Recognizing the impending danger to such heritage, the World Ethnosport Confederation (WEC) steps forward, committed to preserving, promoting, and transmitting these age-old traditions to future generations.
The project underscores the dire need for international collaboration to bring these traditional activities to the limelight, emphasizing the dual imperatives of both preservation and adaptation, especially in a digital age.
With the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic further highlighting the urgency of digital transitions, this initiative aims not only to keep the traditions alive but also to integrate them into contemporary settings, ensuring they remain relevant and accessible for young individuals today.

Meet the Developing Academic Education Tools and Methods of Traditional Sports and Games for Youth CONSORTIUM
The World Ethnosport Confederation is an international institution that acts to increase the recognition and popularity of traditional sports and games. It was established in 2015 with its headquarters in Istanbul.

LTT 2: Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of TraditionalSports and Games – Kaunas, Lithuania
We continued our talks on young people in digital era with young people through our 2nd LTT under the name of Barrier-Free Traditional Sports and Games in the city that has a planet named after it – Kaunas (Lithuania) from 20th to 26th of September.

TPM 2: Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of Traditional Sports and Games – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
We marked the beginning of September with a 3-day meeting within the project Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of Traditional Sports and Games in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina from 15th to 18th of September. Main aim of this meeting was to gather partners to discuss and share about the progress in partner countries in regards to the implementation of the project.

LTT 1: Development of Digital Platforms and Applications for the Revival of Traditional Sports and Games – Trondheim, Norway
First Learning Teaching Training under the name of “Green and Digital Skills” within the project was held in the beautiful Trondheim, Norway from 10th to 16th of July. This was a chance for both project consortium and young people from all partner countries to come together and dive into the topic of emerging digital world.

The Kick-off Meeting for the “Developing Academic Education Tools and Methods of Traditional Sports and Games for Youth”
The Kick-off Meeting for the “Developing Academic Education Tools and Methods of Traditional Sports and Games for Youth” project was recently held at the World Ethnosport Confederation (WEC) Headquarters in Istanbul. This meeting marked the successful initiation of the project, which aims to develop academic education tools and methods to promote traditional sports and games among young people.