AHEAD’s aim is to tackle hate speech (also online) and to combat discriminations that target minorities in 5 areas of civil rights: education, labor, housing, health, goods and services, through specific training offered to 200 participants and through an new approach that combines quantitative research, public meetings with stakeholders and awareness raising campaign. After providing expertise, building competences, advocating and raising awareness among youth people, partners will support the mobilization of young victims and will focus on Capacity building actions for youth, in order to involve youngsters in decision making and into new structured automatic mechanisms to empower their active participation on hate speech and antidiscrimination.

BRAVO BiH Signed a Partnership Agreement with BOSANA Foundation
On June 20th, in a significant step towards empowering youth and promoting education, BRAVO BiH and the Bosana Foundation signed a strategic partnership agreement. This collaboration aims to bolster educational opportunities and social development programs for young people across Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Empowering Marginalized Communities: A Report on the AHEAD Project Workshop in Bihać
On February 20th, a pivotal workshop unfolded in Bihać, focusing on the protection of the rights of marginalized groups. Held at the dynamic Start-Up Studio, this event was a significant milestone within the AHEAD project—an initiative committed to fostering inclusivity and advocating for the rights of those often pushed to the fringes of society.

Fostering empathy and inspiring change: AHEAD local meeting with public authorities in Zenica
Unfortunately, we live in a world where equality is just a concept as many people face discrimination and prejudice daily. The goal of the local meeting in Zenica was exactly that, to educate young people about ways they can contribute to marginalized groups and thus, build a more inclusive, accepting society. Through this event, young people had an amazing chance to learn about different forms of discrimination and the urgency of promoting equality in all aspects of our society.

Project AHEAD – Radionica u Bihaću
BRAVO dolazi u Bihać! Iskoristi ovu odličnu priliku da nam se pridružiš u Bihaću gdje ćemo zajedno učiti o poziciji i pravima marginaliziranih skupina. Upravo ova radionica se implementira u sklopu Erasmus+ projekta ‘’AHEAD’’ koji nastoji potaknuti mlade osobe na borbu protiv govora mržnje, netolerancije i drugih oblika diskriminacije prema marginaliziranim skupinama.

AHEAD Public Debates in Zenica
Who doesn’t love a good public debate? On February 9th, we implemented AHEAD public debates at the Second Gymnasium in Zenica. Over 30 young participants engaged in debates covering the topic of the position of marginalized groups.

AHEAD događaj u Zenici – Priduži nam se da zajedno učimo o izazovima i pravima marginaliziranih skupina
U sklopu Erasmus+ projekta ‘’AHEAD’’, BRAVO je odlučio organizovati još jedan u nizu događaja sa ciljem edukovanja mladih o problemima i položaju marginaliziranih skupina u Bosni i Hercegovini. Svjesni smo činjenice da šire narodne mase nisu u dovoljnoj mjeri informisani o izazovima marginaliziranih skupina, kako nemaju adekvatan prostor da podijele svoja iskustva. Upravo priče marginaliziranih…

AHEAD local meeting with public authorities in Vitez, BiH
On January 27th, BRAVO implemented a local meeting with public authorities in Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as part of the Erasmus+ project called “AHEAD”. This event served as a perfect closing for the AHEAD project and marked the beginning of a new era as there will be more activities implemented in Vitez and surrounding areas.

Project AHEAD – Final Meeting in Bari, Italy
As a part of BRAVOs effort to combat hate speech targeted at vulnerable communities, the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) for the “Against Hate speech towards Roma Community, Migrants, Ethnic minorities and Any vulnerable groups Discrimination – AHEAD” project took place on the 25th and 26th of January 2024 in the charming city of Bari, Italy. The meeting served as a pivotal moment for all partners involved,

AHEAD Radionica
Imamo zadovoljstvo pozvati vas na Erasmus+ radionicu “AHEAD”, koja će se održati u gradu Vitezu. Ova radionica predstavlja izuzetnu priliku za mlade ljude iz Bosne i Hercegovine da se aktivno uključe u promicanje ljudskih prava, suoče s različitim oblicima diskriminacije te doprinesu stvaranju društva koje teži jednakosti. Svjesni smo da nažalost, živimo u svijetu u kojemu je jednakost shvaćena samo kao pojam, te smo svakodnevno izloženi nekoj vrsti diskriminacije.

