The project focuses on addressing these challenges by fostering entrepreneurship in Italy, Egypt, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Italy, which was already experiencing low entrepreneurial activity, and Egypt, facing deficiencies in support and infrastructure, require targeted interventions. Bosnia and Herzegovina, characterized by long-term unemployment and bureaucratic obstacles, also needs support to shift towards sustainable economic growth.
The Dream after Covid project emphasizes entrepreneurship education at all levels, empowering individuals with the necessary skills and mindset to initiate and manage successful businesses. It also aims to bridge gaps in funding, resources, and support networks, with a particular focus on empowering female entrepreneurs.
By encouraging entrepreneurship as a viable career choice, the project aims to unlock new opportunities in the post-pandemic job market, facilitating economic recovery and social development. Collaborative efforts between entrepreneurs, corporations, academia, and governments will be fostered to promote innovation and create a supportive ecosystem.
The project recognizes the need for targeted interventions and support for vulnerable groups, such as rural youth, who face heightened challenges in the post-COVID society. Ultimately, the Dream after Covid project aims to build resilient economies, stimulate job creation, and empower youth in Italy, Egypt, and Bosnia and Herzegovina to shape a prosperous future.

DREAM AFTER COVID – Brošura projekta
U vrijeme izazova koje je izazvala pandemija COVID-19, potreba za podrškom poduzetništvu i inovacijama nikada nije bila veća. Upravo u tom kontekstu kreirali smo brošuru kao rezultat projekta DREAM AFTER COVID, pružajući čitateljima priliku da istraže svijet poduzetništva, Dragon Dreaming metode i poduzetničkih ideja kreiranih u partnerskim državama – sve to na bosanskom jeziku.

Final Project Meeting: Dream After Covid
On Sunday, February 4, 2024, a „Dream After Covid“ meeting was held, bringing together key stakeholders and participants involved in a project aimed at fostering growth and development. The agenda was comprehensive, covering aspects from project overview to final evaluations and future initiatives. The gathering commenced with a warm welcome and an overview of the day’s agenda. Setting the tone for productive discussions

Dreaming After COVID: Our Brochure is Here!
We are happy to introduce the result of our collaborative effort: the “Dreaming After COVID” project. This initiative is more than just a response to the pandemic; it’s a visionary story aimed at inspiring and equipping young minds to thrive in the post-COVID-19 era.
In this Brochure, you will be presented with the exciting ‘Dreaming After COVID’ project, an initiative that seeks to inspire young people to become entrepreneurial

Na nedavno održanoj Konferenciji Poduzetničkih Ideja u Zenici, Bosna i Hercegovina, istaknuti su inovativni timovi koji su predstavili svoje kreativne poduzetničke ideje. Ovaj inspirativni događaj okupio je talentovane pojedince iz različitih sektora, a pet timova se istaklo kao najbolji, noseći sa sobom titulu perspektivnih poduzetnika.

Testimonials – Youth Exchange ”Dream After Covid” in Penagos, Spain
’I had an amazing time in Spain, exploring the richness of culture. I strolled through the narrow, charming streets of old towns, where every corner felt like a picturesque story. I tasted the diversity of Spanish cuisine, from delicious paella to a variety of tapas, immersing myself in traditions. I felt the warmth of the Spanish sun on the beautiful beaches of Santander, creating unforgettable moments with friends I made along the way.

BRAVO konferencija i takmičenje poduzetničkih ideja – Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina
Dragi naši mladi inovatori, ovo nije običan poziv, već prilika koja bi mogla biti prvi korak u ostavrenju vašeg poduzetničkog cilja! BRAVO, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Zenici i Fondacija poduzetnika u BiH udružili su snage kako bi vam predstavili nezaboravnu priliku – Konferenciju i takmičenje poduzetničkih ideja, koje će se održati 23. decembra. 2023. godine.

NEWSLETTER – Dream After Covid
Vjerujemo da do sada znate za PROJEKAT „DREAM AFTER COVID“ koji ima ulogu u oblikovanju post-COVID društva. Glavni cilj jeste promocija poduzetništva među mladima, one snage za koju vjerujemo da može pokrenuti pozitivne transformacije.

Radionica DREAM AFTER COVID Dragon Dreaming metoda je jedinstven pristup upravljanju projektima koji kombinuje mudrost, modernu nauku i holističke principe. Dizajniran je da osnaži zajednice, organizacije i pojedince da kreiraju održive i smislene projekte koji će koristiti svima koji su uključeni.

Selection results for Youth Exchange in Penagos, Spain
The project “DREAM AFTER COVID” aims to foster a sense of solidarity, collaboration, and mutual support among young people, enabling them to engage in social entrepreneurship and contribute to their communities’ post-COVID recovery. The project involves four partner organizations from different countries: Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, and Egypt.

Open call for Youth Exchange in Penagos, Cantabria, Spain
The project “DREAM AFTER COVID” is a collaborative initiative designed to connect youth workers and young individuals facing fewer opportunities across multiple countries. This project aims to foster a sense of solidarity, collaboration, and mutual support among young people, enabling them to engage in social entrepreneurship and contribute to their communities’ post-COVID recovery.

Radionica Dragon Dreaming Method – DREAM AFTER COVID
Dragon Dreaming metoda je jedinstven pristup upravljanju projektima koji kombinuje mudrost, modernu nauku i holističke principe. Dizajniran je da osnaži zajednice, organizacije i pojedince da kreiraju održive i smislene projekte koji će koristiti svima koji su uključeni. BRAVO je ovoga puta odlučio da zajedno sa mladima u Zenici, Bosna i Hercegovina, održi radionicu Dragon Dreaming metode.

LEO & DREAM AFTER COVID – Radionice povodom Dana žena
Povodom ovogodišnjeg Dana žena, BRAVO je odlučio da pripremi posebnu radionicu koja će pokriti veoma bitnu temu, temu poduzetništva. Šta je to poduzetništvo i koliko zapravo znamo o njemu? Kako kreirati ideju i istu implementirati? Radionica će pružiti odgovore na sva vaša pitanja!

„Dreaming, Planning, Doing, and Celebrating: How the Dragon Dreaming Method Can Benefit Your Projects and other amazing things from a training course in Cairo, Egypt“
In the period from December 28. 2022 until January 6, 2023. the BRAVO team visited Cairo to attend a training course on the Dragon Dreaming method. Furthermore, we will explore their experience and the benefits of this method.

Few days ago, your beloved BRAVO has been a host for the first transnational project meeting of project DREAM AFTER COVID or, by full name: Designing Responsible Entrepreneurial Actions with social Mindset AFTER COVID. For two days, from 14th till 16th of November we have gathered with the most loving and hardworking team and partners from Better World Foundation- Egypt, PASOS – Spain and ORIEL APS- Italy to discuss the important dates and project outcomes.