Open call for participants from Europe for ESC project ”Natural” in Amarante, Portugal

Open call for participants from Europe for ESC project ”Natural” in Amarante, Portugal

NATURAL: Alternativas Sustentáveis” is an individual volunteering project proudly initiated and facilitated by Equação. The aim of this project is to create a meaningful and sustainable impact in the communities it touches. Scheduled to span over a duration of 7 months, covering a total of 210 days, “NATURAL’’ kicks off in January 2024.



“Sketch the journey” is a project of StartUp Szeged. The project aims to support trainers, teachers, and educators in developing visual thinking techniques to enhance the learning experience for youngsters. Visual thinking is a powerful tool that helps organize thoughts, improve communication, and convey complex information effectively.



The project aims to bring together passionate young individuals from diverse backgrounds under a common goal: to learn, share, and empower each other as activists for the environment. Ultimately, the project contributes to the capacity building and learning of youth within formal and non-formal education, aligning with the objectives of the Erasmus+ program.

Open call for 45 participants for the Training Course “Promoting Intercultural Dialogue Online Among Youth” VIRTUAL

Open call for 45 participants for the Training Course “Promoting Intercultural Dialogue Online Among Youth” VIRTUAL

The general aim of the project is to prevent homophobic cyber-bullying among young people: a form of bullying that takes place over digital devices and platforms like mobile phones, computers, social media and tablets perpetrated against LGBTQI youth (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intrasexual).

Training Course ”The Great Resignation” in Bucharest, Romania

Training Course ”The Great Resignation” in Bucharest, Romania

Our amazing participants are currently attending the Training Course ”The Great Resignation” in Bucharest, Romania, along with their peers from all parts of Europe. This training course provides an excellent opportunity for participants to learn through informal means and actively engage in the process.

Open call for European Solidarity Corps project in Katowice, Poland

Open call for European Solidarity Corps project in Katowice, Poland

The aim of the project is to create a more inclusive, vibrant, and sustainable community that upholds European values and fosters a sense of unity and solidarity. By engaging with local groups, NGOs, schools, and cultural places, this project seeks to address multiple dimensions of community development, social cohesion, and environmental responsibility

Open call for participants from Europe for ESC project in Amarante, Portugal

Open call for participants from Europe for ESC project in Amarante, Portugal

The project’s overarching mission is to address and engage with a range of essential themes, thereby making a meaningful impact on both local and broader communities. These themes include Youth Empowerment: Focusing on aspects such as youth participation, youth work, and youth policy, this project strives to promote the active involvement of young people in their communities

Open call for European Solidarity Corps project in Pula, Croatia

Open call for European Solidarity Corps project in Pula, Croatia

The project’s primary aim is to educate volunteers on the creation of digital content. In the age of the internet, digital content has emerged as a powerful tool to convey ideas, inspire change, and influence people’s thoughts and actions.

Selection results for Training Course ”Leadership skills on the spotlight” in Balatonszárszo, Hungary

Selection results for Training Course ”Leadership skills on the spotlight” in Balatonszárszo, Hungary

This training course places a strong emphasis on non-formal education and experiential learning, creating a dynamic learning environment where you’ll not only acquire theoretical knowledge about leadership but also gain practical skills and shape your own attitude towards it.

Open call for 4 participants for the Training Course “Start your business and develop your skills’’ in Hungary

Open call for 4 participants for the Training Course “Start your business and develop your skills’’ in Hungary

This project provides training for entrepreneurs, digital nomads, and startup beginners, focusing on essential entrepreneurial skills through practical experience. The objectives include boosting self-awareness, improving teamwork, understanding motivation and stress, and learning business planning techniques.

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange ”Mind Craft” in Hungary

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange ”Mind Craft” in Hungary

“Mind Craft” is a project of MeOut. The project aims to help youngsters to develop their personalities, especially focusing on mental health and being fit. The project uses good practices and methods to share practical knowledge and activities that help them to be healthy, happy, and balanced citizens.

