Testimonials – Training Course ”Leadership Skills on the Spotlight” in Balatonszárszo, Hungary

Testimonials – Training Course ”Leadership Skills on the Spotlight” in Balatonszárszo, Hungary

‘’The training Course “Leadership skills on the spotlight” in Balatonszárszo, Hungary has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I have learned so much about leadership, youth work, and non-formal education in a fun and innovative way. Every day was an opportunity to gain and master new skills, habits, and knowledge, making us so much richer in experience.

WYA Europa bila je domaćin Emerging Leaders Conference 2023

WYA Europa bila je domaćin Emerging Leaders Conference 2023

WYA Europa (Svjetska Alijansa Mladih Europa) bila je domaćin Emerging Leaders Conference 2023 (Konferencije Mladih Lidera 2023) sa snažnom delegacijom. U saradnji sa kancelarijom Jugoistočne Evrope, događaj je održan u Zagrebu, Hrvatska, pod temom Evropski Konsenzus o Humanitarnoj Pomoći. Za prvu sesiju, panel diskusiju je vodila Aleksandra Markić Boban

Partnerstvo za napredak i razvoj – BRAVO i ZDK

Partnerstvo za napredak i razvoj – BRAVO i ZDK

Današnji susret između direktora BRAVO-a, Ismaila Šehića, i gospodina Mirze Mušije, Ministra Obrazovanja, Nauke, Kulture i Sporta Zeničko-Dobojskog Kantona predstavlja ključni korak prema ostvarivanju produktivne saradnje između sektora obrazovanja, kulture, i sporta. Ovaj sastanak bio je fokusiran na identifikaciju zajedničkih interesa i potencijalnih projekata koji bi unaprijedili kvalitet života građana ovog kantona.

Raising awareness about the consequences of excessive use of digital devices on mental health

Raising awareness about the consequences of excessive use of digital devices on mental health

It is a well-known fact that today we cannot imagine our daily lives without the use of digital devices, which we use for various purposes, such as information, social networking, entertainment, and many other contents. Although most of the content we use is genuinely useful and facilitates our daily lives, providing quick access to information and communication, excessive use of digital devices can undoubtedly lead to certain dangers,

BRAVO konferencija i takmičenje poduzetničkih ideja – Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina

BRAVO konferencija i takmičenje poduzetničkih ideja – Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina

Dragi naši mladi inovatori, ovo nije običan poziv, već prilika koja bi mogla biti prvi korak u ostavrenju vašeg poduzetničkog cilja! BRAVO, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Zenici i Fondacija poduzetnika u BiH udružili su snage kako bi vam predstavili nezaboravnu priliku – Konferenciju i takmičenje poduzetničkih ideja, koje će se održati 23. decembra. 2023. godine.

BRAVO Erasmus+ i ESC Info dan, Kalesija, Bosna i Hercegovina

BRAVO Erasmus+ i ESC Info dan, Kalesija, Bosna i Hercegovina

BRAVO organizacija, kao kontakt tačka za Erasmus+ i ESC programe za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, ulaže velike napore ka pravilnom informisanju mladih ljudi o svim prilikama koji su nude unutar navedenih programa. Kao alatku za postizanje tog cilja, koristimo Info dane, koje BRAVO tim organizuje redovito u raznim gradovima i dijelovima Bosne i Hercegovine.

Training Course “Promoting Intercultural Dialogue Online Among Youth”

Training Course “Promoting Intercultural Dialogue Online Among Youth”

On Saturday November 25th, 2023, the virtual Training Course “Promoting Intercultural Dialogue Online Among Youth” was held in the scope of the FREE TO BE project. Youth workers from Italy, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, and Montenegro came together to improve their competences on how to promote intercultural dialogue online.

Open call for Long-term ESC project in Romania

Open call for Long-term ESC project in Romania

The primary objective of this project is to cultivate a sense of civic responsibility and social engagement among young individuals. Volunteers will be tasked with office organizational work, aligning their efforts with the association’s objectives and utilizing predefined templates. This structured approach allows volunteers to develop essential organizational and leadership skills while maintaining their creativity in executing daily tasks.

AHEAD Local Workshop

AHEAD Local Workshop

AHEAD local workshop was held on in 18th of November in Zenica and it gathered over 20 young people who were eager to learn more about the position of marginalized groups and the ways they can contribute to solving such problems. The local workshop promoted inclusion, tolerance, and multicultural understanding among participants. It had an innovative approach as it encouraged participants to think outside the box and leave their comfort zone.

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”SolidEU” in Valladolid, Spain

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”SolidEU” in Valladolid, Spain

The Youth Exchange “SolidEU” was held in Valladolid, Spain from the 20th to the 29th of October. It gathered participants from all parts of Europe and provided them with one enriching experience. Through these 9 days, they learned, laughed, and made new memories and friendships. What do our participants have to say about this experience? Continue reading to gain a deeper insight!

