Call for Participants – World House of Rondine

Call for Participants – World House of Rondine

The program, based in Tuscany, Italy, brings together youth from areas affected by conflict, such as the Middle East, the Balkans, Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and South America! Over 18 months participants live and learn together on an international campus, working on skills like leadership, conflict resolution and emotional intelligence.

The Role of Grassroots Movements in Fostering Diversity in Sports

The Role of Grassroots Movements in Fostering Diversity in Sports

Grassroots sports initiatives play a pivotal role in Bosnia and Herzegovina in fostering diversity and inclusion across various communities. This is especially important due to the nature of the post-conflict environment and the legacy of identity politics.

Selection results for “Training Course “Facilitation For All”

Selection results for “Training Course “Facilitation For All”

The main aim of this training course is to support youth workers and youth leaders in developing competences for creating and facilitating inclusive activities for young people. These activities are designed to promote active participation, as well as to provide a safe space for learning, exploration, and growth.

Inclusive Sports for People with Disabilities: Challenges and  Opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Inclusive Sports for People with Disabilities: Challenges and Opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina has made significant progress in promoting inclusive support for those with disabilities. Major achievements have been made but some challenges still persist.

Open Call for Training Course “From Rural to Plural” in Bran, Romania

Open Call for Training Course “From Rural to Plural” in Bran, Romania

This Erasmus+ professional development activity is designed to empower participants to address challenges faced by rural youth through policy-making and media advocacy. The “From Rural to Plural” training course aims to tackle these challenges by equipping youth workers with the knowledge and skills needed to empower rural youth.

Open Call for Youth Exchange “Fast Forward” in Peja, Kosovo

Open Call for Youth Exchange “Fast Forward” in Peja, Kosovo

This project promotes meaningful engagement in action against the climate change under the principals, impacts and sustainable practices among all of its participants. By combining previous knowledge, innovation and digitalization, this project aims to prepare all of its participants to lead initiatives for green movements in their countries.

Seminar “Nurturing the world can be a job”

Seminar “Nurturing the world can be a job”

U sklopu projekta Nurture, organiziran je nacionalni seminar koji je okupio predstavnike 10 odabranih nevladinih organizacija koje će u narednom periodu biti domaćini za ukupno trideset praktikanta. Projekat Nurture ima za cilj povezati mlade ljude s organizacijama koje mogu ponuditi vrijedna radna iskustva, a ovaj seminar je bio važan korak ka ostvarenju tog cilja.

Empower Your Growth: A Simple Workshop You Can Do on Your Own

Empower Your Growth: A Simple Workshop You Can Do on Your Own

Personal growth is a journey, and sometimes, the best way to get started is by creating your own workshop. This self-guided experience can help you reflect, refocus, and realign your goals—all in the comfort of your space and at your pace.

A Year in Temporary Reception Centers in Sarajevo, as H.A.N.D. volunteers

A Year in Temporary Reception Centers in Sarajevo, as H.A.N.D. volunteers

For the past six months, a group of young volunteers has been volunteering in Sarajevo’s Temporary Reception Centers (TRCs) to assist migrants and refugees. Volunteers in the H.A.N.D. project (Humanitarian Aid for the Needs of Development) have been key players in helping TRCs run smoothly.

Open Call for Training Course “Facilitation For All” in Balatonszárszó, Hungary

Open Call for Training Course “Facilitation For All” in Balatonszárszó, Hungary

The main aim of this training course is to support youth workers and youth leaders in developing competences for creating and facilitating inclusive activities for young people. These activities are designed to promote active participation, as well as to provide a safe space for learning, exploration, and growth.

