BDC – The impact of digital literacy on teaching and learning in higher education

Digital literacy plays a significant role in the dynamic world of higher education and therefore represents one of the essential skills in today’s modern environment. Developments in technology are opening possibilities and challenges for learning and teaching with a tendency to significantly change ways of teaching and learning

BDC – The impact of digital literacy on teaching and learning in higher education Read More »

Meet the ambassadors of healthy digital use! Who are they and what is their goal?

The social media campaign ”The Ambassadors of Healthy Digital Use” is an initiative taken under the Erasmus+ project ”Becoming Digitally Conscious”. This campaign is being led by young change-makers who have taken part in Youth Exchange in Berlin, Germany. By taking part in this Youth Exchange that aimed to address such a crucial subject,

Meet the ambassadors of healthy digital use! Who are they and what is their goal? Read More »

BDC Project Local Activities in Tuzla

The „Becoming Digitally Conscious“ lokal workshop took place on the 21st of August in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The local workshop gathered participants who were eager to extend their knowledge about digital devices and their implementation in education and in everyday life. The workshop was held by two BRAVO members, who are also educators.

BDC Project Local Activities in Tuzla Read More »

Lokalna radionica ”Becoming Digitally Conscious” u Tuzli

U svrhu implementiranja priče projekta ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’, BRAVO dolazi u Tuzlu! Naime, lokalna radionica ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’ će se održati 21.08. u prostorijama visokoškolske ustanove Univerziteta FINra. Sa porastom popularnosti ChatGPT-a i vještačke inteligencije, smatramo da krucijalno edukovati mlade ljude o digitalizaciji, sigurnosti na internetu i zdravim navikama korištenja digitalnih uređaja.

Lokalna radionica ”Becoming Digitally Conscious” u Tuzli Read More »

The role of (non-formal) education in enhancing digital consciousness among Bosnian youth

In today’s digital age, where technology exists in every aspect of our lives, nurturing responsible digital citizens has become an essential task for societies worldwide. Bosnia and Herzegovina, like many other countries, faces the challenge of ensuring that its youth develop a high level of digital consciousness – a balanced understanding of digital tools, ethical awareness, and responsible online behavior.

The role of (non-formal) education in enhancing digital consciousness among Bosnian youth Read More »

”Becoming Digitally Conscious” local workshop was held in Zenica

On the 24th of July, a new chapter in the story of the ‘’Becoming Digitally Conscious’’ project was written. The local workshop was held in Zenica and it gathered 28 young people who were eager to gain new knowledge and become the drivers for positive change. The main goal of the workshop was to raise awareness among participants about healthy digital usage and equip them with knowledge

”Becoming Digitally Conscious” local workshop was held in Zenica Read More »

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