BRAVO signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with VERLAB INSTITUTE

It doesn’t really come as surprise anymore when we say that BRAVO’s constant dedication to keep the wheel going when it comes to commitment, ongoing striving for success stories and finding most amazing partners to join us on our path to making this world wonder and providing the most amazing opportunities for our youth and all of the citizens of Bosnia and Hercegovina are resulting in most amazing partnerships!

BRAVO signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with VERLAB INSTITUTE Read More »

BRAVO signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with BALANS

Every day BRAVO tends to write beautiful stories that will leave mark on society and bring new opportunities for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s youth have enormous potential. There are other special organizations based in Bosnia and Herzegovina that have recognized the potential of young people and are working hard to create better opportunities.

BRAVO signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with BALANS Read More »

Comparison between the treatment of Romanis in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the United States of America

In addition to the three constitutive nations, 17 national minorities live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, among which the Roma are the most numerous and most vulnerable population. No minority in BiH is in such a problematic and difficult social position, living on the margins of society, often without basic human rights.

Comparison between the treatment of Romanis in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the United States of America Read More »

BRAVO team attended the 12th Scholarships fair organized by the University of Sarajevo

BRAVO team attended 12th Scholarships fair organized by the University of Sarajevo. This project was started back in 2010, by the International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo with the aim to promote scholarships for studying and professional development in our country or abroad. This year’s fair was attended by 48 different partners (universities,

BRAVO team attended the 12th Scholarships fair organized by the University of Sarajevo Read More »

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