Open call for 5 participants for “NOVEL HEROES AGAİNST THE HATE SPEECH” Youth Exchange in Sakarya, Turkey


  • Duration of the project: 05.2021 – 29.05.2021.

  • Hosting organization: Karasu Gençlik, Sanat Ve Spor Kulübü Derneği

  • Sending organization: BRAVO

  • Place: Sakarya, Turkey

  • Participants age: 16+

  • The number of participants: 5

  • Working language: English

  • Deadline for applying: 03.2021.

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects only the view of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus Plus rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.


With our project, we aim to raise awareness and combat hate speech, religious divisions, racism and marginality. We wish to encourage participants in developing empathy by modeling and presenting lives of novel heroes and examples from history. By using this approach, our primary goal is to present people with specific and tangible outputs of combating hate speech. For this reason, the partners we choose are organizations from countries in political conflicts with each other. This will help us to discuss hate speech at the most extreme point. The hate speech data we collect and the discussions which will be held enable young people to learn directly about the events happening now or ones which happened in the past. This is expected to have a positive impact on the youth and their environment. The studies will prevent people interested in the project from supporting hate speech.


  • To emphasize tolerance against marginality,
  • To improve empathy,
  • To develop attitudes towards hate speech with examples from the past using Roman heroes,
  • To examine the common histories and common cultures of neighbor countries and to reveal common values,
  • To analyze the problems that push people to marginality and discuss the solutions,
  • To investigate the hatred revealed through the media in the countries and to listen to the truth directly from the citizens of that country,
  • To identify the difference between critical thinking and planting seeds of hate, and encourage young people to think critically,
  • To send social messages to the third parties through the use of novel heroes against marginality with their slogans, posters, logos and stand activities about tolerance,
  • To be able to discuss hate speech and solutions with the activities such as presentations, interviews, brainstorming and critical thinking which will be prepared during the project preparation process.
  • To enable young people to empathize and to get rid of prejudices through “if you were him/her” session and drama activity,
  • To eliminate prejudice and xenophobia in different religions and races.


  • Food and accommodation will be provided and paid by the organizer.
  • The cost for your travel will be covered by the EU financing. Maximum of 275€ per participant is intended for Romania, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.
  • Please prepare your participants lists.
  • For the travel reimbursement, every participant has to keep all of the tickets and invoices!


  • Highly motivated
  • Knowledge of English language (sufficient to establish communication)
  • Enthusiastic and open to learn and develop
  • Open-minded and friendly
  • Hard-working and motivated
  • Open for travelling
  • Interested in combating hate speech
  • Ready to take active participation in Youth Exchange activities
  • Human lovers


Karasu Gençlik, Sanat ve Spor Kulübu Derneği association was established in 2010 in Sakarya as a Youth and Sports Association by volunteer teachers. Our association, was acting locally until 2014 when we started to focus on international studies as well. Within this scope, international studies started with youth projects and progressed towards sports projects as the capacity of our association increased. In this process, the number of volunteers increased significantly. Initially, our volunteers consisted of high school and university students.  After starting sports projects, our organization became rich with coaches, teachers and academicians. Moreover, our association was the Eurodesk Turkey Contact Point in 2019.

Some of the works Karasu Association has done in this process are:

  • Basketball course for children between the ages of 8-12,
  • Futsal team (active in international tournaments)
  • Bocce team,
  • Local volleyball team
  • Organization of beach sports in Karasu,
  • Traditional game sharing days,
  • Folk dances,
  • Concerts and street festivals
  • Trekking activities,
  • Food days to introduce traditional healthy meals,
  • Environmental cleaning activities,
  • Designing artistic products from waste materials,
  • Information on climate change,
  • Energy efficiency awareness studies,
  • Erasmus + and project writing seminars within the scope of Eurodesk,

Under the leadership of Gülçin Çar, vice president of our association, we are doing graffiti studies as well. In this area, trainings are given to young people and students. Instrument courses are lead by our music teacher Mehmet Yıldız and Kemençe instructor Mehmet Yavuz.

