International Meeting #Train4Family in Sicily: Enhancing Inclusion Through Sports and Healthy Nutrition

The international meeting for the #Train4Family project took place on October 11-12, 2024, in Palermo, Italy, bringing together representatives from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Turkey, Slovenia, Spain, and Italy. This collaborative gathering aimed to evaluate project progress, exchange good practices, and outline the next steps in promoting sports

International Meeting #Train4Family in Sicily: Enhancing Inclusion Through Sports and Healthy Nutrition Read More »

Transnational Project Meeting in Antalya – ”Traditional Sport and Games’’

On June 27th, partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lithuania, and Turkey gathered in Antalya for the final transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Developing Academic Educational Tools and Methods of Traditional Sport and Games for Youth.” As the project concludes this year, this meeting marked the last gathering of the involved organizations.

Transnational Project Meeting in Antalya – ”Traditional Sport and Games’’ Read More »

Cooperation Sport4All Workshop

On May 30, 2023, BRAVO (Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities) marked another milestone with a successful workshop at Sportska gimnazija in Sarajevo. This event, part of the “Cooperation Sports 4 All” project, was a remarkable opportunity to engage and educate the youth of Sarajevo.

Cooperation Sport4All Workshop Read More »

Fin swimming in Bosnia and Herzegovina – What do we know about it?

Even though fin swimming still hasn’t become a widely recognized sport in BiH, it is surely growing its impact and popularity by stealing hearts of many. It is slowly finding its place, attracting people with its mix of fitness and underwater exploration. The Erasmus+ project “Mermaids for Inclusion” plays an important role in promoting the sport of fin swimming.

Fin swimming in Bosnia and Herzegovina – What do we know about it? Read More »

Second Midterm Transnational Project Meeting – “Mermaids for Inclusion”

From April 19th – April 21st, 2024, the project consortium for the “Mermaids for Inclusion” project met in Pristina, Kosovo for the Second Midterm Transnational Project Meeting. BRAVO members Ezana Ćeman and Yllka Totaj were joined by their partners from Finswimming Team “KOMET” from Croatia, AKADIMOS KEK from Greece, and hosted by Swim Club “OTRILA” from Kosovo.

Second Midterm Transnational Project Meeting – “Mermaids for Inclusion” Read More »

Empowering the future through the project Women4Sport: Gain exclusive insights into the first consortium meeting!

BRAVO recognizes the importance of empowering women and thus, we always try to incorporate such positive practices into our daily work. Therefore, we are thrilled to announce the start of one beautiful story that will begin to be written through the Erasmus+ project ‘’Women4Sports’’. You probably didn’t know that women in sports in the Western Balkans generally earn less than men.

Empowering the future through the project Women4Sport: Gain exclusive insights into the first consortium meeting! Read More »


U cilju ostvarivanja što boljih rezultata našeg projekta, veliki akcenat je stavljen na istraživanje područija sporta za djecu. Konkretno, u kojim dječijim grupama postoji diskriminacija i manjak inkluzivnosti. Sve podatke prikupljene iz Bosne i Herzegovine, Srbije, Crne Gore I Bugarske (naših partnerskih država) bit će uvršten u naučni rad. Naše istraživanje se zasniva na anketama koje će da popunajvaju treneri, nastavnici, članovi sportskih klubova


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