O’VISOR – Photo Exhibit in GREECE

O’VISOR – Photo Exhibit in GREECE

That history and art have always been perfect complements has been proved once again by the very creative management of BRAVO and its partners in Athens. Henceforth, the last days

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange “EU GENERATION ” in Messina, Italy

Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange “EU GENERATION ” in Messina, Italy

Name of the project: "EU Generation" Date of Project: 29.03.2022 - 05.04.2022. Hosting organization: “EUducation Italy” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Messina, Italy Participants age: + 18 The number of  participants : 5 Working language: English Deadline

#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Youth Exchange in Budapest, Hungary

#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Youth Exchange in Budapest, Hungary

#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Youth Exchange in Budapest, Hungary We had amazing youth attending #YouthExchange in Budapest and we are proud to say that they #MAKETHEWORLDWONDER. But what do they have to say

Selection Results for Training Course “LEADERSHIP 2022”

Selection Results for Training Course “LEADERSHIP 2022”

Selection Results for Training Course "LEADERSHIP 2022" Name of the project: “Leadership 2022” Date of Project: 22.05.2022 – 28.05.2022. Date of Project: 25.07.2022 – 31.07.2022 Hosting organization: “Youth for Society” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Rustavi, Georgia

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “ACADEMY OF DIGITAL LEADERS”

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “ACADEMY OF DIGITAL LEADERS”

Selection Results for Youth Exchange "ACADEMY OF DIGITAL LEADERS" Name of the project: “Academy of Digital Leaders” Date of Project: 23.03.2022 – 30.03.2022. Hosting organization: “FUNDACJA IMIENIA BRACI SOŁUŃSKICH – CYRYLA I METODEGO”

Selection Results for Training Course “BRIDGES”

Selection Results for Training Course “BRIDGES”

Selection Results for Training Course "BRIDGES" Name of the project: “BRIDGES” Date of Project: 01.04.2022. – 11.04.2022. Hosting organization: “ASOCIATIA PENTRU DEZVOLTARE ACTIVA ADA” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Slanic Moldova, Romania Participants age: + 18 The

BRAVO otvara prijave za novi ciklus kursa Njemačkog jezika!

BRAVO otvara prijave za novi ciklus kursa Njemačkog jezika!

Svaki novi jezik otvara vrata nove kulture, dok njihovo učenje ima stalne dobrobiti za brojne kognitivne funkcije, poboljšava pamćenje, pozitivno utječe na odgađanje demencije, ali i razvijamo bolji osjećaj za



''EU on the Move'' je Erasmus+ sportski projekat, čiji cilj je dizanje svijesti o značaju fizičke aktivnosti kod djece uzrasta 7 do 11 godina, kroz dodatno pružane obuke namijenjene sportskim

#BOOST project #SURVEY

#BOOST project #SURVEY

Do you know what a BOOST project is?The aim of the BOOST project is to create new opportunities for young people in Europe for learning and development based on transversal

Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of Traditional Sports and Games

Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of Traditional Sports and Games

Sometimes, stepping from day to day and living this story of ours, we want to stop to present to you with all our hearts which stories we just want to

KICK-OFF MEETING – Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of Traditional Sports and Games

KICK-OFF MEETING – Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of Traditional Sports and Games

In the period from 3rd till 8th February, the director of BRAVO, Ismail Šehić, attended a kick-off meeting in Istanbul, Turkiye, of the aforementioned project. Partners at this meeting talked about the development of digital platforms and applications for the revival of traditional sports and games, as well as the promotion of tradition through sport and traditional games. With this meeting, we launched a project that would last for the upcoming two years.

Open call for not one but two #TrainingCourses “Leadership 2022”

Open call for not one but two #TrainingCourses “Leadership 2022”

Name of the project: "Leadership 2022" Date of Project: 22.05.2022 - 28.05.2022. Date of Project: 25.07.2022 - 31.07.2022 Hosting organization: “Youth for Society” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Rustavi, Georgia Place: Święta Katarzyna, Poland

Open Call for 3 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Training Course “BY PLAYING YOU LEARN!”, Torre Del Greco, Italy

Open Call for 3 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Training Course “BY PLAYING YOU LEARN!”, Torre Del Greco, Italy

Name of the project: "BY PLAYING YOU LEARN" Date of Project: 01.03.2022 - 09.03.2022. Hosting organization: “Torre dei Giovani (TdG) ” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: TORRE DEL GRECO, ITALY Participants age: + 18 The

BRAVO – Kurs Engleskog jezika

BRAVO – Kurs Engleskog jezika

Dragi naši, Kurs engleskog jezika se nastavlja. Nakon tri uspješna ciklusa i preko 80 zadovoljnih učenika iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Italije, Španije, Austrije i Njemačke, donosimo vam novi

The girl who won first place in first woman’s hackathon – Lejla Omerović

The girl who won first place in first woman’s hackathon – Lejla Omerović

Bosnia and Herzegovina has many young leaders. Today, we present to you an incredibly female leader named Lejla Omerović. She wants to use her example to inspire other women to

BRAVO – Kurs Japanskog jezika

BRAVO – Kurs Japanskog jezika

BRAVO zvanično otvara prijave za novi ciklus kursa japnskog jezika!PREDVIĐENO TRAJANJE KURSA:A1  A2 : 3 mjesecaMjeseci se ne računaju kalendarski. Jedan mjesec kursa obuhvata 4 sedmice od početka kursa. Svake

Creative Learning Association

Creative Learning Association

The BRAVO team is always happy and inspired to write stories about successful people and NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We are proud to write about non-governmental organizations that are

Proud history-makers: BRAVO signed a Cooperation Agreement with Association of Criminologists and Security Managers – KKMS

Proud history-makers: BRAVO signed a Cooperation Agreement with Association of Criminologists and Security Managers – KKMS

Throughout everyday work, BRAVO tries to write life-changing stories that will brighten the future of the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina. On this path, we are attempting to address a

#SPORTolerance: Local activity in cooperation with „KRAV MAGA IKMI Tuzla“ in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

#SPORTolerance: Local activity in cooperation with „KRAV MAGA IKMI Tuzla“ in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

On January 20th 2022 our team had organized a local activity in Sarajevo as part of the SPORTolerance project. Members of the BRAVO- Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable opportunities went

Open Call for 10 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Youth Exchange in Zabioska, Poland

Open Call for 10 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Youth Exchange in Zabioska, Poland

Name of the project: "Academy of Digital Leaders" Date of Project: 23.03.2022 - 30.03.2022. Hosting organization: “FUNDACJA IMIENIA BRACI SOŁUŃSKICH – CYRYLA I METODEGO” Sending organizations: “BRAVO“ Place: Zboiska, Poland Participants age: + 18

Selection Results for Training Course “Think Twice”

Selection Results for Training Course “Think Twice”

Selection Results for Training Course "Think Twice" Name of the project: “Think Twice” Date of Project: 07.03.2022. – 13.03.2022. Hosting organization: “Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bulgaria ” Sending organizations:

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