LEO is a project that aims to promote women's leadership, enhance gender equality, and involve men in women's empowerment efforts. It recognizes the challenges women face in becoming leaders and seeks to address them through capacity building and training for youth workers. The project also aims to increase men's involvement in women's empowerment and challenge traditional sexist stereotypes. By improving qualifications and competencies of youth workers, supporting women's entry into the labor force, and organizing local events and career fairs, LEO strives to create a better understanding of young women's leadership and gender equality. The project aligns with the EU Gender Equality Strategy and addresses the themes of inclusion, empowerment, and gender equality. Overall, LEO contributes to the global effort to achieve gender equity and fosters cooperation among partner countries with diverse cultures and gender issues.
It’s a wrap! – The impact we left through the ”LEO” project

It’s a wrap! – The impact we left through the ”LEO” project

If someone says that there are no opportunities in BiH, they are simply lying. Within the LEO project throughout the two years, we have implemented numerous activities that included both men and women equally. We are living proof that the impact can be made and we did exactly that with the LEO project. It was far from easy but we took the necessary steps to establish a more inclusive society that will empower women and respect them for who they fully are.

Internship program ”LEO” – A journey towards a more inclusive labor market

Internship program ”LEO” – A journey towards a more inclusive labor market

After two months of intense work, the internship program ‘’LEO’’ has been successfully conducted by partners and interns. We have once again highlighted the importance and urgency of working towards a more inclusive labor market. The internship program has been conducted with two local companies – the Foundation of Entrepreneurs in BiH and the magazine “A&S Adria. Both of these companies have been open

The importance of the LEO project in fostering female leadership

The importance of the LEO project in fostering female leadership

In countries like BiH, where more than 50% of the total population are women, they still don’t have it easy. Such things don’t end with BiH. Despite all feminist attempts, women all around the globe are still fighting for their social status. They have to earn the respect of others around them to be accepted as a worthy member of society.

The Multiplier event of the LEO project – Breaking Prejudices and Inspiring Change

The Multiplier event of the LEO project – Breaking Prejudices and Inspiring Change

Who said that there aren’t enough opportunities for young people? Through the LEO project, we provided a wide range of activities for young people to learn, network, and acquire professional experience. Speaking of the LEO project, we have written one more chapter that will surely be interesting for you!

LEO and the story of Career Fair ”Leadership is for EveryOne”

LEO and the story of Career Fair ”Leadership is for EveryOne”

We guess that you have already met with our project ‘’LEO’’ and the numerous activities we have implemented so far. Another chapter in the career fair story has been added, providing young people with one more chance to find jobs and start their professional journey. The second career fair was held on the 7th of November in Sarajevo and it was the epicenter of networking opportunities as the event gathered representatives of over 10 companies

LEO – Career Fair ”Leadership is for Everyone”

LEO – Career Fair ”Leadership is for Everyone”

As the project is slowly coming to an end, we have collaborated with the University of Sarajevo and organized a career fair. This event presented a great opportunity for young people to start their professional journey by interacting with representatives of companies and NGOs.

Let’s talk about the project ”Leadership is for Everyone”! What have we been up to?

Let’s talk about the project ”Leadership is for Everyone”! What have we been up to?

In today’s world, it is of crucial importance to create one safe space in which every individual will be respected for their abilities and qualities. Unfortunately, our society doesn’t meet the bare minimum as people are facing discrimination and prejudices just based on their gender.

The networking event ”Leadership is for EveryOne” was implemented in Tuzla, BiH

The networking event ”Leadership is for EveryOne” was implemented in Tuzla, BiH

BRAVO has written one more beautiful chapter in the story of the project ”Leadership is for EveryOne” and it is all about women and their success stories! Yes, you read that right! On the 7th of August, a networking event ”Leadership is for EveryOne” was implemented in Tuzla.

Prijavi se za ”AHEAD&LEO” event u Bihaću

Prijavi se za ”AHEAD&LEO” event u Bihaću

Ukoliko si mlada osoba iz Bihaća, onda te pozivamo da nam se pridružiš na Erasmus+ događaju koji će se održati 22.08. Naime, ova radionica će se implementirati u sklopu dva Erasmus+ projekta ”AHEAD” i ”LEO”.

