transverzalne vještine, zbog čega su važne i na koji način ih unaprijediti bila su neka od pitanja
čije su odgovore učesnici konferencije u sklopu projekta BOOST imali priliku čuti.
Tokom ovog događaja predstavljen je jedan od rezultata projekta, e-learning platforma koja će
omogućiti svojim korisnicima kvalitetne informacije.

Selection Results for 3 Participants for Training Course in Vlasotince, Serbia
Selection Results for 3 Participants for Training Course in Vlasotince, Serbia
Name of the project: “Evolving and changing”
Date of Project: 7.10.2022. – 14.10.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Vlasotince, Serbia
Participants age: 18+
The number of participants: 3
Working language: English