Ismail Šehić

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Gasbustua, Norway

Name of the project: “Youth in Action” Date of Project: 06.05.2022 – 14.05.2022. Hosting organization: “ Intermezzo Ungdomsorganisasjon ” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Gasbustua, Norway Participants age: + 18 The number of  participants : 5 Working language: English Deadline for applying: 25.03.2022 This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only…

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Gasbustua, Norway Read More »

Open Call for 5 Participants for Training Course in Istanbul, Turkey

Name of the project: “Active City Active Citizen” Date of Project: 17.06.2022 – 26.06.2022. Hosting organization: “Active Cities Association” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Istanbul, Turkey Participants age: + 18 The number of  participants : 5 Working language: English Deadline for applying: 25.03.2022 This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only

Open Call for 5 Participants for Training Course in Istanbul, Turkey Read More »

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Troyan, Bulgaria

Name of the project: “IMPROVING MY LEADERSHIPS SKILLS”   Date of Project: 10.04.2022 – 18.04.2022.   Hosting organization: “Sdruzhenie:”ObzorArt””   Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Troyan, Bulgaria   Participants age: 18 – 25   The number of  participants : 5   Working language: English   Deadline for applying: 24.04.2022 This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Troyan, Bulgaria Read More »

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “EU GENERATION”

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “EU GENERATION” Name of the project: “EU Generation” Date of Project: 29.03.2022 – 05.04.2022. Hosting organization: “EUducation Italy” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Messina, Italy Participants age: + 18 The number of  participants : 5 Working language: English SELECTION RESULTS: Laura Brunner Lejla Smječanin Selma Pirić Đorđe Mirković Emir Burić WAITING LIST: Abdulah Hodžić Alen Mešanović #BRAVO #BRAVOBIH #MAKETHEWORLDWONDER #ERASMUSPLUS

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “EU GENERATION” Read More »

SUN: Okrugli sto sa fokusom na sport i zdravlje naših najmlađih

U okviru Erasmsus+ projekta ”SUN – Sports, Health and FUn for Preschool ChildreN ”, BRAVO organizacija otvara prijave za Okrugli sto, koji će se održati 15. marta sa početkom u 18:00 sati! Pozivamo sve zainteresovane odgajatelje, učitelje, kineziologe i predstavnike vrtića da nam se pridruže, te svojim učešćem doprinesu daljnjoj implementaciji projektnih aktivnosti i dignu

SUN: Okrugli sto sa fokusom na sport i zdravlje naših najmlađih Read More »

Open Call for 4 Participants for Training Course in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Name of the project: “You(th) in Europe!” Date of Project: 10.05.2022 – 19.05.2022. Hosting organization: “Millennium Peacemakers” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Rotterdam, Netherlands Participants age: + 18 The number of  participants : 4 Working language: English Deadline for applying: 15.03.2022 This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the

Open Call for 4 Participants for Training Course in Rotterdam, the Netherlands Read More »

#SafeSPORTEvent- Lokalni trening održan u Sarajevu, BiH

Dana 3. marta 2022., predstavnici organizacije BRAVO- Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities, koji su ujedno i partneri projekta, održali  su #SafeSPORTEvent lokalni trening na kojem su sportskoj javnosti predstavili pilot projekt i model obuke koji je izradio koordinator projekta Bugarska udruga za sportski razvoj – BSDA iz Bugarske. Tijekom treninga zainteresirani sportski menadžeri i

#SafeSPORTEvent- Lokalni trening održan u Sarajevu, BiH Read More »

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