Erasmus + Contact Point

Erasmus+ & ESC Info dan – Kalesija 23.11.2023.

Erasmus+ & ESC Info dan u organizaciji BRAVO i Udruženja mladih “TRIK” održat će se 23. novembra u prostorijama Udruženja mladih “TRIK” u Kalesiji. Svi zainteresirani moći će se uključiti u neformalne razgovore i dobiti širok spektar informacija o procesu registracije na Erasmus+ i ESC program, šta znači učestvovati u njemu, kako tražiti partnere ili odabrati pravo polje djelovanja.

Erasmus+ & ESC Info dan – Kalesija 23.11.2023. Read More »

Erasmus+ and ESC Info Day Tuzla

Our brilliant BRAVO Project Coordinator Marko Divković hosted an “Erasmus+ and ESC Info Day” in Tuzla on Friday, October 13th. Participants got the opportunity to find out more about both programmes, how young people can get involved in Bosnia and Herzegovina and all of the adventures that await!

Erasmus+ and ESC Info Day Tuzla Read More »

BRAVO #ErasmusDays 2023

The #ErasmusDays 2023 are officially launched and it’s time to celebrate European mobility. This seventh edition, to be held from 9 to 14 October 2023, will highlight Europe’s cultural diversity and the many learning opportunities it offers. As an event organizer, BRAVO will contribute to this edition under the theme “6 days to make Europe shine!

BRAVO #ErasmusDays 2023 Read More »

Erasmus+ Info Day

U našem BRAVO uredu, 28. septembra smo održali Info dan za Erasmus+ i ESC program. Događaju su prisustvovali mladi ljudi iz Sarajeva koji su bili zainteresirani za prijavljivanje na projekte. Ezana Ćeman je vodila diskusiju o tome šta je to Erasmus+, kako se prijaviti na BRAVO projekte

Erasmus+ Info Day Read More »

Open call for the SALTO SEE MEETING POINT – a series of educative online sessions

If you are active in the youth field in the Western Balkans or interested in cooperating with the region and have questions about the Erasmus+, the European Solidarity Corps, how to get involved and what is the role of SALTO South East Europe Resource Centre, then we urge you to register and take part in these informative online sessions!

Open call for the SALTO SEE MEETING POINT – a series of educative online sessions Read More »

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