Second Transnational Meeting in Portugal, Lisbon “EU on the Move”

Second Transnational Meeting in Portugal, Lisbon One of the specific objectives pursued by the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of sport is to raise the awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity, through increased participation in. With EU on the Move project, we want to address this topic because physical inactivity became not only

Second Transnational Meeting in Portugal, Lisbon “EU on the Move” Read More »


INTERNATIONAL BOOST MEETING IN On 06.06.2021 in Sofia, Bulgaria, the first meeting of the project “BOOST-Boosting Outstanding Omnicompetent Successful Talents” was held – a 24-month strategic partnership, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, which aims to create new learning and personal development opportunities for young people in Europe by providing interactive educational


National Amateur Bocce Competition for Children and Seniors – 29.05.2021 in Sarajevo

In the past two months Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities was successful in realizing multiple amateur competitions in bocce, across Bosnia and Herzegovina. After completing local contests and selection of winners – it’s time for national competition in Sarajevo! “Bocce for everyone” is an Erasmus plus Sport project supported and promoted by the European Commission. The main goal is sports and

National Amateur Bocce Competition for Children and Seniors – 29.05.2021 in Sarajevo Read More »


Projekt #SafeSPORTevent stiže nam u veoma izazovnim vremenima za Europu i cijeli svijet, kada je glavni cilj Europske komisije sigurnost svih učesnika Erasmus + i Europskih Snaga Solidarnosti programa, te iznad svega – zaštita od svih daljnjih sličnih izazova koji bi se mogli pojaviti u budućnosti. Glavni cilj #SafeSPORTevent –a  je zaštititi sportaše- posebno najmlađe-

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#SafeSPORTevent started with online partners meeting

On 16th of February 2021 the partners of #SafeSPORTevent have gathered online to discuss project activities, administration, implementation and reporting of projects in the field of sports, as well as the opportunities for implementation of activities in time of pandemic COVID-19. #SafeSPORTevent project comes in very challenging times for Europe and the world. European Commission’s

#SafeSPORTevent started with online partners meeting Read More »

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