The MYndTheater project seeks to promote mental health in youth through the forum theater methodology against the threats of the digital environments, developing key skills in young people such as Knowledge skills, Life skills, Psycho-emotional skills and Practical skills. To reach this objective, the project will carry out the following activities:
- Desk Research and Data Collection, Qualitative Research and Exchange of best practices (Outputs: guidelines about research, research paper about desk research report about qualitative research and collection of best practices)
- E-learning course and Transnational training meeting in Serbia (Outputs: guidelines selection of participants, training program, guidelines to the preparation of e-learning course, e-learning course, e-learning platform, training materials e-learning course, e-learning course, evaluation of e-learning course, agenda and training program of training meeting, training report and evaluation of training meeting)
- Capacity building meeting in Albania and Virtual Forum Theater Lab (Outputs: Virtual Forum Theater Lab platform, virtual forum theater exchanges, report on methodology, CBY meeting program, agenda and info pack, report on meeting’s activities, catalogue of games) - Forum Theater (from virtual to real): Staging in real settings and Workshop Program (Outputs: Forum Theater Guidelines, local Workshop, report “MYndTheater” Handbook).
Impact and Target: 28 youth workers (4 from each country) will participate in the Training and Capacity Budling Program and they will be the facilitators of the Virtual Forum Theater Lab; 42 additional youth workers from each country (6 per each country) will to acquire the developed methodology trough VTFL; At least 210 young people (30 from each country) will participate in the workshops and local performances; 105 local stakeholders contribute to the project.
- Desk Research and Data Collection, Qualitative Research and Exchange of best practices (Outputs: guidelines about research, research paper about desk research report about qualitative research and collection of best practices)
- E-learning course and Transnational training meeting in Serbia (Outputs: guidelines selection of participants, training program, guidelines to the preparation of e-learning course, e-learning course, e-learning platform, training materials e-learning course, e-learning course, evaluation of e-learning course, agenda and training program of training meeting, training report and evaluation of training meeting)
- Capacity building meeting in Albania and Virtual Forum Theater Lab (Outputs: Virtual Forum Theater Lab platform, virtual forum theater exchanges, report on methodology, CBY meeting program, agenda and info pack, report on meeting’s activities, catalogue of games) - Forum Theater (from virtual to real): Staging in real settings and Workshop Program (Outputs: Forum Theater Guidelines, local Workshop, report “MYndTheater” Handbook).
Impact and Target: 28 youth workers (4 from each country) will participate in the Training and Capacity Budling Program and they will be the facilitators of the Virtual Forum Theater Lab; 42 additional youth workers from each country (6 per each country) will to acquire the developed methodology trough VTFL; At least 210 young people (30 from each country) will participate in the workshops and local performances; 105 local stakeholders contribute to the project.