In the Shoes of Roma Students AHEAD and BRAVOs Empowering Journey Against Discrimination

The AHEAD project, is a beacon of hope for Roma students, striving to eradicate discrimination and promote inclusive education. Through insightful interviews with Elvira Softić, a dedicated graduate in German language and literature, we gain a glimpse into the challenges faced by Roma students in higher education and the transformative power of initiatives like AHEAD organized by BRAVO.

In the Shoes of Roma Students AHEAD and BRAVOs Empowering Journey Against Discrimination Read More »

The Vital Role of NGOs in Supporting Immigrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country nestled in the heart of the Balkans, has witnessed a significant influx of immigrants in recent years. These newcomers face numerous challenges as they seek refuge and hope for a better life. Now we will explore the pivotal role that Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play in providing essential support and assistance to immigrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Vital Role of NGOs in Supporting Immigrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina Read More »

Poziv na Erasmus+ radionicu u Zenici

Ukoliko si mlada osoba iz Zenice, onda te pozivamo da nam se pridružiš na Erasmus+ radionici koja će se održati 18.11. Učešćem na ovoj radionici, naučit ćeš više o ljudskim pravima, različitim formama diskriminacije i efikasnim načinima promicanja jednakosti u svim aspektima našeg društva. Nažalost, živimo u svijetu gdje je jednakost samo pojam, kako se mnogi ljudi na dnevnoj bazi sureću sa diskriminacijom i predrasudama.

Poziv na Erasmus+ radionicu u Zenici Read More »

Open Call for 60 Participants for AHEAD Local Training – Extended Call

AHEAD project aims to promote between youngsters non–discrimination and to combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance against Roma and other Ethnic minorities (mostly migrants). Partners jointly work on innovative good practice approaches, human rights-based narratives, training, official regular meetings, and European awareness raising campaigns.

Open Call for 60 Participants for AHEAD Local Training – Extended Call Read More »

Local Workshop in Tuzla – AHEAD

On the 9th of September, a local workshop on the topic of human rights was held in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The workshop aimed to educate participants about human rights and foster interactive discussions on this crucial subject. Organized by BRAVO, the event successfully brought together a diverse group of individuals who shared a common interest in human rights advocacy.

Local Workshop in Tuzla – AHEAD Read More »

Anti – Roma narrative and its connection to mental health

The Roma people deal with a variety of difficulties on a daily basis. They are not given the chance to communicate about their problems, particularly those that relate to their mental health, and their general health and well-being are neglected. The intense prejudice and discrimination that the Roma people experience has undoubtedly a significant impact on their mental health.

Anti – Roma narrative and its connection to mental health Read More »

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