#Open Call for a New #BRAVO MEMBERS

#Open Call for a New #BRAVO MEMBERS

#OPEN Call for a New #BRAVO MEMBERS Hi there! The time of year has come again where we are ready to open our doors for a select number of individuals

#BRAVO in Action: Raising Awareness on Media Literacy Skills

#BRAVO in Action: Raising Awareness on Media Literacy Skills

We live in a time when information, whether accurate or not, is sent around the world at the touch of a button. The information environment is huge and complicated. Misinformation (unintentionally false information) and disinformation (intentionally false information) play a significant role in influencing public opinion on vital topics such as politics, science, health and current events.

#BRAVOONTHEROAD : #YouthExchange in Zakopane, Poland

#BRAVOONTHEROAD : #YouthExchange in Zakopane, Poland

From new friendships and adventures to making memories for a lifetime, at the beginning of this magical month of December our team experienced a true winter wonderland in beautiful town of Zakopane in Poland!

#SLAM Local Activities – Tuzla, B&H

#SLAM Local Activities – Tuzla, B&H

Did you know that in comparison to their operational, social, and mobile skills, European children and adolescents have poor information navigation skills? According to Smahel et al. and their research conducted in 2020, only 59 percent of respondents thought it is simple to verify the accuracy of information they discover online on average, although this figure varies substantially by country, with 36 percent in Spain and 75 percent in Serbia.

Open Call for 1 ESC Volunteer in Germany

Open Call for 1 ESC Volunteer in Germany

The volunteers have to participate in two seminars (on-arrival, mid-term), organized by the German National Agency and in a 4-week-German course in Berlin. Moreover, the volunteers, belonging to the same coordinating organisation (JuSeV), participate monthly in the cultural-meeting-days which are organized by the association.



The World Cafe is an engagement process designed to take place in a cafe setting (either in an actual cafe or else the room is set up to resemble one as much as possible so that participants are seated around small tables with tablecloths and tea, coffee and other beverages).

Results of O’VISOR Photography Contest

Results of O’VISOR Photography Contest

Hello to all of our BRAVO friends and family! We are coming to you live from the project “Only What You Give is Yours” (O’Visor) with a special announcement!

Kick-off Meeting of Developing capacities of organizations working on gender inequality in rural areas in Tirana, Albania

Kick-off Meeting of Developing capacities of organizations working on gender inequality in rural areas in Tirana, Albania

For 3 days, until the 24th of January, he had been a valuable part of youth workers and project managers who all came together for a Kick-Off Meeting and had been working on another super important project named “Developing capacities of organizations working on gender inequality in rural areas”.

SLAM Seminar – Sarajevo 21.01 – 24.01.2022

SLAM Seminar – Sarajevo 21.01 – 24.01.2022

SLAM Seminar - Sarajevo 21.01 - 24.01. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. –  Benjamin Franklin In accordance with the International Day of Education, this article is going to

#BRAVO signed an MOU with Association Sport for All Serbia

#BRAVO signed an MOU with Association Sport for All Serbia

Those who know us, know that BRAVO is always doing hard work on creating new and better opportunities for youth from different parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, different occupations and hobbies and by that is writing, day by day, great stories.

THIRD LOCAL WORKSHOP „Combating Hate Speech Through Art and Creative Writing“

THIRD LOCAL WORKSHOP „Combating Hate Speech Through Art and Creative Writing“

Thanks to the Erasmus + program and ANTIK organization from Albania, BRAVO volunteers did the third local workshop on the topic of „Combating Hate Speech Through Art and Creative Writing“.

Open Call for Participants for the Training Course in Bulgaria

Open Call for Participants for the Training Course in Bulgaria

The main objective of the “Twice” project is to increase the digital media literacy of young people and make them more resistant to misinformation in the digital environment. The objectives of the project are as follows:

Open Call for Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Training Course in Romania

Open Call for Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Training Course in Romania

To develop among youth workers the skills they need to strategically address the young people with fewer opportunities’ challenges through youth policies developed #TOGETHER with the decision-makers. To develop among youth workers the capacity to #BUILD, #SUPPORT and #STRENGTHEN a sustainable partnership with the decision-makers from the youth field, through advocacy and lobby

Selection Results for Youth Exchange in Romania

Selection Results for Youth Exchange in Romania

Through “Feeling European” we want to raise European awareness among young people and to increase their confidence in the European Union, but also to promote the European principles and values both, among the young people in the EU and outside the EU.

Selection Results for Youth Exchange in Budapest

Selection Results for Youth Exchange in Budapest

Humankind has brought our world borders, conflicts and wars, and pollution due to excessive consumption of technological development. Continuous greedy mining of raw materials, massive industrial production results in unpleasant consequences for both people and the environment.



Did you know that just in 2021 we had 120 international partners with whom we applied for 200 projects, prepared 132 projects, and send 500 people across the world? To the reader, you are probably taking these numbers just as some random numbers on the screen. However, every number has a story. Keep reading and find out more.

BRAVO Project Management Academy

BRAVO Project Management Academy

Following recent accomplishments related to the number of approved projects and ahead of deadlines,
due to the shown interest, BRAVO Project Management Academy was held from 14 th till 17 th of January 2022.

SLAM Local Activity in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

SLAM Local Activity in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

We all require hard work at some point in our lives. It is difficult to reach greatness without putting in the necessary effort. In other words, if an idle individual wishes to sit and wait for something else, they will get nothing. On the other side, someone who works hard all of the time will undoubtedly succeed in life, and this is precisely what this article will discuss.

Open call for Round table for ”EU on the Move”

Open call for Round table for ”EU on the Move”

”EU on the Move” je Eramus+ sportski projekat, čiji cilj je dizanje svijesti o značaju fizičke aktivnosti kod djece uzrasta 7 do 11 godina, kroz dodatno pružane obuke namijenjene sportskim profesionalcima i realizaciji sportskih aktivnosti za djecu u školama i sportskim organizacijama u svakoj partnerskoj zemlji.

SLAM – LOCAL ACTIVITIES – Knowledge and experience transfer among BRAVO and CROA

SLAM – LOCAL ACTIVITIES – Knowledge and experience transfer among BRAVO and CROA

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Job

O’VISOR photography contest

O’VISOR photography contest

We are proud to announce a photography contest that offers fantastic monetary awards along with exhibiting all chosen artworks on international exhibitions in Athens ???? in February and in Sarajevo ?? in April this year.

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