“Becoming Digitally Conscious” is a Capacity Building project targeted to the promotion of healthy digital habits among young people (between 18 and 25 years old) living in the European and Western Balkans area. The goal is to make this group aware of the potential dangers of making an excessive use of digital devices, such as psychological disorders (e.g., eating disorders and depression). Considering that virtual reality has become an essential part of young people’s lives (especially during the covid-19 pandemic to study or socialize, which before they did mainly offline), we believe it is important to train them on how to integrate digital devices in a healthy and conscious way.

Through the education of youth workers, the project will contribute to increasing quality, innovation and recognition of youth work, supporting the sharing of methods to address the opportunities and implications of digitalization. Of course, it is as well related to “Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity” because all major social changes imply some areas of risk that need to be reflected upon to mitigate the issues created (in this case digital addiction). Looking at the Capacity Building Call in particular, the proposal focuses on the thematic area “digital and entrepreneurial skills”. Out of the European Youth Goals under the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027), we can highlight number 5: “Mental Health & Wellbeing”. We will also contribute to the “Empower” priorities by training Youth Workers and recognizing their abilities to participate in social change and development.

We agree with the European Parliament that it is necessary to “Promote and educate on online and offline health behaviors in young populations” (“Harmful internet use” briefing). In fact, the European Union has been actively concerned about tackling the risks of excessive internet. For example, the European Network for Problematic Usage of the Internet brings together experts from 40 countries to investigate the problem. The World Health Organization has also recognized this issue by saying in relation to digital addiction: “The observed and documented negative health and psychosocial consequences include a range of health conditions that share signs and symptoms with disorders such as gambling disorder and substance use disorders” (Public Health Implication of Excessive Use of the Internet, Computers, Smartphones and Similar Electronic Devices, Meeting Report, WHO, 2014).

With “Becoming Digitally Conscious” we wish to develop non-formal tools that support youth workers in the promotion of digital competences, disseminating at the same time the idea of healthy internet use among the young population in a way that is truly engaging to them, hence through the involvement of their counterparts who see the problem from their same perspective.
Becoming Digitally Conscious – Final Conference

Becoming Digitally Conscious – Final Conference

We have officially closed the final chapter of the project “Becoming Digitally Conscious“. Yes, you read that right! After two active years of numerous activities, the project was brought to an end with the final conference which was held in Sarajevo, B&H, on the 11th of May.



In an age of rapid digitalization, people speculate that modern technologies are to blame for the increasing number of cases of depression, mental illnesses and overall lack of life satisfaction among the youth and young adults. Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities is here to introduce you to new ways of wise technology usage which may dramatically improve your overall well-being.

Ethics and Privacy Online: How to Become a Responsible Digital Citizen

Ethics and Privacy Online: How to Become a Responsible Digital Citizen

In today’s digital age, where our lives are increasingly intertwined with technology, it is important to understand the role of ethics and privacy online. Becoming a responsible digital citizen means recognizing the importance of respecting the privacy of others, adhering to laws and regulations, and building a secure and reliable digital identity.

Using AI in good ways by BDC

Using AI in good ways by BDC

TIME TO SEE SOME GOOD NEWS, As a part of this project BRAVO BiH brings you fresh news about the digital world which is a big part of our life. AI made a big BOOM in recent months, making controversies and being used in good and bad ways. As a part of BDC project, we bring you this article about using AI in the best possible way in order to maintain personal growth.

Digital literacy as a key to a safe use of the internet

Digital literacy as a key to a safe use of the internet

Digital literacy refers to the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, create and share information using digital technology and the internet. It involves understanding how to effectively navigate digital tools, critically assess online information for credibility, and responsibly use technology for communication, problem-solving, and productivity.



In this modern society, technology has become an essential thing without which a modern man cannot function. Every individual uses technology devices daily. It is one of the revolutions that has developed the fastest and since its appearance, it has been in a constant evolution. Every day we see innovations in the world of technology. Many things that seemed unimaginable to us, today are managed to achieve thanks to technology.

How much is AI threatening certain job positions in BiH?

How much is AI threatening certain job positions in BiH?

When artificial intelligence (AI) was first proposed in the mid-twentieth century, few predicted that it would evolve at the current rate and have such extensive uses. While humans are cognitive beings capable of executing a wide range of tasks, the advent of AI and automation is making people obsolete in a wide range of occupations.

Digitalization in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Digitalization in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities; it is the process of moving a digital business into a paper-free process which is something that many developed and eco-friendly countries are having as the goal in the near future. We are all aware of the process and that it will take time but it will be worth it once it is fully present in our society.

Fresh news brought from BRAVO BiH through the BDC project:

Fresh news brought from BRAVO BiH through the BDC project:

Co-rapporteurs Brando Benifei (S&D, Italy) and Dragoș Tudorache (Renew, Romania) have the duty to answer questions from journalists on the topic of the outcome of negotiations on Artificial Intelligence Act. As a part of BDC project, BRAVO BiH gives you the freshest news on the topic of digital literacy usage of AI and other objectives project aspires to achieve.