Sharing Design Your Job 4th Transnational Project Meeting

Sharing Design Your Job 4th Transnational Project Meeting

The 4th Transnational Project Meeting of the “Sharing Design Your Job” project recently took place in Riga, Latvia. The meeting involved representatives from partner organizations in Serbia, Italy, Montenegro, Albania, and Latvia, including the director of BRAVO. The purpose of the meeting was to evaluate the progress of the project thus far and plan for upcoming events, with a particular focus on an upcoming conference in Riga in January 2024

FASHIORATION – FASHION GALA, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

FASHIORATION – FASHION GALA, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

U sklopu jednog od naših najvećih projekata – FASHIORATION, organiziramo svečanu Galu na koju ste svi pozvani. Ova sjajna izložba će okupiti brojne bosanskohercegovačke modne dizajnere koji će predstaviti svoj rad i održati Q&A sesiju. Gala će se održati u predivnom ambijentu Hotela Austia & Bosna, gdje će posjetitelji imati priliku uživati u vrhunskoj modi, umjetnosti i kreativnosti.

Open call for 20 participants for Youth Exchange ”Kaleidoscope” in Sarajevo, BiH

Open call for 20 participants for Youth Exchange ”Kaleidoscope” in Sarajevo, BiH

In recent years we have seen an increase in the number of beliefs and attitudes against the values that define European citizenship throughout Europe. The increase in racist behavior, beliefs against migrants, anti-diversity attitudes, etc. concerns us from the perspective of a tolerant, solidary, and inclusive society. Experiential learning is a great factor in initiating change

BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Training Course ”Through the Lens” in Eskişehir, Turkiye

BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Training Course ”Through the Lens” in Eskişehir, Turkiye

We have just added one more stamp to our passports. Currently, our participants are attending the Training Course in Eskişehir, Turkiye. We bring you the full story, coming straight from their lens. The participants are on the journey of empowerment which is one of the main goals of this project. By attending this project, participants are learning the ways to fully express themselves creatively

Erasmus+ & ESC Info dan – Kalesija 23.11.2023.

Erasmus+ & ESC Info dan – Kalesija 23.11.2023.

Erasmus+ & ESC Info dan u organizaciji BRAVO i Udruženja mladih “TRIK” održat će se 23. novembra u prostorijama Udruženja mladih “TRIK” u Kalesiji. Svi zainteresirani moći će se uključiti u neformalne razgovore i dobiti širok spektar informacija o procesu registracije na Erasmus+ i ESC program, šta znači učestvovati u njemu, kako tražiti partnere ili odabrati pravo polje djelovanja.

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Art Included” in Czech Republic

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Art Included” in Czech Republic

The “Art Included” project was an unforgettable experience that opened my eyes and gave me a new perspective. I was able to meet new people and learn something new. We acquired and developed new competencies, enhanced a more inclusive society, and encouraged international and intercultural cooperation. We advanced our theatrical skills and had a final theatre performance.

Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange in Istanbul, Turkiye

Open call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange in Istanbul, Turkiye

This Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project aims to bring a new perspective on nutrition and health, emphasizing the place and importance of food in our culture. The project addresses the basics of good nutrition, healthy food processing, and preparation methods. It encourages cultural exchange by enabling participants from different countries to introduce each other to their traditional dishes.

Testimonials – Model European Union Netherlands 2023

Testimonials – Model European Union Netherlands 2023

’Being BRAVO’s representative at the Model European Union was an unforgettable experience. The occasion offered a forum for thoughtful conversation on two of the most important topics of the day: artificial intelligence legislation and CO2 emissions. The conversation about CO2 emissions was insightful and made us think about how our actions affect the environment and how urgently we need sustainable solutions.

Selection results for Youth Exchange ”Youth for Green Future”

Selection results for Youth Exchange ”Youth for Green Future”

The project aims to bring together passionate young individuals from diverse backgrounds under a common goal: to learn, share, and empower each other as concrete activists for the environment. Both as an individual and as a member of an organization, by making naturally use of the local surroundings, partners and suppliers.

Selection results for Training Course ”Youth Against Conflict” in Berlin, Germany

Selection results for Training Course ”Youth Against Conflict” in Berlin, Germany

The training course, “Youth against Conflict” is a program designed to address the pressing need for conflict prevention and mediation among young people from diverse cultural backgrounds. The course will begin by enhancing participants’ understanding of the importance of cultural diversity and the potential benefits it brings to individuals and communities.

The Vital Role of NGOs in Supporting Immigrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Vital Role of NGOs in Supporting Immigrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country nestled in the heart of the Balkans, has witnessed a significant influx of immigrants in recent years. These newcomers face numerous challenges as they seek refuge and hope for a better life. Now we will explore the pivotal role that Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play in providing essential support and assistance to immigrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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