On the 15th of October, the participants were formally introduced to the project, as well as the comprehensive agenda that would guide the proceedings throughout the duration of the training course. During this course, innovative and engaging methods were employed to delve into the intricate realm of human rights. This training program was wholly dedicated to the critical cause of safeguarding human rights.


As the second day of the training course dawned, the participants were afforded an invaluable opportunity to delve deeper into this pivotal subject matter, while also forging stronger connections among themselves. This day was replete with a plethora of intellectually stimulating activities, fostering profound moments that not only strengthened the bonds among the participants but also enriched their comprehension of the subject matter.

The participants actively confronted stereotypes and discrimination through immersive role-playing sessions and the meticulous deconstruction of narratives perpetuating discrimination. Days 3 and 4 were characterized by an array of highly productive workshops, lectures, activities, and collaborative group work. Participants acquired a wealth of knowledge pertaining to human rights and the strategies for combating discrimination. Their unwavering engagement and inspirational dedication to effecting positive change filled us with pride.


From the 15th to the 17th of October, the national seminar unfolded, with the BM International Hotel serving as the venue. Subsequently, on the 18th and 19th, the international seminar took place at the International Burch University. The participants diligently crafted action plans aimed at the inclusion of immigrants and Roma people in our day-to-day lives.


The seminar’s agenda encompassed an array of activities, including ice-breaking sessions, an introductory workshop, identity exploration, role-play sessions, action plan presentations, the formation of teams to execute these plans, workshops dedicated to deconstructing narratives promoting hate speech, discussions on the principle of non-discrimination, strategies for countering hate speech and discrimination ( all workshops led by Tomasso Busini), and a workshop centered on taking concrete actions for the advancement of human rights. The final day culminated in a closing ceremony, a comprehensive evaluation of the program, and a farewell party.

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