Raising awareness about the consequences of excessive use of digital devices on mental health

Raising awareness about the consequences of excessive use of digital devices on mental health

It is a well-known fact that today we cannot imagine our daily lives without the use of digital devices, which we use for various purposes, such as information, social networking, entertainment, and many other contents. Although most of the content we use is genuinely useful and facilitates our daily lives, providing quick access to information and communication, excessive use of digital devices can undoubtedly lead to certain dangers,

BDC – The impact of digital literacy on teaching and learning in higher education

BDC – The impact of digital literacy on teaching and learning in higher education

Digital literacy plays a significant role in the dynamic world of higher education and therefore represents one of the essential skills in today’s modern environment. Developments in technology are opening possibilities and challenges for learning and teaching with a tendency to significantly change ways of teaching and learning

BRAVO i Udruženje mladih “TRIK” Kalesija su organizovali radionicu

BRAVO i Udruženje mladih “TRIK” Kalesija su organizovali radionicu

BRAVO i Udruženje mladih "TRIK" Kalesija su organizovali radionicu "Ograničenje digitalizacije edukativnog sistema-kako ih prevazići" 29. septembra 2023. Kroz zanimljiv i interaktivan pristup učesnici su se upoznali sa pojmom digitalizacije te su kroz praktične vježbe ponudili rješenja za ograničenja koja postoje.

Meet the ambassadors of healthy digital use! Who are they and what is their goal?

Meet the ambassadors of healthy digital use! Who are they and what is their goal?

The social media campaign ”The Ambassadors of Healthy Digital Use” is an initiative taken under the Erasmus+ project ”Becoming Digitally Conscious”. This campaign is being led by young change-makers who have taken part in Youth Exchange in Berlin, Germany. By taking part in this Youth Exchange that aimed to address such a crucial subject,

The impact of the global pandemic on people’s digital behaviors

The impact of the global pandemic on people’s digital behaviors

People’s digital behaviors have been significantly impacted by the global epidemic, which has gradually changed and reshaped the ways that we communicate, work, seek out information, and digest it. It is safe to state that preventative measures like lockdowns have had an impact on society as a whole.

BDC Project Local Activities in Tuzla

BDC Project Local Activities in Tuzla

The „Becoming Digitally Conscious“ lokal workshop took place on the 21st of August in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The local workshop gathered participants who were eager to extend their knowledge about digital devices and their implementation in education and in everyday life. The workshop was held by two BRAVO members, who are also educators.

Lokalna radionica ”Becoming Digitally Conscious” u Tuzli

Lokalna radionica ”Becoming Digitally Conscious” u Tuzli

U svrhu implementiranja priče projekta ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’, BRAVO dolazi u Tuzlu! Naime, lokalna radionica ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’ će se održati 21.08. u prostorijama visokoškolske ustanove Univerziteta FINra. Sa porastom popularnosti ChatGPT-a i vještačke inteligencije, smatramo da krucijalno edukovati mlade ljude o digitalizaciji, sigurnosti na internetu i zdravim navikama korištenja digitalnih uređaja.

BDC – Local Activity, Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina

BDC – Local Activity, Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina

On the 29th of July, a BDC workshop was held in Bihac as a result of collaboration with local NGO volunteers and the youth population. A total of 25 participants attended the workshop. The workshop’s objective was to increase participants’ understanding of responsible digital behaviour and arm them with practical knowledge.

The role of (non-formal) education in enhancing digital consciousness among Bosnian youth

The role of (non-formal) education in enhancing digital consciousness among Bosnian youth

In today’s digital age, where technology exists in every aspect of our lives, nurturing responsible digital citizens has become an essential task for societies worldwide. Bosnia and Herzegovina, like many other countries, faces the challenge of ensuring that its youth develop a high level of digital consciousness – a balanced understanding of digital tools, ethical awareness, and responsible online behavior.

”Becoming Digitally Conscious” local workshop was held in Zenica

”Becoming Digitally Conscious” local workshop was held in Zenica

On the 24th of July, a new chapter in the story of the ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’ project was written. The local workshop was held in Zenica and it gathered 28 young people who were eager to gain new knowledge and become the drivers for positive change. The main goal of the workshop was to raise awareness among participants about healthy digital usage and equip them with knowledge

Lokalna radionica ”Becoming Digitally Conscious” u Bihaću

Lokalna radionica ”Becoming Digitally Conscious” u Bihaću

U svrhu implementiranja priče projekta ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’, BRAVO dolazi u Bihać! Naime, lokalna radionica ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’ će se održati 29.07. u zgradi Medžlisa Islamske zajednice Bihać.

Lokalna radionica ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’

Lokalna radionica ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’

Donosimo vam još jednu odličnu priliku! Ovaj put je riječ o lokalnoj radionici ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’ koja će se održati 24.07. u prostorijama Centra za Mlade Zenica. Sa porastom popularnosti ChatGPT-a i vještačke inteligencije, smatramo da krucijalno edukovati mlade ljude o digitalizaciji, sigurnosti na internetu i zdravim navikama korištenja digitalnih uređaja.

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