Participants also regularly perform folk dances with İsmail Hakkı Yavuzyiğit, a folk dance instructor. We participate in many international competitions and festivals with our folk dance team called Stars of the North.

Our association also carries out works combining art with environment cleaning. In this context, we organize activities designed to make materials go from waste to art. We make recyclable materials suitable for use with artistic touches. In this regard, we conducted the Erasmus + Youth Exchange project ‘Touch, Change, Live’.

As an association, we believe that these activities and projects contribute greatly to the personal development of young people and students; therefore, we encourage them to participate in these projects every year.


Asset Based Community Development Innovation Center – ARMENIA

Modern Youth Public Union – AZERBAIJAN


Hellas For Us – GREECE

All Together – ROMANIA

Klub Za Osnaživanje Mladih 2018 Udruženje – SERBIA

Currency information

Turkish national monetary unit is LİRA (TL).

Exchange rate: 1 EUR = 6,6 Turkish Liras

(We advise you to exchange only 15 to 20 Euros at the airport in Turkey just to be able to reach our city since they have high rates of commission. Later on, we will help you here to exchange more whenever you wish.)

Sakarya city

Sakarya, formerly Adapazarı, city, northwestern Turkey. It lies in a fertile plain west of the Sakarya River, situated along the old military road from Istanbul to the west. The region came under Ottoman control in the early 14th century, and the city acquired its present name at the end of the 18th century.

Sakarya is an agricultural and industrial center. It is connected by a branch line to the main railway system of Anatolia, by which its wheat, tobacco, fruits, and vegetables are transported to the Istanbul markets. The city has a large sugar beet processing plant. A stone bridge that was built during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I is the only surviving ancient monument. Pop. (2000) 283,752; (2013 est.) 439,602.

Sakarya (Turkish: Sakarya ili) is a province in Turkey, located on the coast of Black Sea. The Sakarya River creates a webbing of estuaries in the province. Sakarya is located in the Marmara Region. Its adjacent provinces are Kocaeli to the west, Bilecik to the south, Bolu to the southeast, and Düzce to the east.

The capital of Sakarya is Adapazarı. The climate is oceanic due to its close proximity to the Black Sea.

Sakarya is situated on the Ankara-Istanbul Highway. It is connected through both road and rail. Sakarya is serviced by Istanbul’s Sabiha Gökçen International Airport. The current mayor of Sakarya is Ekrem Yüce as of 2019.(AKP). The city of Sakarya, one of the most important cities in Turkey for its rapid growth and development, is also attention-worthy for its natural beauties and cultural richness. It is one of the paradise-like spots of the country with its sea, beaches, lakes, rivers, highlands, thermal springs along with traditional Ottoman lifestyle districts such as Taraklı and Geyve, and historical relics inherited from the Byzantine and Ottoman eras that are worth witnessing.

The Turks conquered the city of Sakarya in the 13th century. There was intensive immigration from Caucasia and the Balkans in the 18th and 19th centuries. The last massive immigration was in 1989. Thanks to the developing industry and being at a transportation crossroads, the city still receives domestic migration today. Sakarya is notable in the Marmara Region.

The city of Sakarya is surrounded with the city of Düzce in the East, Bolu in the South East, Bilecik in the South, Kocaeli in the West and the Black Sea in the North. The city of Sakarya has 16 districts which are; Adapazarı, Akyazı, Arifiye, Erenler, Ferizli, Geyve, Hendek, Karapürçek, Karasu, Kaynarca, Kocaali, Pamukova, Sapanca, Serdivan, Söğütlü and Taraklı.

How to apply?

  1. Complete the BRAVO- APPLICATION in English title as following ”name of the project you are applying for” until 23:59 on deadline day.

  2. Deadline for applying: 01.03.2021.

  3. PARTICIPATION FEE: 25 € (for supporting hosting organization and PCR tests)

  4. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at:

If you have any questions feel free to contact BRAVO TEAM

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