AHEAD Local Workshop
AHEAD local workshop was held on in 18th of November in Zenica and it gathered over 20 young people who were eager to learn more about the position of marginalized groups and the ways they can contribute to solving such problems. The local workshop promoted inclusion, tolerance, and multicultural understanding among participants. It had an innovative approach as it encouraged participants to think outside the box and leave their comfort zone.

In the Shoes of Roma Students AHEAD and BRAVOs Empowering Journey Against Discrimination
The AHEAD project, is a beacon of hope for Roma students, striving to eradicate discrimination and promote inclusive education. Through insightful interviews with Elvira Softić, a dedicated graduate in German language and literature, we gain a glimpse into the challenges faced by Roma students in higher education and the transformative power of initiatives like AHEAD organized by BRAVO.

AHEAD on JOBFAIR in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The AHEAD project, a human rights and discrimination-fighting effort, recently held a transformative workshop as part of a job fair. This event, which was specifically directed at the Roma population and ethnic minorities, attempted to address the pervasive concerns of injustice and discrimination that these populations frequently encounter.

The Vital Role of NGOs in Supporting Immigrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country nestled in the heart of the Balkans, has witnessed a significant influx of immigrants in recent years. These newcomers face numerous challenges as they seek refuge and hope for a better life. Now we will explore the pivotal role that Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play in providing essential support and assistance to immigrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Poziv na Erasmus+ radionicu u Zenici
Ukoliko si mlada osoba iz Zenice, onda te pozivamo da nam se pridružiš na Erasmus+ radionici koja će se održati 18.11. Učešćem na ovoj radionici, naučit ćeš više o ljudskim pravima, različitim formama diskriminacije i efikasnim načinima promicanja jednakosti u svim aspektima našeg društva. Nažalost, živimo u svijetu gdje je jednakost samo pojam, kako se mnogi ljudi na dnevnoj bazi sureću sa diskriminacijom i predrasudama.

On the 15th of October, the participants were formally introduced to the project, as well as the comprehensive agenda that would guide the proceedings throughout the duration of the training course. During this course, innovative and engaging methods were employed to delve into the intricate realm of human rights.

Open Call for 60 Participants for AHEAD Local Training – Extended Call
AHEAD project aims to promote between youngsters non–discrimination and to combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance against Roma and other Ethnic minorities (mostly migrants). Partners jointly work on innovative good practice approaches, human rights-based narratives, training, official regular meetings, and European awareness raising campaigns.

Local Workshop in Tuzla – AHEAD
On the 9th of September, a local workshop on the topic of human rights was held in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The workshop aimed to educate participants about human rights and foster interactive discussions on this crucial subject. Organized by BRAVO, the event successfully brought together a diverse group of individuals who shared a common interest in human rights advocacy.

Anti – Roma narrative and its connection to mental health
The Roma people deal with a variety of difficulties on a daily basis. They are not given the chance to communicate about their problems, particularly those that relate to their mental health, and their general health and well-being are neglected. The intense prejudice and discrimination that the Roma people experience has undoubtedly a significant impact on their mental health.

The ”AHEAD” event was implemented in Bihać, BiH
THE ”AHEAD” event took place in Bihać on the 22nd of August and it gathered over 15 young people who were eager to extend their knowledge and upgrade their skills. Unfortunately, we live in a world where equality is just a concept as many people face discrimination and prejudice on a daily basis.

Remembering the Genocide of European Roma
The Roma have endured several hardships and cruelties throughout history. Their suffering has gone unreported, and they have never truly had the chance to tell their stories. The genocide of the Roma people is often overshadowed by the Holocaust and it doesn’t get the adequate amount of attention as many people are not even familiar with it.

The Detrimental Impact of Hate Speech on Generation Z – AHEAD
In an age of widespread connectivity and digital communication, Generation Z, the demographic cohort born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, is experiencing the profound effects of hate speech. Hate speech, which encompasses offensive language, discriminatory remarks, and derogatory comments aimed at marginalized groups, poses a significant threat to the well-being and development of this generation