The final Sports Diplomacy Academy meeting

In the period 13-16 of December 2021, in Sofia, Bulgaria, the final partners meeting of Sports Diplomacy Academy was held and it gathered the organizations, implementing since 2019 the pilot initiative that is aiming to empower sports leaders from Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Italy and it delivered by Bulgarian Sports Development Association, Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO), Rijeka’s Sports Association and L’Orma SSD.

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Working with specific targets groups during the #SportDiplomacyAcademy online module

Working with specific targets groups during the online module On 21th of November 2021 a lecture of the online module of Sport Diplomacy Academy was delivered and it was focused on Working with specific target groups. The lecture of Diego Capuzzi & Bice Saccò Technician and Athlete of ASD No Limits, included multiple practical aspects

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SITTING DARTS – Final Meeting

Final international meeting of partner organizations from Turkey, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, within the project “Sitting Darts”, intended for children aged 14-18 with long-term physical, mental or sensory impairments, which do not provide effective participation in society, was held in Ankara, Turkey, from 12-14. November 2021.

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