This soft skills training is designed for young people who are already freelancers, entrepreneurs, digital nomads (or those aspiring to become digital nomads), and those who wish to improve their entrepreneurial mindset. A one-day hackathon may be included in the program depending on the group composition, participant needs, and existing dynamics.

The MAKE AMAZING VISUALS project aims to provide youth workers, educators, and trainers with the skills needed to enhance their visual communication techniques. The training focuses on creating impactful visuals that can simplify complex ideas, making them more accessible and engaging for all audiences.

The Visual Youth Exchange in Balatonszárszó, Hungary, is an eight-day event that helps young people use visual storytelling and creativity to express themselves and share their ideas. The project gives participants the chance to build skills in using visual tools and working with others from different countries.

"My time in the Erasmus+ program “Make every step count“ in Italy was truly transformative. From savoring delicious Italian cuisine, like pizza, pasta, and cheese, to connecting with wonderful people from diverse countries. Every moment was truly enriching. I had the opportunity to learn bits of different languages and immerse myself in traditional cultural dances."

The main objectives of this Youth Exchange are to equip participants with tools to promote human rights in rural communities, increase awareness of human rights in daily life, and encourage active participation in defending these rights. Additionally, the program aims to develop advocacy, communication, and project management skills, supporting participants in creating actionable plans for their local communities.

This soft skills training is designed for young people who are already freelancers, entrepreneurs, digital nomads (or those aspiring to become digital nomads), and those who wish to improve their entrepreneurial mindset. A one-day hackathon may be included in the program depending on the group composition, participant needs, and existing dynamics.

Ministarstvo civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine, u saradnji sa Erasmus+ uredom za Bosnu i Hercegovinu i BRAVO organizacijom, organizira „Erasmus+ info dan u Bosni i Hercegovini 2024“, s ciljem promocije mogućnosti koje Erasmus+ program nudi u oblasti obrazovanja, obuke, mladih i sporta.

"The youth exchange in Graz on the occasion of the Urban Art Festival Styria was a truly freeing experience of days filled with creativity, dance and laughter. It is really a difficult task to capture such an enriching and creatively fulfilling exchange in just a few paragraphs. Upon our arrival, we engaged in ice-breaker activities to get to know each other, followed by two full days of exploring the city of Graz."

The NGO Video Lab project is focused on educating youth workers in NGOs to master the skills of creating engaging video content. The goal is to equip youth workers with modern promotional strategies and video content to reach more young people, increasing their involvement in NGO activities.

"I felt that I had gained a relationship with people of great trust, with people with whom I can always have a good time, talk about important topics and finally continue our story of friendship. I can say for sure that this was the best Erasmus+ program from my experience and active volunteering, and I thank all the people who made this experience possible and all those who contributed to making this the best Erasmus+ program for me so far."

This soft skills training is designed for young people who are already freelancers, entrepreneurs, digital nomads (or those aspiring to become digital nomads), and those who wish to improve their entrepreneurial mindset. A one-day hackathon may be included in the program depending on the group composition, participant needs, and existing dynamics.

BRAVO is working hard to prepare for the upcoming youth exchange in Bosnia and Herzegovina in November 2024 for the Second Chance Project! From November 18 to November 26, 25 young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Egypt, Sweden, and Albania will gather in Sarajevo to continue learning about the fashion industry and to expand their practical skillsets in a collaborative environment!

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