Did you know that just in 2021 we had 120 international partners with whom we applied for 200 projects, prepared 132 projects, and send 500 people across the world? To the reader, you are probably taking these numbers just as some random numbers on the screen. However, every number has a story. Keep reading and find out more.


EQ+ post-project activities

Is the name of our organization still a mystery to you? Are we really fulfilling what the title says? Then keep reading and see why we are BRAVO. Azra, Milan and Tarik took a participation in EQ+ Emotional Intelligence Project in Samobor and this is what they say about it. Azra states the following: “This

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Volonterska priča iz Splita!

Volonterska priča iz BRAVO, Bosnian Representative Association for Voluable Opportunities, pored mnogih aktivnosti i projekata koje radi, čini mlade sretnima i to pomažući im da pronađu sebe. Srećom, BRAVO zna jednu tajnu a to je da najljepši put do pronalaska samog sebe jeste upravo radeći ono što zaista volimo i što nas čini sretnima. Tako

Volonterska priča iz Splita! Read More »

Great social entrepreneurship testimonial during the #SportDiplomacyAcademy online module

Great social entrepreneurship testimonial during the online module On 30th of September 2021 the third lecture of the online module of Sport Diplomacy Academy was delivered and it was focused on social entrepreneurship in sport in action through the sustainable model of Play More – social enterprise, based in Milan. Luigi de Micco, co-founder of

Great social entrepreneurship testimonial during the #SportDiplomacyAcademy online module Read More »

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