Testimonials –  Training Course ‘’Art of Inclusion 2 – Sport and Outdoor Activities in Poland

The Training Course “Art of Inclusion 2 – Sport and Outdoor Activities” was the project that really exceeded all my expectations. It was a truly mesmerizing experience that gathered young people from all around Europe. The atmosphere was positive, friendly, and supportive, which made it easy for me to feel comfortable and engaged.

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Basic UX Design: Understanding User Experience

This time, BRAVO brings an opportunity to the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina to learn more about Basic UX Design. And what exactly is UX Design and what are its advantages?
User Experience (UX) design is the process of designing and creating digital products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. It is a multi-disciplinary field that includes aspects of psychology, design, technology, and human-computer interaction. UX design is not just about creating an attractive and visually appealing product, but also about ensuring that it is usable, accessible, and meets the needs and expectations of its users.

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Erasmus+ and ESC Info Day – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

U Tuzli je 03.02.2023. godine održan treći po redu Erasmus+ Info dan. Kao i do sada, zainteresovanost je bila velika, te smo u prostorijama Visoke škole za finansije i računovodstvo FINra, ugostili više od 50 učesnika. Prisutni su bili predstavnici nevladinih organizacija te obrazovnih ustanova, sportski radnici, volonteri te mnogi mladi ljudi zainteresovani za Erasmus+ Youth & ESC program.

Erasmus+ and ESC Info Day – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Read More »

BRAVO recently presented Handbook for youth workers under the project BOOST

BRAVO recently presented Handbook for youth workers under the project BOOST. During this event, attendees had an opportunity to meet the project, its activities, and its results. So far, BRAVO alongside partners Vere Montis from Croatia, L’ORMA from Italy, and BSDA from Bulgaria created educational tools whose goal is to develop transversal skills in young people. In this article, we will present you with the BOOST e-platform.

BRAVO recently presented Handbook for youth workers under the project BOOST Read More »

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