ANKETA: Identifikacija izazova i perspektiva u političkoj participaciji mladih

ANKETA: Identifikacija izazova i perspektiva u političkoj participaciji mladih

U sklopu našeg kontinuiranog rada na poboljšanju angažmana i političke participacije mladih, pokrećemo detaljnu anketu dizajniranu da se bavi nekoliko ključnih područja koja utječu na mlade osobe u Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori, Grčkoj i Španiji. Cilj ove ankete je otkriti ključne izazove i značajne prepreke koje ometaju aktivnu političku participaciju mladih

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Sant’Anna d’Alfaedo, Italy

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Sant’Anna d’Alfaedo, Italy

BRAVO together with BRAIN TANK is excited to announce an amazing opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “SPEAK-UP”, a unique project designed to empower youth through digital and visual storytelling. Join participants from seven partner countries to develop leadership, communication, and intercultural skills while exploring active citizenship and European values.

Open Call for Training Course “The Greench” in Castelletto di Cuggiono (Milan), Italy

Open Call for Training Course “The Greench” in Castelletto di Cuggiono (Milan), Italy

Training course “The Greench” is an education mobility for youth workers and professionals working with young people, focusing on sustainability, environmental consciousness, and green innovation. This project aims to empower participants with the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to address pressing environmental challenges and inspire young people to take action toward a sustainable future.

Final Meeting of the “Mermaids for Inclusion” Project Held in Brussels

Final Meeting of the “Mermaids for Inclusion” Project Held in Brussels

From December 14th to 16th, the final meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Mermaids for Inclusion” took place in Brussels. The meeting served as the conclusion of the two-year project and provided an opportunity for all partners to reflect on their work and the overall impact of the project in their local communities but also on EU level.

Mastering Time Management: The Key to Success and Balance

Mastering Time Management: The Key to Success and Balance

Time management is a critical skill in today’s fast-paced world, where responsibilities and distractions compete for our attention. It is the practice of organizing and planning how to allocate time effectively to accomplish tasks, achieve goals, and maintain a balanced life.

🌟 Launching the “Youth4Values” Project: A Journey Toward Empowering Youth 🌟

🌟 Launching the “Youth4Values” Project: A Journey Toward Empowering Youth 🌟

We are thrilled to announce the commencement of the “Youth4Values” project, a dynamic two-year initiative generously supported by the European Commission through the Capacity Building Youth program. This endeavor marks a significant step forward in fostering active citizenship and community engagement among young people across Europe.

Open Call for Training Course “Feminism is for Everybody!” in Busteni, Romania

Open Call for Training Course “Feminism is for Everybody!” in Busteni, Romania

The main goal of this training is to build the capacity of youth workers from the EU and neighbouring regions to mainstream feminist values and gender equality principles in their work with young people.

Fast forward Youth Exchange in Struga, North Macedonia

Fast forward Youth Exchange in Struga, North Macedonia

The primary objective of the meeting was to reflect on the numerous activities carried out throughout the project’s duration, share experiences, and evaluate the outcomes achieved. Attendees engaged in discussions about the impact of the project on youth development and exchanged ideas about how to sustain its positive effects in their respective countries.

Developing life skills through sports

Developing life skills through sports

Everything we learn in sports can be applied to other aspects of life, including our personal and professional lives. Sports enrich us, provide countless experiences, foster the development of both existing and new skills, and shape us into better individuals. For that reason, we take pride in being part of the Cooperationsport4all project that cultivates just that.

Humanitarian Aid for the Needs of Development (H.A.N.D.) Project: Event Report and Its Significance

Humanitarian Aid for the Needs of Development (H.A.N.D.) Project: Event Report and Its Significance

The main idea of the event is to bring young people together and show them that change is possible through volunteering and its activities in local communities.

Druga zimska akademija s BRAVOm

Druga zimska akademija s BRAVOm

BRAVO organizira Drugu zimsku akademiju koja će se održati online. Druga zimska akademija predstavlja savršenu priliku za mlade da postanu dio velike priče, a najbolje je što u njoj možete sudjelovati iz udobnosti svog doma! Glavni cilj Zimske akademije je da mladima pruži priliku da usavrše različite vještine i uključe se u interkulturalni dijalog.

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