Erasmus + Contact Point

Održani Erasmus+ info dani – 16.10. i 17.10.2024. godine – Sarajevo, BiH

U organizaciji BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities, Ministarstva civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine i Nacionalnog Erasmus+ ureda u BiH, u posljednja dva dana održana su dva Erasmus+ info dana u Sarajevu, s više od 180 učesnika koji su predstavljali različite institucije, organizacije i preduzeća.

Održani Erasmus+ info dani – 16.10. i 17.10.2024. godine – Sarajevo, BiH Read More »

Testimonials – Study Visit in Austria

The study visit to Austria, held from January 29th to February 2nd, 2024, was truly a remarkable experience of collaboration and knowledge exchange. A diverse cohort of participants representing Info Centres and Contact Points from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine as well as representatives from SALTO EuroMed and SALTO EECA, came together to explore innovative approaches in youth work and cooperation.

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Erasmus+ and ESC Open Door Day (online) – January 2024

Erasmus+ & ESC Open Day organized by BRAVO will be held online on Friday January 26th at 17h CET. All those interested will be able to participate in informal conversations and receive a wide range of information about the process of registration in the Erasmus+ and ESC programmes, what it means to participate in it, how to look for partners, choose the right field of work, and learn how to apply for various Erasmus+ and ESC programmes as an individual participant.

Erasmus+ and ESC Open Door Day (online) – January 2024 Read More »

Contact Points for the Western Balkans Website is Here!

Euforija i očekivanje dosežu vrhunac jer je upravo lansirana nova platforma koja će preoblikovati vaše Erasmus iskustvo! Sada možete biti korak ispred zbivanja uz najnovije informacije o Erasmus projektima i događanjima na jednom mjestu.Ovdje nećete samo pronaći informacije; doživjet ćete pravu eksploziju entuzijazma prema internacionalnom iskustvu. Naša stranica je epicentar svih najnovijih update-ova o Erasmus+ programima i European Solidarity Corps projektima.

Contact Points for the Western Balkans Website is Here! Read More »

Erasmus+ Boot Camp was held in Kalesija

As we all know, BRAVO organization is known for its kindness and work atmosphere. Besides all exchanges across the world, we decided to make something in our beautiful Bosnia and Hercegovina. That’s when Erasmus+ Boot Camp came in. It was held from 14th to 17th December 2023 in Kalesija, BiH. Together, with the UG ‘’Može bolje’’, we wanted to expand knowledge about Erasmus+ programs to youth in our country.

Erasmus+ Boot Camp was held in Kalesija Read More »

School of Entrepreneurship in High School of Economics, Sarajevo

The recently concluded School of Entrepreneurship, a collaborative effort with the Foundation of Entrepreneurs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the High School of Economics, Sarajevo, witnessed an impressive turnout, drawing more than 60 participants from various high schools and faculties. The objective of the event was to offer a comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurship,

School of Entrepreneurship in High School of Economics, Sarajevo Read More »

BRAVO u suradnji s Ministarstvom Civilnih poslova i Nacionalnom kancelarijom za Erasmus+ organizovao Erasmus+ i ESC info dan

BRAVO, u suradnji s Ministarstvom Civilnih poslova i Nacionalnom kancelarijom za Erasmus+, uspješno je organizovala Erasmus+ i ESC info dan u zgradi Ministarstva Civilnih poslova. Ovaj događaj bio je posvećen promociji i edukaciji o mogućnostima koje pruža Erasmus+ program, s posebnim fokusom na mobilnost mladih i mogućnosti kroz Europske Snage Solidarnosti (ESC).

BRAVO u suradnji s Ministarstvom Civilnih poslova i Nacionalnom kancelarijom za Erasmus+ organizovao Erasmus+ i ESC info dan Read More »

BRAVO dolazi u Kalesiju –  Poziv za Erasmus+ Boot Camp

BRAVO u suradnji sa UG može bolje, organizuje Erasmus+ Boot Camp, koji će se fokusirati na prilike koje Erasmus+ pogram nudi. Predavač će biti Ismail Šehić koji će edukovati mlade ljude o načinima na koji se mogu uključiti u Erasmus+ programe i postati aktivne mlade osobe u lokalnoj zajednici. Erasmus+ Boot Camp je namijenjen mladima iz Kalesije i okolice, koji žele proširiti zanje, izaći na internacionalno tržište i kroz zajedničko druženje pokazati kreativnost i potencijal.

BRAVO dolazi u Kalesiju –  Poziv za Erasmus+ Boot Camp Read More »

BRAVO BiH brings you news on Erasmus+ program

National Erasmus + Office in BiH has invited us to the National Erasmus+ Information Day. This Info day was made possible with the support of organized in the cooperation with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on November the 27-28th on online zoom meeting. This info day was organized with the intention of promoting Erasmus+ program and te opportunities it gives through, higher education, youth, sport, VET, etc.

BRAVO BiH brings you news on Erasmus+ program Read More »

School of Entrepreneurship in the School of Entrepreneurship in Sarajevo

In a collaborative effort between BRAVO BiH and the Foundation of Entrepreneurs, the second School of Entrepreneurship unfolded at the High School of Business in Sarajevo on Friday December 1st, 2023. This event marked the convergence of 40 students from both the High School of Business and the High School of Economics in Sarajevo. The primary objective was to instill the entrepreneurial spirit within these young minds, offering valuable insights to foster their potential as future leaders.

School of Entrepreneurship in the School of Entrepreneurship in Sarajevo Read More »

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