Otvorene prijave za plaćenu praksu za 5 mladih žena iz Bosne i Hercegovine

Otvorene prijave za plaćenu praksu za 5 mladih žena iz Bosne i Hercegovine

U sklopu Erasmus+ projekta ”Leadership is for EveryOne”, BRAVO vam donosi priliku za plaćenu praksu u čak dvije bosanskohercegovače kompanije! Ovaj put nudimo 5 pozicija za mlade žene koje žele primijeniti steknuto znanje u praksi!¨

Poziv za ”LEO” networking event u Tuzli

Poziv za ”LEO” networking event u Tuzli

I ovog puta, BRAVO je pripremio jednu odličnu priliku za mlade. Naime, riječ je o networking eventu ”Leadership is for EveryOne” koji za cilj ima podizanje svijesti o značaju ženskog liderstva i ekonomskog osnaživanja žena.

The Job Shadowing ”Leadership is for EveryOne” was implemented in Sarajevo, BiH

The Job Shadowing ”Leadership is for EveryOne” was implemented in Sarajevo, BiH

In the following month, we have written many beautiful stories that left a positive impact, and of them was Job Shadowing ”Leadership is for Everyone” which has taken place in Sarajevo, BiH from the 15th to the 29th of May.

 Job Shadowing ”Leadership is for EveryOne” in Tropea, Italy

 Job Shadowing ”Leadership is for EveryOne” in Tropea, Italy

The Job Shadowing project „Leadership is for EveryOne“ was implemnted in Tropea, Italy. Before we get into the details, it is important to answer the question you probably have been asking: ”What exactly is Job Shadowing?”:

Breaking Barriers: The Role of Men in Promoting Constructive Gender Equality

Breaking Barriers: The Role of Men in Promoting Constructive Gender Equality

Gender equality is crucial for society, and both men and women must actively participate in its promotion. Men play a crucial role in fostering gender equality by ensuring equal opportunities, challenging stereotypes, supporting women’s rights, and being role models for future generations.

Testimonials – Job Shadowing ”Leadership is for EveryOne” in Tropea, Italy

Testimonials – Job Shadowing ”Leadership is for EveryOne” in Tropea, Italy

”I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Job Shadowing Erasmus project in Tropea, Italy, and I can confidently say that it was a mind-blowing experience. For two weeks, I was immersed in a dynamic and enriching environment that aimed to enhance women’s leadership, develop non-formal education (NFE) resources for youth workers and young people, promote men’s involvement in women’s empowerment, and strengthen the synergies between youth work and the labor market

Breaking Barriers: The Power of Job Shadowing for Women in the Workplace

Breaking Barriers: The Power of Job Shadowing for Women in the Workplace

Have you ever wondered about the objectives of Job Shadowing? It’s a concept that many people are unfamiliar with, but today we’ll explore it in detail and understand its significant role in promoting female empowerment.

Open call for two Lithuanian female participants for the Job Shadowing project in Sarajevo, BiH

Open call for two Lithuanian female participants for the Job Shadowing project in Sarajevo, BiH

Women’s economic empowerment is an essential asset to achieving gender equality. However, in most countries, worldwide men outnumber women in leadership positions in every sector globally, including business, non-profits, government, education, medicine, the military, and religion.

Selection Results for Job Shadowing  “Leadership is for Everyone”

Selection Results for Job Shadowing  “Leadership is for Everyone”

Job shadowing is a useful way to learn about particular practices and work of other NGOs, in this specific case High on Life Italy. Job shadowing involves spending time following a professional as they work.

Networking event ”Leadership is for everyone” was held in Zenica, BiH

Networking event ”Leadership is for everyone” was held in Zenica, BiH

On March 9th, a networking event was held in Zenica under the project “Leadership is for EveryOne.” The event brought together 36 young people from diverse backgrounds who were all interested in learning more about the “LEO” project.

Open Call for Two Female Participants for ” LEO Job Shadowing” Project in Tropea, Italy

Open Call for Two Female Participants for ” LEO Job Shadowing” Project in Tropea, Italy

Women’s economic empowerment is an essential asset to achieving gender equality. However, in most countries, worldwide men outnumber women in leadership positions in every sector globally, including business, non-profits, government, education, medicine, the military, and religion.

LEO & DREAM AFTER COVID – Radionice povodom Dana žena

LEO & DREAM AFTER COVID – Radionice povodom Dana žena

Povodom ovogodišnjeg Dana žena, BRAVO je odlučio da pripremi posebnu radionicu koja će pokriti veoma bitnu temu, temu poduzetništva. Šta je to poduzetništvo i koliko zapravo znamo o njemu? Kako kreirati ideju i istu implementirati? Radionica će pružiti odgovore na sva vaša pitanja!

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