LEO is a project that aims to promote women's leadership, enhance gender equality, and involve men in women's empowerment efforts. It recognizes the challenges women face in becoming leaders and seeks to address them through capacity building and training for youth workers. The project also aims to increase men's involvement in women's empowerment and challenge traditional sexist stereotypes. By improving qualifications and competencies of youth workers, supporting women's entry into the labor force, and organizing local events and career fairs, LEO strives to create a better understanding of young women's leadership and gender equality. The project aligns with the EU Gender Equality Strategy and addresses the themes of inclusion, empowerment, and gender equality. Overall, LEO contributes to the global effort to achieve gender equity and fosters cooperation among partner countries with diverse cultures and gender issues.
LEO workshops in Tuzla and Sarajevo

LEO workshops in Tuzla and Sarajevo

The LEO workshop in Tuzla was held on the 10th of December and it gathered 19 young people ages 16-25. Participants were divided into 3 groups where they discussed the biggest problems that arise from gender inequality and obstacles in our society.

LEO Training for Male Champions

LEO Training for Male Champions

On the 8th of December in Sarajevo was held long-awaited training for male champions as part of the project ”Leadership is for everyone-LEO”. This training was held by Ismail Šehić, BRAVO director, and it gathered young male figures who were eager to gain knowledge and use that knowledge in good efforts.

LEO – Local Activity/Training – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

LEO – Local Activity/Training – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Samo za vas BRAVO je pripremio još jednu u nizu odličnih lokalnih aktivnosti.
Ovaj put je riječ o lokalnoj radionici ”Liderstvo za sve” koja će se održati 10.12. u Centru za mlade, Tuzla, sa početkom u 12 sati.
Ovo je odlična prilika da se uključite u lokalnu zajednicu i postanete dio jedne odlične priče kao što je LEO projekat. Učešćem u ovoj radionici kroz interaktivne meetode, naučit ćete više o liderstvu, nejednakosti među spolovima i načinima da prebrodite prepreke koje društvo nameće.

Otvoren poziv za 5 učesnika za “LEO” jednodnevni trening – Sarajevo, BiH – 08.12.2022.

Otvoren poziv za 5 učesnika za “LEO” jednodnevni trening – Sarajevo, BiH – 08.12.2022.

Donosimo vam još jednu odličnu priliku! Ovaj put je riječ o jednodnevnom treningu ”LEO” koji će se održati 8.12. u prostorijama BM International Business Center Hotela u Sarajevu.

Tražimo 5 učesnika muškog roda koji su zainteresovani da se više edukuju o načinima pružanje podrške ženama u procesu ostvarivanja njihovog liderstva i ekonomskog osnaživanja. Učešćem na ovom teningu, mladi će steći osnovna znanja vezana za ulogu facilitatora i načine na koje mogu stečeno znanje prenijeti drugima.

Open call for short-term training ”LEO” in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Open call for short-term training ”LEO” in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Women’s economic empowerment is an essential asset to achieving gender equality. However, in most countries, worldwide men outnumber women in leadership positions in every sector globally, including business, non-profits, government, education, medicine, the military, and religion.

Open Call for 5 Participants for Training Course in Tirana, Albania

Open Call for 5 Participants for Training Course in Tirana, Albania

Open Call for 5 Participants for Training Course in Tirana, Albania

Name of the project: “Leadership for everyone”

Date of Project: 12.09.2022. – 19.09.2022.

Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”

Place: Tirana, Albania

Participants age: +18

The number of participants: 5

Working language: English

Deadline for applying: 13.08.2022.

ONLINE ANKETA “Leadership for Everyone”

ONLINE ANKETA “Leadership for Everyone”

Women’s empowerment may be difficult to define in today’s environment. What does it mean to empower women? Women empowerment is fostering women’s feeling of self-worth, their ability to make their own decisions, and their right to influence societal change for themselves and others. Women’s status in society has shifted in recent years, but there is still a lot to cover in terms of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all women.

We bring you a new project, Leadership for everyone – LEO

We bring you a new project, Leadership for everyone – LEO

At the beginning of spring, we started with a new project that will bring new opportunities for young people. This time the Kick-Off meeting was held in the beautiful city

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