Networking is a crucial skill for career development. By effectively analyzing and selecting the best resources within your community, you can build valuable connections that support your professional growth. Here’s how to create a strong network and identify resources that can help you advance in your career.

No Nation Fashion is a creative program that started in the TRCs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was first started during the COVID-19 pandemic as a way for migrants to design and customize masks. Over time, it grew into a full clothing design project, where migrants can create, sew, and showcase their own unique fashion pieces.

Considering the significant impact that climate change has on the future of the next generations, environmental education should be a priority in youth work worldwide. Beyond gaining knowledge about the environment, recycling, and individual ecological footprints, it is crucial to address the emotional consequences of climate change and focus on real-life solutions.
- BRAVO PASSPORT STORIES: Youth Exchange “Focus on Sport for Environmental Sustainability“
- Poziv za Prijavu Učesnika na Projekat “Životni Ciklus Kroz Umjetnost”
- Learning Beyond Borders: The Value of Study Visits for Volunteers
- Leadership in Competencies: Unlocking Personal Growth and Empowerment

Open Call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange “SLAM” in Sarajevo from 23.09 – 30.09.2021.
Open Call for 5 participants for Youth Exchange "SLAM" in Sarajevo Name of the project: YE “Structured Learning for Awareness in Media” (SLAM)" Date of Project: 23.09.2021 – 30.09.2021. Hosting

BRAVO – Kurs japanskog jezika
BRAVO zvanično otvara prijave za novi ciklus kursa japnskog jezika! PREDVIĐENO TRAJANJE KURSA: A1: 3 mjesecaMjeseci se ne računaju kalendarski. Jedan mjesec kursa obuhvata 4 sedmice od početka kursa. Svake

BRAVO – Kurs kineskog jezika
BRAVO zvanično otvara prijave za novi ciklus kursa japnskog jezika! PREDVIĐENO TRAJANJE KURSA: A1: 3 mjesecaMjeseci se ne računaju kalendarski. Jedan mjesec kursa obuhvata 4 sedmice od početka kursa. Svake

Open Call for 2 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Training Course Leadership 2021 in Kielce, Poland
Open Call for 2 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Training Course in Kielce, Poland Name of the project: "Leadership 2021" Date of Project: 02.10.2021 - 08.10.2021. Hosting organization: “Regional Volunteer

Results for 4 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Youth Exchange “ITH!NK”, Slanic Moldova, Romania
Results for 4 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Youth Exchange Slanic Moldova, Romania Name of the project: "iTH!NK" Date of Project: 09.09.2021 – 21.09.2021. Hosting organization: “ASOCIATIA PENTRU DEZVOLTARE ACTIVA ADA”

Open call for 1 volunteer for “FLY AFTER THE LOCKDOWN (FALO)” ESC project in Sardinia, Italy
Open call for 1 volunteer for “FLY AFTER THE LOCKDOWN (FALO)” ESC project in Name of the project: ESC “FLY AFTER THE LOCKDOWN (FALO)” Date of Project: 01.09.2021 – 28.02.2022. (6

Combating Hate Speech by Art and Creative Writing Project in Pogradec, Albania
Combating Hate Speech by Art and Creative Writing Project The time has come to summarize the impressions of our four wonderful volunteers who spent 9 days in Albania on a

Open Call for 5 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Youth Exchange in Slanic Moldova, Romania – Green Entrepreneurs
Open Call for 5 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Youth Exchange in Green Entrepreneurs Name of the project: "Green Entrepreneurs" Date of Project: 30.09.2021 - 12.10.2021. Hosting organization: “ASOCIATIA PENTRU DEZVOLTARE

Open Call for 2 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Training Course “Forging Mentor’s Powers” in Zagreb, Croatia
Open Call for 2 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Training Course in Zagreb, Croatia Name of the project: "Forging Mentor's Powers" Date of Project: 19.09.2021 – 25.09.2021. Hosting organization: “Syncro,

Results for 5 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Youth Exchange “STOP BULLYING”, Kruševo, North Macedonia
Results for 5 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Youth Exchange Kruševo, North Macedonia Name of the project: “Stop bullying” Date of Project: 21.08.2021 – 28.08.2021. Hosting organization: “Associoation for advanced contemporary education

Online Panel Discussion – Bocce from 7 to 70

Selection Results for 4 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Training Course in Zagreb, Croatia
Selection Results for 4 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for in Zagreb, Croatia Name of the project: “SR-net” Date of Project: 20.09.2021 – 27.09.2021. Hosting organization: “The Croatian Institute for Corporate Social Responsibility

Project Common Bond of young people from 12 countries around the world
Project of young people from 12 countries around the world From July 6 to July 9, as many as six BRAVO volunteers took part in the Project Common Bond organized

Youth Exchange in Karasu, Turkey “Novel Heroes Against Hate Speech”
Youth Exchange in Karasu, Turkey Youth exchange ''Novel Heroes Against Hate Speech'' was held in Karasu, Sakarya from the 18th till the 26th of June. Our 7 participants took part

New training held in Cyprus, #SPORTolerance
New training held in Cyprus, In the period 23-26 of July 2021 in Nicosia, Cyprus was held a #SPORTolerance training of sport experts and the educational mobility of sport coaches

Kick-off Meeting in Bulgaria, “MOVING”
Kick-off Meeting in Bulgaria, “Learning through mobility of sports’ volunteers” (MOVING) is a Small Collaborative Partnership in the field of Sport aiming to support the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers

Second Transnational Meeting in Portugal, Lisbon “EU on the Move”
Second Transnational Meeting in Portugal, Lisbon One of the specific objectives pursued by the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of sport is to raise the awareness of the importance of

Open Call for 4 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Youth Exchange in Slanic Moldova, Romania
Open Call for 4 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Youth Exchange in Name of the project: iTH!NK Date of Project: 09.09.2021 – 21.09.2021. Hosting organization: “ASOCIATIA PENTRU DEZVOLTARE ACTIVA ADA” Sending

#SportDiplomacyAcademy module was held in Rijeka
#SportDiplomacyAcademy module was held In the period 10-16 of July 2021 in Rijeka, Croatia was held the third module under the Sport Diplomacy Academy project, which aims to bring together

Socially Empowered and Transparent Youth Network (SETYN) Project in Ulcinj
Socially Empowered and Transparent Youth Network Project in Ulcinj Between June 28 and July 04, our three volunteers participated in the first part of the SETYN project which was held in

Open Call for 4 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for training in Zagreb, Croatia
Open Call for 4 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Zagreb Croatia Name of the project: "SR-net" Date of Project: 20.09.2021 – 27.09.2021. Hosting organization: “The Croatian Institute for Corporate Social