#ErasmusDays event – Coffee with BRAVO Gathering

#ErasmusDays event – Coffee with BRAVO Gathering

Erasmus+ days with BRAVO are on a whole other level, as you get the opportunity to learn, explore, and upgrade, but also drink coffee with your favorite BRAVO humans! Today, on the 11th of October, the long-awaited #ErasmusDays event, Coffee with BRAVO, took place, and it gathered a wide range of participants

New H.A.N.D Volunteers at BRAVO BIH!

New H.A.N.D Volunteers at BRAVO BIH!

This past week BRAVO had the pleasure to welcome two new volunteers that will be staying in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina for the next 10 months. They will be volunteering through the H.A.N.D. project of ESC Humanitarian Aid. With our great pleasure we want to introduce you to Elber and Adnan!

Meet the Developing Academic Education Tools and Methods of Traditional Sports and Games for Youth CONSORTIUM

Meet the Developing Academic Education Tools and Methods of Traditional Sports and Games for Youth CONSORTIUM

The World Ethnosport Confederation is an international institution that acts to increase the recognition and popularity of traditional sports and games. It was established in 2015 with its headquarters in Istanbul.

Testimonials – Training Course ”Green Urbanization” in  Budy Głogowskie, Poland

Testimonials – Training Course ”Green Urbanization” in  Budy Głogowskie, Poland

”I had the amazing chance to participate in the Erasmus+ youth exchange program “Green Urbanization,” and I can’t stop gushing about this unforgettable opportunity. It was clear to me the moment I arrived in Poland that this program’s goals went beyond sustainable urbanization to include the development of a compassionate and understanding society.

Selection results for Youth Exchange ”Go Healthy!” in Riga, Latvia

Selection results for Youth Exchange ”Go Healthy!” in Riga, Latvia

The Youth Exchange will be grounded in non-formal education, with an experienced trainers’ team facilitating the participants’ learning process. The methodology will prioritize a learner-centered approach and include theoretical elements covering Erasmus+ and theater and drama methodology.

#ErasmusDays Event at International Burch University

#ErasmusDays Event at International Burch University

Erasmus+ Days 2023 is in full swing and one of the standout events that took place was the “Role of Non-Formal Education and Employability” presentation at International Burch University. This event, held today at 12:00, brought together a diverse group of individuals eager to explore the realms of Erasmus+ and non-formal education as it ascends to employability.

Open call for 5 participants for Training Course ”Leadership skills on the spotlight” in Hungary

Open call for 5 participants for Training Course ”Leadership skills on the spotlight” in Hungary

This training course places a strong emphasis on non-formal education and experiential learning, creating a dynamic learning environment where you’ll not only acquire theoretical knowledge about leadership but also gain practical skills and shape your own attitude towards it.

BRAVO #ErasmusDays 2023

BRAVO #ErasmusDays 2023

The #ErasmusDays 2023 are officially launched and it’s time to celebrate European mobility. This seventh edition, to be held from 9 to 14 October 2023, will highlight Europe’s cultural diversity and the many learning opportunities it offers. As an event organizer, BRAVO will contribute to this edition under the theme “6 days to make Europe shine!

NEWSLETTER – Dream After Covid

NEWSLETTER – Dream After Covid

Vjerujemo da do sada znate za PROJEKAT „DREAM AFTER COVID“ koji ima ulogu u oblikovanju post-COVID društva. Glavni cilj jeste promocija poduzetništva među mladima, one snage za koju vjerujemo da može pokrenuti pozitivne transformacije.

SALTO SEE organizuje Godišnji događaj za ESC volontere

SALTO SEE organizuje Godišnji događaj za ESC volontere

SALTO SEE organizuje Godišnji događaj za ESC volontere, tačnije za volontere koji su završili svoje ESC
projekte i vratili se kući, u periodu od decembra 2022. do kraja oktobra 2023. godine.

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