The international meeting for the #Train4Family project took place on October 11-12, 2024, in Palermo, Italy, bringing together representatives from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Turkey, Slovenia, Spain, and Italy. This collaborative gathering aimed to evaluate project progress, exchange good practices, and outline the next steps in promoting sports

“The project was a wonderful experience. It broadened my perspective on conservation and environmental protection. Something I would highlight as a particularly valuable experience is meeting people from different cultures and traditions. I believe that only in this way can we improve our understanding, break down prejudices, and become better members of our community.”

“Participating in the Erasmus youth exchange in Brežice, Slovenia, was an eye-opening journey that delved into the intricate theme of “Ethics in Artificial Intelligence.” Visiting HPC Vega, Slovenia’s supercomputer company, and the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana provided invaluable insights into the technological landscape and the ethical considerations that come with it.”
- Self-Assessment: Understanding Goals and Objectives for Personal and Professional Growth
- Testimonials: Eco Path in Veliki Gaj, Serbia
- Selection Results for Training Course “Visual Thinking 4 Youth” in Tirana, Albania
- Selection Results for Training of Trainers “ENGAGE, CONNECT AND EMPOWER YOUTH FOR A SUSTAINABLE GREEN FUTURE” in Vlore, Albania
- Huskies Basketball Camp otvoren uz podršku BRAVO BiH

For a more peaceful and communicative world, it is indispensable for young generations to receive an appropriate education, adopt basic human values, respect different cultures and understandings, and choose communication/diplomacy as a method of solving problems.

Coronavirus disease (COVID -19) is the first pandemic in history to use technology and social media on a large scale to keep people safe, informed, productive, and connected. At the same time, the technology we rely on to stay connected and informed is enabling and amplifying an infodemic that continues to undermine the global response and compromise pandemic control measures.

BRAVO recently presented Handbook for youth workers under the project BOOST
BRAVO recently presented Handbook for youth workers under the project BOOST. During this event, attendees had an opportunity to meet the project, its activities, and its results. So far, BRAVO alongside partners Vere Montis from Croatia, L’ORMA from Italy, and BSDA from Bulgaria created educational tools whose goal is to develop transversal skills in young people. In this article, we will present you with the BOOST e-platform.

ERASMUS+ YOUTH and ESC INFO DAY – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nakon uspješno implementiranog Erasmus+ Info dana u Sarajevu, BRAVO tim dolazi u Tuzlu. Ukoliko želite proširiti vaše znanje o Erasmusu i Erasmus+ programima, pridružite nam se i steknite jedno vrijedno iskustvo koje će vam značajno doprinijeti u životu.

Open call for 40 participants for the Training Course ”Conflict Resolution Through Storytelling” in Sarajevo, BiH
As human beings we tend to organize our experiences in story form. This can be seen particularly in conflicts at communal, regional, national and international levels where conflicts are not described as clinical dissections naming the constitutive elements but as structured wholes in the form of narratives.

Selection results for Training Course ‘’Digital yin-yang in youth work’’ in Stubičke Toplice, Croatia
Digital yin-yang in youth work” is a 5 days long training course in Croatia focused on increasing the awareness of experts about the importance of creating a yin-yang, a balance of online and offline activities for young people, and to offer them an opportunity to create a strategy by which this can be done.

Open call for 2 participants for Training Course ”STRIVE” in Dilijan, Armenia
The project “STRIVE – Striving for Gender Equality Through Youth Work” aims to develop and improve the knowledge and understanding of youth workers involved in the project on various gender-related concepts, and analyze traditions, roles and perceptions of gender in different European countries and societies.

Open Call for 5 Participants for Training Course in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
“Sharing Design Your Job” project is a continuation of the “Design Your Job” (DYJ) initiative under which is developed 4 projects already. Three of them were financed by EACEA and one by Serbian NA. All projects under the “DYJ” initiative follow and contribute to the overall objective of “Creating and testing new ICT education programs and methodologies suitable for systematic prequalification and re-training of unemployed or marginalized young people”.

