The FASHIORATION project is an innovative initiative focused on the valorization of intangible cultural heritage in the field of fashion, with the aim of promoting youth employment and entrepreneurship. In the face of growing globalization and urbanization, local communities' intangible cultural heritage is at risk of disappearing, as young people are often disconnected from traditional ways of life associated with these traditions. However, youth unemployment remains high, forcing many young individuals to migrate in search of employment opportunities.

Intangible cultural heritage represents the wealth of knowledge, culture, and skills passed down from one generation to the next. This heritage holds not only social value but also economic potential. Recognizing the importance of cultural heritage as a source of income, especially in countries with significant cultural resources, the project seeks to unlock the untapped potential for youth empowerment and local development.

The FASHIORATION project focuses on a specific cultural expression related to fashion, incorporating local traditional design and materials. Traditional know-how in fashion is part of the intangible cultural heritage, representing an authentic cultural expression. Moreover, clothing inspired by national cultural heritage can be tangible items that generate income for local communities through sales both domestically and internationally.

The project approaches the fashion sector from both an entrepreneurial and cultural perspective. Entrepreneurially, it explores ways to enhance the appeal of cultural elements and their contribution to tourism, culture, and education. Culturally, the project works with young people with artistic backgrounds to support them in preserving and promoting their own cultural heritage.

Aligned with UNESCO's definition of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage, the project aims to ensure the viability, continuous recreation, and transmission of cultural heritage. It involves identifying and documenting heritage, research, preservation, promotion, enhancement, transmission through education, and revitalization.

The main objective of the FASHIORATION project is to promote youth employment by developing skills among young people to valorize elements of their country's cultural tradition in the fashion industry. It enhances the employability and entrepreneurship of young people while improving the quality of youth work through innovative links between youth work and intangible cultural heritage. The project also addresses environmental sustainability by promoting traditional clothing-making techniques that are more resource-efficient compared to modern industry practices.

Additionally, the project embraces the Digitalization Agenda by utilizing new technologies to deliver immersive experiences, such as 360-degree images, designs, and videos. This allows future designers and visitors to engage with the project's exhibits and enables the global dissemination of results through an interactive online platform.

In terms of inclusion and diversity, the FASHIORATION project targets young people with fewer opportunities, including the unemployed and those with low skills, aiming to enhance their competences and active participation in society. By valuing cultural elements related to fashion and preserving intangible heritage, the project offers an alternative means of livelihood for these young individuals while contributing to the safeguarding of their cultural heritage.

In summary, the FASHIORATION project is an innovative initiative that leverages intangible cultural heritage in fashion to promote youth employment and entrepreneurship. It combines entrepreneurial and cultural approaches to enhance the value of cultural elements, improve youth work, and create a sustainable and inclusive fashion ecosystem.
Fashioration Festival (Virtual)

Fashioration Festival (Virtual)

Discover more about the process of creating collections inspired by traditional folk costumes, the workshops that the participants went through, as well as the old crafts that still have their own manufactures! The Fashioration Festival takes you on a virtual tour through the Balkan capitals, their traditions and getting to know young designers who transform that tradition and incorporate it into contemporary clothing!

Fashioration: “Fashion Gala”, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fashioration: “Fashion Gala”, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sinoć je u hotelu Austria & Bosna u Sarajevu zaiskrila modna scena dok su se svjetla i raskošna elegancija spojili u jedinstvenom događaju – Fashion Gala, organiziranom u sklopu Erasmus+ projekta Fashioration. Ova nezaboravna večer bila je posvećena modi i kreativnosti, donoseći u središte pažnje tri inspirativne govornice: Tamaru Teodorović, Merjem Novalić i Juliet Walker.

FASHIORATION – FASHION GALA, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

FASHIORATION – FASHION GALA, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

U sklopu jednog od naših najvećih projekata – FASHIORATION, organiziramo svečanu Galu na koju ste svi pozvani. Ova sjajna izložba će okupiti brojne bosanskohercegovačke modne dizajnere koji će predstaviti svoj rad i održati Q&A sesiju. Gala će se održati u predivnom ambijentu Hotela Austia & Bosna, gdje će posjetitelji imati priliku uživati u vrhunskoj modi, umjetnosti i kreativnosti.

BRAVO ON THE ROAD: Fashioration Gala in Athens, Greece

BRAVO ON THE ROAD: Fashioration Gala in Athens, Greece

This amazing story with a fashion aspect has taken place in Athens, Greece from the 27th to the 30th of September. A fashion gala presented the final chapter of the project FASHIORATION that has been brought to an end. Two young genius designers, Fahira Osmić and Tamara Teodorović



Projekat je fokusiran na poseban kulturni izraz zemalja učesnica, koji je vezan za modu i posebne načine izrade odjeće zasnovane na lokalnoj tradiciji (kako u pogledu dizajna, tako i u pogledu upotrebljenih materijala itd.).



Young designers gathered again in Sarajevo as part of the BRAVO project “Fashioration” for a five-day training course that took place between 20.03. and 24.03.2023. in order to further develop their skills and expand their knowledge of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s tradition and cultural intangible heritage.



”Za radionicu sam saznao od djevojke, koja je mislila da će mi ova radionica biti super pozitivno iskustvo. Inače, moj dječački san je bio da postanem uspješan modni dizajner tako da mi je ovo bila prilika da naučim nešto novo i korisno.

FASHIORATION – Nacionalni trening za mlade dizajnere i umjetnike

FASHIORATION – Nacionalni trening za mlade dizajnere i umjetnike

Mladi dizajneri okupili su se u Sarajevu u okviru BRAVO projekta “Fashioration” na trodnevnom trening kursu koji se održao između 01.02. i 03.02.2023. kako bi dodatno razvili svoje vještine i proširili znanje o bosanskohercegovačkoj tradiciji i kulturnoj nematerijalnoj baštini.

<strong>Otvoren poziv za 30 polaznika za “Fashioration” trening kurs u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina</strong>

Otvoren poziv za 30 polaznika za “Fashioration” trening kurs u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina

Projekat je fokusiran na poseban kulturni izraz zemalja učesnica, koji je vezan za modu i posebne načine izrade odeće zasnovane na lokalnoj tradiciji (kako u pogledu dizajna, tako i u pogledu upotrebljenih materijala itd.). Ovo tradicionalno znanje dio je nematerijalne kulturne baštine jer je jedan od najautentičnijih načina kulturnog izražavanja lokalnih zajednica.

Open Call for 3 Participants for Project Participation in Tirana, Albania

Open Call for 3 Participants for Project Participation in Tirana, Albania

Open Call for 3 Participants for Project Participation in Tirana, Albania

Name of the project: “Fashioration”

Date of Project: 2.10.2022. – 10.10.2022.

Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”

Place: Tirana, Albania

Participants age: +18

The number of participants: 3

Working language: English

Deadline for applying: 16.9.2022.

Open Call for 3 Participants for Project Participation in Athens, Greece

Open Call for 3 Participants for Project Participation in Athens, Greece

Open Call for 3 Participants for Project Participation in Athens, Greece

Name of the project: “Fashioration”

Date of Project: 16.05.2022. – 19.05.2022.

Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”

Place: Athens, Greece

Participants age: +18

The number of participants: 3

Working language: English

Deadline for applying: 08.05.2022.

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