Otvoren poziv za 10 stipendija u čast 40. godišnjice Zimskih Olimpijskih Igara 1984. u Sarajevu kroz projekat Connectowns2U

Sa velikim uzbuđenjem i ponosom objavljujemo otvaranje konkursa za dodjelu 10 stipendija mladim ljudima iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Ovaj poziv dolazi u sklopu projekta #Connectowns2U” koji ima za cilj proslavu i obilježavanje 40 godina od održavanja Zimskih Olimpijskih Igara 1984. u Sarajevu. Stipendije su namijenjene motiviranim i angažovanim mladima koji žele doprinijeti ovom značajnom događaju.

Otvoren poziv za 10 stipendija u čast 40. godišnjice Zimskih Olimpijskih Igara 1984. u Sarajevu kroz projekat Connectowns2U Read More »

Building Inclusive Communities Through Sport: “Mermaids for Inclusion” Project Mid-Term Meeting

From August 26 to 28, an impactful event took place as BRAVO proudly hosted a mid-term meeting for the “Mermaids for Inclusion” project. This project aims to create a stronger sense of inclusion and unity within societies. Leveraging the power of sports, particularly in the form of finswimming, the project aims to provide a healthy and supportive environment for socially

Building Inclusive Communities Through Sport: “Mermaids for Inclusion” Project Mid-Term Meeting Read More »

Open call for the SALTO SEE MEETING POINT – a series of educative online sessions

If you are active in the youth field in the Western Balkans or interested in cooperating with the region and have questions about the Erasmus+, the European Solidarity Corps, how to get involved and what is the role of SALTO South East Europe Resource Centre, then we urge you to register and take part in these informative online sessions!

Open call for the SALTO SEE MEETING POINT – a series of educative online sessions Read More »

#SAFESPORTEVENT – Local Testing in Bosnia and Herzegovina

As part of the SAFESPORTEVENT project, we organized a local testing in Tuzla, Sarajevo, and Mostar to evaluate the effectiveness of the safety and security protocols developed through the project. The testing involved sport managers, volunteers, and administrators who had received training and education through the project, and who were empowered to co-create and use specific protocols for safety and security at sport events.

#SAFESPORTEVENT – Local Testing in Bosnia and Herzegovina Read More »

Celebrating the Success of Our Multiplayer Event – A Digital Tribute to Traditional Sports and Games

We recently wrapped up an extraordinary Multiplayer Event as part of the significant [2020-1-TR01-KA227-YOU-098437] project, aimed at the Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of Traditional Sports and Games. This event marked a milestone in our mission to bridge the gap between our cultural heritage and the advancements of the digital era.

Celebrating the Success of Our Multiplayer Event – A Digital Tribute to Traditional Sports and Games Read More »

Erasmus+ Youth Workshop/Info Day – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

BRAVO organizacija kao kontakt tačka za Erasmus + program u suradnji s Nacionalnim Erasmus + uredom u Bosni i Hercegovini je povodom Svjetskog dana volontera 05.12.2022. u Sarajevu organizovala Erasmus + info/workshop dan s ciljem edukacije predstavnika organizacija u BiH iz različitih oblasti djelovanja o prilikama unutar Erasmus + programa kao i ostalih programa Evropske Unije.

Erasmus+ Youth Workshop/Info Day – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Read More »

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