“BOOST HANDBOOK – Dissemination Event” – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The organization BRAVO, in partnership with international organizations, is focused on developing transversal skills. In today’s increasingly complex reality, the development of basic and transversal skills is a high priority in order to meet the demands of employers and the imperatives of specific citizenship, as the European Commission noted in the “New Skills Agenda for Europe” (2016).

The Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Law on the Protection of the Rights of Members of National Minorities in 2003. The law states that BiH will protect the position, equality and rights of 17 national minorities present in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH):

Selection results for the project ”You(th) for Youth Strategy” in Wuppertal, Germany
There is a need for youth work capacity improvement of rural youth workers regarding to adapt creative and innovative youth work methods into their youth work realities and based on the needs of their rural youth in order to empower them, support to find their talents and encourage them to become active citizens of their rural communities. There is a need for cooperation among rural youth workers in order to support rural youth in recognizing the values of rural lives and how they can benefit from it.

Erasmus+ Youth INFO DAN, 19.01.2023 – Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
BRAVO organizacija kao kontakt tačka za Erasmus + program je 19.01.2023. u Sarajevu organizovala drugi Erasmus + info dan s ciljem edukacije predstavnika organizacija u BiH iz različitih oblasti djelovanja o prilikama unutar Erasmus + programa kao i ostalih programa Evropske Unije te uspostavljanju međusobnog partnerstva između organizacija.

Selection results for ”DIGI-AGE Game Development and Coding Academy”
We have selected people for the project “DIGI-AGE Game Development and Coding Academy”. We are organizing Mobile Game and Scenario Development Camps. With this project, we want to physically realize our online scenario development camp, which we held together with companies such as TRT and Sendir, under the auspices of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Industry and Technology,

Selection results for the project ”A Journey to the Roots” in Carucedo, El Bierzo, Spain
“Baco Festum: a journey to the roots” is a project born out of the curiosity and passion for exploring the origins of ancient traditions and practices such as viticulture and gold mining as a way of reflecting on the common values that unite us.

Selection results for Training Course „Make Erasmus Great Again“ in Navarredonda de Gredos, Spain
As youth workers we believe that there is a lot of room for improvement in how entities approach the conflicts and situations they encounter. We believe that if youth workers have the opportunity to train and share best practices in aspects such as conflict situations, misunderstandings and diversity, future young people who participate in their mobilities will have a better and more enriching experience.

Otvoren poziv za 30 polaznika za “Fashioration” trening kurs u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina
Projekat je fokusiran na poseban kulturni izraz zemalja učesnica, koji je vezan za modu i posebne načine izrade odeće zasnovane na lokalnoj tradiciji (kako u pogledu dizajna, tako i u pogledu upotrebljenih materijala itd.). Ovo tradicionalno znanje dio je nematerijalne kulturne baštine jer je jedan od najautentičnijih načina kulturnog izražavanja lokalnih zajednica.

Kick-off meeting for the project “Mermaids for Inclusion”
We are delighted to share that we had a chance to attend a Kick-off meeting of the project “Mermaids for Inclusion” in Veria, Greece on January 14th. BRAVO Director, Ismail Sehic and Amra Arapovic, as swimming coach from Sarajevo-based swimming club “Speed”.

TOOL4YOUTH – Peer-to-Peer Activity
Main goal of the project „TOOL4YOUTH“ is to promote media literacy in the wider community and raise awareness about the false information and how to recognize it. Digital age has made it easy for everyone to place information on the internet without going through fact checking and other information checking tools.

“We are all humans” – BRICKS Training, Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina
BRAVO held another event. This time it was through the “BRICKS” project. This was the fourth “BRICKS” event and its name was “We are all humans”. It took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina between the 9th and 12th January 2023.

Erasmus+ INFO DAY, Sarajevo, 19.01.2023.
Koliko puta ste čuli za riječ ERASMUS+, a niste sigurni šta to sve podrazumijeva? Ovo je prilika da saznate šta je to zapravo Erasmus+ te kako da iskoristite svoje vještine da bi ste napravili novi korak koji bi vam donio mnogo pogodnosti.

AHEAD – “Swimming to Nowhereland”
The 21st century is the age of new technologies, progress, competition in the construction of high skyscrapers that touch the clouds. Even in such an age, it is almost unbelievable to